Chapter 357: Family Time (2)
Tang Shishi looked at the yellowed paper with traces of tears dripping on it, which must have been left by her uncle Ling Weiguo back then, and she was in a complicated mood for a while.

Unexpectedly, what happened back then was like this, and Grandma Tang and Uncle Tang had encountered these things before. No wonder Uncle Tang hated and rejected Grandpa Ling so much. It turned out that it was not only because he misunderstood Grandma Tang, but more importantly, because Uncle Ling Weiguo's mother once humiliated them and hunted them down.

With a long sigh of relief, Tang Shishi closed the notebook, and suddenly felt that the notebook in her hand was extremely heavy. She recalled that on the day of Grandpa Ling's birthday banquet, Ling Weiguo pointed at Tang Guoduan before he died, and said several emotionally. "You", at the time she didn't understand why Ling Weihui was so excited, but now she finally understands.

"Grandpa, I will send this diary to Uncle Tang. I will tell him exactly what you want to convey. But, give Uncle Tang a little time. After all, I have lived in hatred for so many years. Knowing that this is a misunderstanding, I'm afraid he won't accept it so easily for a while." Tang Shishi tried her best to speak tactfully to Mrs. Ling, but in fact, she can now fully predict that Uncle Tang will be so happy after seeing this diary. Performance.

"Girl! Thank you, Grandpa!" Hearing Tang Shishi say this, old master Ling almost burst into tears.Unexpectedly, after living for so many years, such an older son would suddenly appear, which made him both overjoyed and guilty.

"This is what I should do." Tang Shishi smiled, actually feeling sorry for Mrs. Ling in his heart. In fact, his heart has been even more difficult these years.

"Girl, I heard that your brother's name is Tang Yuan, right? Tell Grandpa about him." Old Master Ling changed the subject and said expectantly.

"He? According to my grandma Tang, he is a debt collector!" Hearing Mrs. Ling mention Tang Yuan, Tang Shishi opened up the chatter box, telling Tang Yuan's embarrassing things when he was a child, one by one, detail by detail. Listen to Mrs. Ling.

Old Master Ling listened with great interest, but Tang Shishi saw that every time she said that Tang Yuan was punished by Uncle Tang's family for doing something wrong, Old Master Ling frowned, obviously disapproving, Tang Shishi couldn't help feeling With a smile, I knew that Grandpa Ling was distressed.

The atmosphere in the living room was finally not so dull, there would be one or two cheerful laughter from time to time, and the voice of Mrs. Ling's emotion, such as: "This brat is really not a worry!"; Skinny like a monkey spirit!" said.

Unknowingly, a few hours had passed, and it was time for lunch. Mrs. Ling asked Tang Shishi to stay for dinner.

Tang Shishi nodded in agreement, and after knowing that the cook at home was on vacation, she slandered in her heart that she was not supposed to be kept for dinner, it was clearly premeditated to let her cook for lunch.

However, she didn't reject going to the kitchen, and she nodded her head in agreement under Old Master Ling's praying eyes.

Seeing that Tang Shishi agreed, Mrs. Ling let go of her heart slightly nervously, and then insisted that Tang Shishi also cook him a scientific and nutritious meal like the old man Wei Jun did. Mr. Jun is envious and jealous.

Tang Shishi didn't object, she did everything, and she originally planned to cook some meals suitable for Mrs. Ling.

Every time Tang Shishi enters the kitchen of Ling's house, she always has a feeling. This old man is worthy of running a hotel. The kitchen at home is like a big kitchen in a five-star hotel. Standing in the kitchen, Tang Shishi feels that she is in a special mood. It was bright and bright, and my hands were itchy for a while, and I cooked several dishes.

After calling Grandpa Jun and explaining the situation, Grandpa Jun naturally complained bitterly and jealously. Tang Shishi listened carefully, knowing that this was also a kind of joy for the two old people to adjust their lives.

After finishing the meal, Tang Shishi called Xiao Li who had been guarding the car all the time to come in, and everyone had dinner together.

After a meal, everyone was very happy, and the old lady Ling was particularly happy. He ate half a bowl of rice more than usual, with a satisfied smile on his face all the time, and after being satisfied, he also felt a lot of emotion.

Unexpectedly, I strongly opposed it from the beginning, and experienced the real family happiness from Tang Shishi, who was not pleasing to the eye.

Geng Changsheng seldom spoke, but after seeing all this, he felt happy for Old Master Ling.

In the afternoon, Tang Shishi went to Huibo Garden.

Tang Guoduan was very happy to see Tang Shishi coming to Cai Xiaofen. Although he often talked on the phone and met Mrs. Ling during his birthday banquet, it had been a long time since they sat together and talked intimately.

After the two old men asked Tang Shishi for a while, Tang Guoduan sensitively sensed that the girl Tang Shishi had something on her mind. She was hesitant to speak a few times, her eyes became defensive, and her expression turned cold slightly.

Besides that person, who else could send Tang Shishi over at this time?

Tang Shishi noticed that Tang Guoduan's expression was wrong, hesitated again and again, but still bit the bullet, and took out Ling Weiguo's diary.

"What is this?" Tang Guoduan frowned and asked seriously.

"Uncle, this is Uncle's diary." Tang Shishi was a little scared in her heart, Uncle Tang was not very angry, but every time he turned cold, she felt that her calves couldn't help but tremble!

"Take it away! Don't dirty my place!" Tang Guoduan heard that it was Ling Weiguo's diary, and his voice suddenly turned cold several times: "Live your life well with Ling Rui, is this something you can intervene in?"

"Uncle, there's the truth of the year. I know you've been having trouble in your heart all these years, but..." Tang Shishi had expected Tang Guoduan to have such an attitude, but she still had difficulty speaking.

"Just a broken diary can prove the truth and falsehood? I told you not to meddle in this matter!" Tang Guoduan glared at Tang Shishi fiercely, and interrupted Tang Shishi's words sharply, with an attitude that had never been rude before. .

Tang Shishi's small body shrank involuntarily. She adores Ling Rui very much now. That night, she persuaded her uncle to attend Grandpa Ling's birthday banquet with a few words. What trick did that guy use?Could it be that he gave uncle an ecstasy?
"Auntie, why is Tang Yuan so busy recently, every time I come here, I don't see anyone!" Tang Shishi was afraid to lean against Cai Xiaofen, and quickly changed the subject.

Stared at by Tang Guoduan, Tang Shishi felt her scalp go numb.

"Don't talk about you, I haven't seen him a few times these days. Every time I call, I say that I'm too busy with work. I don't even have a girlfriend for such a big man. I know that I hold a computer every day. Can a computer be a girlfriend?!" As soon as Tang Yuan was mentioned, Cai Xiaofen complained to Tang Shishi while secretly winking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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