Chapter 358: Family Time (3)
She just watched her husband get angry, and she didn't dare to intervene. These days, Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu have come several times, and every time Mrs. Ling is mentioned, the old man always speaks harshly and viciously, making the scene really embarrassing.

Tang Shishi smiled, knowing that her aunt could not help.The two chatted about Tang Yuan again. She knew that her aunt was actually worried that Tang Yuan would be exhausted. Their pursuit of material life was never too high, and what they valued most was a safe and happy life for the family.

Therefore, no matter how great the Ling family is, it is impossible for them to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors just because of this.

"Men, when they were young, they wanted to venture out." Tang Shishi spoke for Tang Yuan: "I heard that their online game company is doing well, and Ling Rui said it has great potential for development."

"What kind of online game company, in my opinion, is to teach other people's children not to do their jobs, and they are all focused on playing games, how can they go to school!" Cai Xiaofen said disapprovingly.

This is also what she has always been uneasy about. She always feels that Tang Yuan's career is not a legitimate one, and she will mislead her children.

"Auntie, this is an online society now. Not all students play online games. Many people who work in companies and older people also play. Many people rely on games to relieve the pressure of real life, because there is such a demand. Only then can there be corresponding development." Tang Shishi knew that Aunt Tang's ideas were still very old-fashioned, so she patiently explained to her.

"I don't understand these things, but I know he is hooked by the computer every day!" Aunt Tang still complained a little after hearing Tang Shishi's words: "Your Uncle Tang and I will go there in a few days, and he doesn't Know how to take time to hang out with us."

"I can go with my aunt!" Tang Shishi immediately volunteered when she heard that Cai Xiaofen wanted to go shopping, "I am much more familiar with this place than Tang Yuan!"

"But your body..." It's not that Cai Xiaofen never thought about letting Tang Shishi take her for a stroll, but she was concerned about Tang Shishi's body, so she dismissed the idea. After hearing what Tang Shishi said today, her mind became alive again , when she goes back to City C in two days, she always wants to buy some specialty products and share them with everyone.

"It's alright, I have a good foundation, I'm not as weak as you think!" Tang Shishi assured.

So Tang Shishi went shopping with Cai Xiaofen, Tang Guoduan said that he was tired, and with Xiao Li following him, he would not join in the fun!
Tang Shishi and Cai Xiaofen went out decisively. Before leaving, Tang Shishi wanted to remind Uncle Tang to read the diary, but was stopped by Cai Xiaofen's wink.

After getting into the car, Tang Shishi couldn't wait to ask: "Auntie, do you think my uncle will read that diary?"

"Maybe? I don't know for sure. Your uncle is very insistent on this matter. Don't worry about it. Just wait for him to figure it out." Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi with a puzzled expression, and relieved her.

"Auntie, I called Grandpa Ling over here today. I heard him tell a lot about Grandma Tang's past, and after reading Uncle's diary, I feel that Grandpa Ling is really pitiful!" Tang Shishi leaned on Cai Xiaofen's shoulder faintly He said: "He also asked a lot about Tang Yuan, and I told him all about it. In order to repay his kindness, he married his uncle's mother. Who knew that she was already pregnant when she got married. In the society at that time, such a This incident is such a humiliation to a man, but Grandpa Ling didn't say anything, and instead regarded his uncle as his own. Such a person, no matter what he said, is at least an open-minded person. Uncle and his mother He has been kept in the dark about the things he did back then. Now... In short, I just feel that after so many years, no matter whether uncle forgives Grandpa Ling in the end, these misunderstandings must be cleared up. He is quite old, and his health is not good, so we can't let him regret it for the rest of his life."

"Aunt knows! It's not like you don't know about your uncle's temper. If there is a chance, Aunt will persuade him to order." Cai Xiaofen said and patted Tang Shishi on the shoulder.

"Auntie, you're so kind!" Tang Shishi stretched out her arms to hug Cai Xiaofen as she said, rubbing her small head against her body, and said coquettishly, "It's been a long time since I hugged my aunt like this, and my aunt's arms are still so warm, and there are so many beautiful things everywhere." Mother's smell."

After reading Ling Weiguo's diary, in fact, what touched her the most was the tolerant heart of Mrs. Ling, which reminded her of Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang who also treated her as her own.

"Go, go, go! Don't make me happy, you little heartless bastard, you are the same as Tang Yuan, if your wings are stiff, you will be far away from me and your uncle!" Cai Xiaofen pretended to be displeased He poked Tang Shishi's forehead with a resentful tone.

"No! No matter how far I go, I will always think of my uncle and aunt in my heart." Tang Shishi hastily denied, and at the same time, she also reviewed herself, feeling that she was not doing well enough at this stage. Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang came to B She has been in the city for so long, and she hasn't had a good walk with the second elder.It is indeed too unfilial!

"It's gross! I'm not afraid of being laughed at!" Cai Xiaofen said while looking at Xiao Li who was driving in front of her.

It was only then that Tang Shishi remembered that she was sitting in the car, with a slight blushing on her face, she sat upright, but still hugged Cai Xiaofen's arm affectionately.

Tang Shishi and Cai Xiaofen walked around the mall for several hours, bought a lot of things, including gifts for the neighbors, and Xiao Li became a delivery man for them, back and forth I went to Cheshan to release it several times.

The two of them were tired from shopping, so they sat at a drinking bar to drink and rest.Tang Shishi recently fell in love with mango-flavored fruit juice. She thought it was rich in aroma, smooth and delicious, so she ordered a glass. Cai Xiaofen ordered a glass of pear juice. Xiao Li was not interested in these sweet and sour things, so she bought a bottle Pulse, sitting not far from them, drank.

Women are born to go shopping. Tang Shishi was in a particularly good mood today, so she proposed to go back to Huibo Garden to live in the evening, and then asked Tang Yuan to go back too. The four of them had a lively meal, just like when they were in City C like that.

Of course, Cai Xiaofen has no objection. The older I get, the more I want my children to be around me, so that the family can be together every day, happily.

"I'm afraid that Ling Rui won't follow me!" Cai Xiaofen joked with Tang Shishi with a smile.

"If he doesn't comply, he won't succeed! Tonight is our family time!" Tang Shishi said with some embarrassment.Ever since she married Ling Rui, every time she lived in Huibo Garden, she didn't get up early, and my aunt didn't know how to laugh at her!

It's all the old rascal's fault!Not serious at all!She was so ashamed!

"As long as he doesn't object, of course your uncle and I agree!" Cai Xiaofen said happily.

"He definitely won't object, then I'll call Tang Yuan first." Tang Shishi took out her cell phone while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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