Chapter 365 Don't Leave Me (1)
It's thanks to him that he said such a foolish idea.

"I think it will work!" Yunmo's typical mentality is that he would rather be in vain than let him go.

Jun Shaoyang directly threw Jun Mubei out of the gate, completely ignoring Jun Mubei's strange screams!

Like a door god, he stood at the door and stared at Jun Mubei to prevent him from escaping.

The people in the room were quickly thinking about the distance within 500 meters of the left turn of the Jun family compound, which house lived there, and who else had a married girl, not to mention, there are really two or three good ones. Yes, it made Mr. Jun get excited.

Maybe, I might even meet one!
Ling Rui's smiling eyes fell on the door of the second floor, and collided with Tang Shishi's excited eyes, and the two of them laughed a lot!

After about 10 minutes, I heard Jun Mubei's excited howl, and everyone looked out of the courtyard, only to see Jun Mubei rushing in with A Hua in his arms, followed by Jun Mubei with a scorched face. Shaoyang!

Ah Hua was put on the ground by Jun Mubei. Seeing everyone staring at her dumbfounded, she wagged her tail in embarrassment, ran to her cushion and lay down, covering her eyes shyly with her front paws.

Low oil!Didn't they just secretly make an appointment while everyone was not paying attention!What's all the fuss about!

"Brat, why did you come back with Ah Hua in your arms?" Yun Mo pointed at Jun Mubei, her fingers trembling with anger!
Just now, Yunmo thought that with that boy's voice, he had run into a pervert!Who knew that he would come back with a bitch in his arms!This result is really shocking enough.

"Under 30 years old, heterosexual, unmarried, isn't Ah Hua all suitable?" Jun Mubei spread his hands, shrugged helplessly, with an innocent look on his face.He is in a good mood today, and he cooperates with everyone to play tricks, but these people don't really think that he will submit obediently, do they?
Which of the other women in this compound can compare to Ah Hua?
"You—you brat! Jun Shaoyang!" Yun Mo's expression changed in anger!Now she really hopes that this brat just met a pervert!
Before Jun Shaoyang could make a sound, Jun Mubei consciously stood upright in the yard, his face becoming serious.

Seeing Jun Mubei's speechless protest, Yunmo knew that she could not force him anymore. After all, if this brat was pushed into a hurry, if he really screwed up, she would be the one who was worried in the end!
After being tossed by Jun Mubei, and Ling Rui went upstairs to "do it personally", Tang Shishi was not so worried except that she was still very reluctant to leave Ling Rui for such a long time, but there were still a lot of complaints of.

"Can't you even send text messages?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui resentfully, and asked pitifully.

It's fine if you can't meet each other, and you can't make phone calls, so she can't even hear Ling Rui's voice?

"Yes, but I can only accept it and not reply you." Ling Rui pulled Tang Shishi's small body into his arms, not daring to look into her eyes, he was afraid that his heart would soften after looking at her for a long time.

In fact, he is already softening his heart!
This mission is top-secret, just in case, so as not to reveal whereabouts, mobile phones are not allowed at all, but seeing the aggrieved look of Little Wild Cat, trying not to cry, Ling Rui had no choice but to lie.

It's the same when he came back to read the text messages from Little Wild Cat.In this way, at least it gave her a sustenance in her heart, so she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

"Then I'll send you a text message!" Tang Shishi finally smiled, her small face was pressed tightly against Ling Rui's chest, and she rubbed and rubbed attached to Ling Rui, saying, "Send one every day!"

"Okay!" Ling Rui breathed heavily, lifted Tang Shishi's chin, kissed and kissed, kissed and kissed reluctantly, sometimes gentle, sometimes rough, sometimes gentle, sometimes eager.Tang Shishi also put aside her previous restraint, hooked Ling Rui's neck, raised her head, and tried her best to cooperate with him, kissing back wildly, as if trying to suck out Ling Rui's soul and leave it behind.

Watching Ling Rui drive away, Tang Shishi felt that her soul was sucked away by Ling Rui. The moment the car left her sight, she felt that she missed him.

"Sister-in-law three, you finally belong to me alone!" Jun Nuanxin said flatteringly when she saw Tang Shishi came back, she came up to hold Tang Shishi's arm doggy-legged.

"Nothing to be courteous to, adultery or stealing! What do you want to eat?" Tang Shishi knew what this girl must be up to after seeing Jun Nuanxin's appearance.

"Those who know me, the third sister-in-law too! Go! Go to my room and talk about it!" Jun Nuanxin smiled at everyone, then dragged Tang Shishi to her room, quickly closed the door, and said to her again. Tang Shishi made a hissing gesture, put her ear on the door and listened for a long time, making sure that no one was eavesdropping outside, she dragged Tang Shishi to sit on the bed with confidence.

"What are you doing? You are still so secretive in your own home! It's like being a thief!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin's expression and said amusedly.

"Sister-in-law three, are you sure you can win Baimo in that Go tournament?" Jun Nuanxin didn't hesitate, and directly cut to the point, but her expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Competitions are nothing compared to before. Who knows what will happen? I've never played against her before!" Tang Shishi looked Jun Nuanxin around, and looked at her face that couldn't hide anything. Red and white, can't help but ask: "What did you do again?"

"No, it's nothing!" Jun Nuan waved his hand guiltily, then looked at Tang Shishi beggingly and said, "Sister-in-law San, do you still remember the agreement I made with Quan Shaobai? You must win! "

"Are you telling the truth? In fact, I don't care much about winning or losing!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin's small face, and said jokingly: "Maybe, I lost, and I will make a fight for you and Quan Shaobai." Opportunity is not bad!"

Quan Shaobai waited on the playground early yesterday morning, could it be because of this?Tang Shishi felt that her guess was almost inseparable!
It's really a slant!
"Sister-in-law three! How can you think like this! If you lose, I will become Quan Shaobai's woman! This is definitely an insult to our Jun family!" Jun Nuanxin was so excited by Tang Shishi's words that she jumped!
"Then let Quan Shaobai change the conditions. If I lose, I can send you to be his wife directly. I guess he promises to be 100 million happy!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but probed.

"Sister-in-law three! It's impossible for the two of us!" Jun Nuanxin said decisively, the sadness in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Did that bastard say something again? He's looking for you again?" Tang Shishi felt really conflicted seeing Jun Nuanxin's appearance.I really don't understand, what are these two people thinking, let's talk about a relationship, and so many things can happen, it's so complicated that it's a headache!

"No! It's not him." Jun Nuan said lonely, since what happened that night, Quan Shaobai hasn't shown his face in the past two days.

In the past, even though I didn't want to see him when I met him, I was used to him appearing in front of me every day, but now he suddenly disappeared from my side without saying a word, I'm really not used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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