Chapter 366 Don't Leave Me (2)
Jun Nuanxin felt that she was a bad woman, she had already agreed to Jiang Dongli's marriage proposal, and she still couldn't forget Quan Shaobai!How did she become like this!
"Who is that?" Tang Shishi sensitively grasped the key point in Jun Nuanxin's words and asked.

"I don't know who leaked it. Many people know about my bet with Quan Shaobai. Many people in the bar were discussing it yesterday!" Jun Nuanxin said with a face full of tears: "Three Sister-in-law, what should I do? If my parents and grandpa find out that Quan Shaobai and I have made such a bet, I will die!" As Jun Nuanxin said, the circles of her eyes suddenly turned red.

Because of this, she is very worried when she goes home now, for fear that her family will hear something.

"Don't worry! Who knows about your bet with Quan Shaobai?" Tang Shishi took Jun Nuanxin's hand and comforted her.

"There are only a few people in total! Third sister-in-law, do you think it could be Quan Shaobai?" Jun Nuanxin sniffed and asked hesitantly.

Tang Shishi secretly sighed in her heart, this guy just said it wasn't his, but when asked by herself, she wasn't sure.It seems that the most missing thing between Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin is trust!

"Probably not, he is not so confused!" In fact, the first person Tang Shishi thought of just now was Quan Shaobai, but she knew that even if Quan Shaobai wanted to win again, he would not take Jun Nuanxin's reputation as injustice. After all, making this matter a big deal will harm others and not benefit oneself.

"But, besides him, who else?" The more Jun Nuanxin thought about it, the more sad she became, and she couldn't help sobbing.

When she heard others talking about this matter in the bar yesterday, she just felt that her head was in a mess and she couldn't think.She also didn't want to doubt Quan Shaobai, because the thought that he might have done it made her feel so uncomfortable!
"It's most likely Baimo!" Tang Shishi thought for a while and said.

This matter is very likely to be caused by Bai Mo. Firstly, with Bai Mo's temperament, she would like to make a big fuss about this matter, because she is most confident in her chess skills, and she is sure that she will win; secondly, as a It is not surprising that the bet party is Quan Shaobai's cousin who knows about the bet.

"Her?!" Jun Nuanxin stopped crying, wiped away her tears, looked into Tang Shishi's clear eyes, and said angrily, "Why did I forget this woman? It's too hateful!"

After thinking about it carefully, Jun Nuan also felt that this was in line with Baimo's behavior style, and she had already determined that it was her act!

In fact, Bai Mo was not wronged by this incident. Yesterday she was angry with Tang Shishi, and when she got home, she was scolded by Mrs. Bai. I told Mrs. Bai about the matter.

Before Bai Mo returned to the country, let alone being scolded, the old lady Bai didn't even give her a bad face, she put her first in everything, and these days, the old lady Bai scolded him for the second time, how could she Can swallow this breath!

As soon as she heard that it was Quan Shaobai's mother Bai Fengju who complained from behind, Bai Mo hated Bai Fengju so much!Don't you just want to please the Jun family and make Jun Nuanxin your daughter-in-law?I just won't let you succeed!So Bai Mo found someone to spread the bet that Quan Shaobai had told her.

snort!She wants to embarrass the Jun family; she wants Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin to never be together; she wants these people to know that anyone who offends her will end badly!

"Sister-in-law three, what do you think I should do?" Jun Nuan asked in confusion, her eyes were as red as a rabbit's!

"It's best to let Quan Shaobai know about this matter." Tang Shishi thought for a while and said.

The person who tied the bell needs to be untied. Since this is a bet between Nuan Xin and Quan Shaobai, the only way to start is with these two people.

"But, he and I..." Jun Nuanxin remembered that she had never given Quan Shaobai a good face these days, and she kept saying such terrible things time and time again, how could she have the nerve to look for him now?
"Give me his phone number, and I'll call him." Seeing Jun Nuanxin's embarrassed expression, Tang Shishi volunteered.

It's better for her to come forward in this matter, lest these two people's tempers will be twisted, and the talk will collapse!After all, this is a major matter related to the reputation of the Jun family.

Jun Nuanxin quickly took out her mobile phone and reported Quan Shaobai's phone number to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi immediately called Quan Shaobai, and as soon as the phone was connected, Jun Nuanxin became nervous before she could speak. Tang Shishi patted Jun Nuanxin on the shoulder reassuringly, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Quan Shaobai, it's me!"

"Who are you? Ling Susu?! Why do you still have the nerve to call our Shaobai? You haven't hurt our Shaobai enough? I warn you, you vixen, don't bother our Shaobai again, our Shaobai What I like now is Heartwarming!" The person who answered the phone was Bai Fengju, she saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and it was a woman, she sounded very familiar with Quan Shaobai, she instinctively thought it was Ling Susu, but in the end she gave a loud bang Indiscriminate bombing.

In the past two days, she had read the reports in newspapers and magazines, and she knew what happened on Ling Susu's wedding day, and she was so angry!She has long seen that that woman is not a good person, but her son was blinded at the time and responded to her requests, but now, such a big scandal is really disgusting!
She couldn't let this woman have any more relationship with her son, she guessed that Ling Susu must be desperate, and wanted to harm his precious son again!
Are they all fools?

Tang Shishi's brows couldn't help but twitched violently, her face was wrinkled and ugly!My heart slandered: You are Ling Susu!Your whole family is Ling Susu!What ear is this?How does she sound like that woman's voice?What do you look like?
This Bai Fengju is really unpopular as hell!

looks like?Tang Shishi raised an eyebrow at Jun Nuanxin, and couldn't help grinding her teeth.

Jun Nuanxin quickly waved her hand, then pointed to the phone.

"Ms. Bai, I'm Tang Shishi!" Tang Shishi let out a sigh of relief, and revealed her identity a little bluntly.

"Tang Shishi? Oops!" When Bai Fengju heard that she had scolded the wrong person just now, and that person was Tang Shishi, she immediately became embarrassed.This is my son's savior!Really, I'm too reckless, I should ask clearly before talking about it!
"That... I, I didn't mean it!" Bai Fengju's hands and feet became rough, but luckily it was across the phone.

"It's okay, I'm looking for Quan Shaobai, did he leave his cell phone at home?" Tang Shishi asked puzzledly, she was not a stingy person either, and she was really a little nervous just now.

"Our Shaobai is hospitalized!" Bai Fengju started to choke up when Tang Shishi mentioned Quan Shaobai.

When Jun Nuanxin heard that Quan Shaobai was hospitalized, she was so excited that she almost jumped out of bed, but was held down by Tang Shishi. She looked at Tang Shishi anxiously, and motioned her to ask what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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