Chapter 364 This is Impossible (5)
"Girl Shishi, did kid Rui make you angry again? Tell grandpa, grandpa will make the decision for you!" Mr. Jun glared at Ling Rui, and then said kindly to Tang Shishi.

"Parents also make decisions for you, and they will never favor the brat!" Jun Zeyu also hurriedly expressed his opinion, while the big hands under his sleeves pinched Ling Yue's hard, Ling Yue quickly nodded cooperatively, and then She lowered her eyes slightly, for fear that Tang Shishi would see the secrets in her eyes that had nowhere to hide.

"It must be the third brother's fault!" Jun Nuanxin also stepped forward and said.

"Exactly!" Jun Aimin and Chang Guiru said in unison.

Tang Shishi was completely dumbfounded. She looked around for a week and found that everyone except Jun Mubei had the expression of wanting to vent her anger on her face. She couldn't help but said in doubt: "Grandpa, parents, uncle, Eldest aunt, second uncle, second aunt, Nuan Xin, what are you talking about? Why do I become more and more confused? Didn't you come back to see Ling Rui off? "

"What are you going to send? Didn't you never go on a mission? In the past, there were times when you wouldn't come here for half a year. This time, it's only a month. What's the fuss about?" Ling Yueyun said calmly, with some reproach in her tone , as if Tang Shishi had made such a fuss.

"Third Aunt, isn't Shishi newly married, so she doesn't want my third brother to leave!" Jun Nuanxin said while winking at Tang Shishi ambiguously.

Tang Shishi instantly felt that the red and purple traces hidden in her clothes became hot, like water about to boil.

"What's going on?" Tang Shishi turned her gaze to Ling Rui and asked in puzzlement.

"Ahem! Well, didn't you go back to your mother's house yesterday, and you said that you excluded me during the family time. I was a little too worried. I thought you didn't want me, so I wanted everyone to help me. I advise you, you got up late later, and forgot to inform them that it's okay." Ling Rui coughed unnaturally, and said to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi suddenly realized!It turned out that the phone call last night was the cause of the trouble, but is it necessary for this guy to make such a big fight?It's too exaggerated!

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a dissatisfied look. Even if their husband and wife quarreled, there's no need for everyone to know about it, right?How embarrassing!
Ling Rui snorted dissatisfiedly, but still had plausible words in his mouth: "I am your most important family member. Let's see if you dare to ignore my existence in the future!"

Tang Shishi's little hand sneaked into Ling Rui's waist in dissatisfaction, and twisted it bitterly.

"Hiss—" Ling Rui took a deep breath, and made a loud voice to let the whole family know what Tang Shishi had done, which made Tang Shishi feel ashamed and angry, ran upstairs, went back to the room and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Ling Rui shook his head helplessly and smiled. The little wild cat is just too thin-skinned, so he needs to practice more in the future!
Seeing Tang Shishi close the door, Ling Yue stepped forward and hugged Ling Rui tightly, choked up for a long time without speaking, and then said in a depressed voice, "Son, take care!"

"Mom, I'll be fine!" Ling Rui patted Ling Yue's back reassuringly, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Boy Rui, this is for you!" Yun Mo took out a small green bamboo card, handed it to Ling Rui and said, "I have an old friend over there that I haven't seen for many years. If the situation is critical, you can take this flute Look for him, his medical skills are good, maybe he will be useful."

"En." Ling Rui took the bamboo card, saw the word "Ting" engraved in the center of it, realized in his heart, and said to Yun Mo, "Thank you, Second Aunt."

Yun Mo waved her hand. Ling Rui and Jun Mubei were both brought out by her. Except for medical skills, these two children have surpassed her in other aspects, especially Ling Rui, who is careful and bold in doing things, and has extraordinary courage. There are many dangers, and it is related to the life and death of the Jun family, but she has great confidence in Ling Rui, and besides, they are there to support him secretly, and giving him that object is just in case he needs it.

"Okay, don't act like a moron, and delay this guy's going up to coax his wife!" Jun Mubei saw that the atmosphere was a little heavy, and couldn't help but interjected.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Second Brother, why don't you let Shishi help you find a wife? I think you've been busy lately!" Ling Rui couldn't help being teased by Jun Mubei. He wanted to go up and make out with the little wild cat again. Yes, but this guy doesn't need to be envious or jealous, right?

"Boy Rui, let Shishi hurry up on this matter!" Yun Mo's eyes lit up with joy when he heard Ling Rui's words.

"That's right! Just that woman Tang Shishi, those people she knows, tsk tsk, I don't dare to compliment you!" Jun Mubei immediately dismissed himself!

"Second brother, I'm also Shishi's friend! I don't understand how I offended you!" Jun Nuan raised her voice resolutely.

"Stinky boy, don't you even look down on your own sister?!" Jun Aimin, who loves daughters like his own, was angry when he heard that his sweetheart got angry, and immediately blasted Jun Mubei.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I mean that they are not my style! Not my style!" Jun Mubei saw that the momentum was not good, and immediately made amends in time.

"Isn't this a sister and a brother and sister? So those people they know, I can only be brothers and sisters!"

"Nonsense, is it your dish? How can you tell if it's in a bowl? You have to chew it in your mouth to know the taste, right?" Yunmo doesn't listen to Jun Mubei's sophistry!
Whenever there is a chance, she doesn't want to let it go!
"Mom, are you encouraging your son to go out and mess with men and women? Not good! Not good!" Jun Mubei's eyes showed horror, and he folded his arms and said, "Your son, I have a pure heart. How could such a good man do such an irresponsible thing?"

Ling Rui's eyebrows trembled fiercely, and he squinted at Jun Mubei: You mean before you were three years old, right?

Jun Mubei gave Ling Rui a vicious look: It's all your fault!If you want to leave and still be so dishonest, it must be related to this!

Ling Rui grinned unkindly, and Jun Mubei immediately felt that the smile was cautious no matter what.

"Second aunt, in fact, fate is something that sometimes depends on luck, just like Shishi and I, we got married by accident, so it's better to let the second brother also hit by accident for a while." Ling Rui's kind suggestion.

"How to say?" Everyone became interested when they heard Ling Rui's words. Even Tang Shishi, who secretly opened the door upstairs, perked up his ears curiously.

"Go out from our compound, turn left within 500 meters, and meet the first unmarried opposite sex younger than 30 years old. As long as the second brother goes over and confesses, it might be a good thing." Ling Rui's pair With a calculating light in his eyes, he said.

"Stinky boy, are you speaking human words?!" After hearing Ling Rui's words, Jun Mubei was furious!
(End of this chapter)

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