Chapter 363 This is Impossible (4)
"You—too bad!"

Ling Rui indifferently fished Tang Shishi back forcefully, but as a result Tang Shishi clung to the side of the bed, refusing to come back into his arms, and the two of them had a tug-of-war on the bed...

"Since you are still so strong, let's do something meaningful!"

Tang poetry tears!She just knew that this guy wouldn't let her go so kindly, it's not his style not to make a fuss!

Tang Shishi didn't know how she fell asleep.When I got up in the morning and looked at Ling Rui's face so close, I couldn't help but curse in my heart: This guy looks like a demon when he's awake in bed, and a god when he's asleep, why is there such a big gap!
Tang Shishi gritted her teeth when she remembered that all her crying and begging for mercy last night were all counted and completely ignored!

For the sake of your mission today, I will spare you this time!
Tang Shishi dragged her limp body with a lot of strength to get up, Ling Rui had already been woken up by her tossing, dragged her into his arms, pointed to his side face, and didn't even open his eyes.

"No!" Tang Shishi said bitterly.This morning I even kissed myself good morning!
Ling Rui frowned, opened his eyes and saw Tang Shishi pouted and angry, and didn't mind Tang Shishi's little emotion, so he slapped her face hard twice.It was he who had Meng Lang last night, no wonder the little wild cat was angry.

"Sleep with me for a while longer." Ling Rui rarely stayed in bed, and he was even more reluctant to part with this warm and soft jade body!
Tang Shishi curled her lips, feeling that Ling Rui's thighs were heavy on her body, but they were also very solid, she nestled obediently in his arms, and closed her eyes again.

When she woke up again, Ling Rui was no longer by her side. Tang Shishi jumped up and looked at her phone. It was already twelve o'clock. She hurriedly put on her clothes, with tears in her eyes.

That bastard, how could he leave like this? !
As soon as Tang Shishi pushed open the door, she saw Tang Yuan sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking sullen. Tang Shishi didn't care about these things, and asked Tang Yuan, "Where's Ling Rui?"

Tang Yuan glared at Tang Shishi angrily, but when he saw Tang Shishi's red eye circles, most of the anger in his heart subsided strangely, but his attitude was very uncooperative, and he said in a blunt tone: "Tang Shishi, look See what you look like now? What does it look like to be out of your mind? Can't you live without a man?"

Tang Yuan didn't know what was wrong with him, but he couldn't suppress his anger, and his voice became louder and louder.

Tang Shishi was a little baffled by Tang Yuan's abnormal mood, and was speechless.

"Stinky boy! Why are you talking to your sister!" Before Tang Shishi could react, Tang Guoduan's angry reprimand came from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" A gentle voice rang out.

Tang Shishi turned her head happily, and saw Ling Rui coming out of the kitchen and walking towards her.

Tang Shishi ran over quickly, threw herself into Ling Rui's arms, choked up and said, "I thought you left!"

"Fool!" Ling Rui rubbed Tang Shishi's hair, and said softly, "I'll wait for you to see me off, and when you come back, you will come out to pick me up, just like going to work every day, but this time it will take longer !"

"Hmm." Tang Shishi got out of Ling Rui's arms in embarrassment, looked at him wearing an apron, and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"I want to serve you a bowl of noodles, okay?" Ling Rui pinched Tang Shishi's nose and said.

Only then did Tang Shishi notice that Ling Rui was still holding a pair of chopsticks in one hand.

"Good!" How could it be bad?Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, thinking of his tenderness and consideration, her eyes were red again.

cough cough!I don't know who was tossed hard last night, swearing at the tyrant all the time, so, this woman is really coaxing!
Ling Rui really knows how to do it!
Ling Rui kissed Tang Shishi's eyes, and then heard Tang Yuan's cold snort, he looked up at Tang Yuan in displeasure, Tang Yuan suddenly felt his face was cold, like standing in the wind in winter Same for two hours.

Seeing Tang Shishi follow Ling Rui into the kitchen, chatting and laughing with his mother, while his father was sitting in the dining room outside the kitchen, inserting a few sentences from time to time, the picture was warm and beautiful, Tang Yuan was even more depressed .

No matter how you look at it, you feel that they are like a family, and he is superfluous!
Damn Tang poetry!Yesterday I lied to myself about family time, and the result?At night, I can't bear the loneliness and attract people!What is it to sleep until noon and wake up?
Thinking of the things the two of them did in the room, Tang Yuan couldn't help gnashing his teeth. These two people are really too much!
This is cheating!Cheating!
The lunch was very sumptuous. When Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen heard that Ling Rui was going to carry out a mission and had been away for so long, they were very worried, but seeing Ling Rui's normal expression, they didn't want to ask more questions, so they had to keep telling Ling Rui Rui is careful in everything and take care of your health.

Tang Yuan heard that Ling Rui would not come back for more than a month, and finally he felt a little more balanced. Although he still didn't look good towards Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, he didn't oppose him at all.

He didn't go to work this morning, originally he wanted to wait for Tang Shishi to get up and discuss with her, but in view of this situation and under the nose of his parents, he let her go for now.

However, when Tang Yuan saw the bowl of fragrant noodles in front of Tang Shishi, he still couldn't help despising Ling Rui, a sycophant, thousands of times in his heart!
After lunch, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi bid farewell to Tang Guoduan's family and returned to the Jun family compound.

The family members were all there, quite a few of them. Tang Shishi knew that everyone was seeing Ling Rui off, and she felt even more uneasy. She remembered that her mother-in-law once said that Ling Rui often went on missions, and they were used to it, but this time everyone Seriously, the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense. Is this mission an unprecedented danger?
Tang Shishi didn't dare to think about it, she clenched her lower lip tightly, for fear that those uneasy emotions would leak out, she wanted to smile and say goodbye to Ling Rui, and agreed not to cry.

Mr. Jun glanced at Tang Shishi's face and sighed slightly.

"Didn't this bring people back? It seems that it's not as serious as you said. You kid is playing with us, isn't it? A waste of everyone's time!" Jun Mubei looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's grip Hands, couldn't help but tease.

"Uh! What's the matter?" Tang Shishi didn't understand, so she glanced at Jun Mubei. Didn't everyone come to see Ling Rui off?
Jun Mubei gave his mother a wink.

"That's right, I said that girl Shishi is not such a narrow-minded person, how could she say that she doesn't want you if she doesn't want you?" Yunmo did not disappoint Jun Mubei when she went to battle as a mother and child soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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