Chapter 369 Don't Leave Me (5)
Today, Tang Shishi asked Wang Yueshan to go shopping in the morning, and to meet Liang Yue and Jun Nuanxin at the Moonlight Bar in the afternoon. Speaking of which, the four of them hadn't gotten together for quite a while.

Tang Shishi is wearing a casual style purple bat sweater today, with two thin orange soft leather belts in the middle, which looks like she has a small waist, and her lower body is matched with a pair of white leggings. The short Martin boots look casual and natural, but also a little handsome, with a compelling youthful atmosphere.

Since the last time I mentioned the issue of age unintentionally, Tang Shishi found that Ling Rui still cared about how she disliked him as an old man. Every time he called him an old hooligan, he was itchy with anger, so when Ling Rui was at home , Tang Shishi tried not to wear these clothes out, even though most of the clothes in the closet were bought by Ling Rui for her.

"Wow! Shishi, what you are wearing is the latest style of that XX, right?" Wang Yueshan couldn't help shouting when she saw Tang Shishi, attracting the attention of many people around her.

Tang Shishi hammered Wang Yueshan's shoulder angrily, and rolled her eyes unbearably, can't this guy take care of the next occasion?She was almost regarded as a monkey!
Wang Yueshan also sensed the scrutiny of the people around her, and smiled embarrassedly. Since she married Lu Tao, Tang Shishi seldom wears clothes of this style. Although the suit is expensive, it feels too dull after looking at it for a long time.

Wang Yueshan looked at the lively Tang poetry, and felt that she had really changed a lot.

"If you dress like this, your Major General Ling dares to let you out? Like a college student, aren't you afraid that you will be seduced?" Wang Yueshan joked.

"He's on a business trip!" Tang Shishi said listlessly.

"Then you shouldn't come out dressed like this! No, I have to keep an eye on you for Major General Ling!" Wang Yueshan involuntarily came up and hooked Tang Shishi's arm, and then glanced angrily at those eyes who couldn't understand The active opposite sex said: "What are you looking at! I have never seen a beautiful woman! This is a famous woman who has a master!"

Tang Shishi couldn't laugh or cry when Wang Yueshan treated her like this.

The two of them wandered around the mall, bought a lot of things, and then found a good private restaurant for lunch.

Originally, Tang Shishi planned to buy something to cook at the Moonlight Bar, but Wang Yueshan insisted on eating Gongbao cashew nuts, and she was so hungry that she yelled all the way, Tang Shishi had no choice but to bring her here to settle the food and clothing first.

After the two of them ordered, Wang Yueshan took out the durian she had just bought from her shopping bag, removed the plastic wrap, twisted a piece, and couldn't wait to eat it.

Tang Shishi was dizzy from the smell of durian. She looked at Wang Yueshan who was devouring it voraciously, and asked in puzzlement, "Don't you hate this taste the most? Why are you eating this again!" Fortunately, they wanted a private room, otherwise it would be so big The taste, how many people will be smoked to death!Must be complained!

"I don't know, I just want to eat it. It tastes good. Would you like a piece?" Wang Yueshan said, pushing the remaining durian towards Tang Shishi.

"No, no! Take it away!" Tang Shishi was almost smoked to death!Although the nutritional value of durian is high, not everyone can eat it.

"Cut! I was afraid you would snatch it from me!" Seeing Tang Shishi's disgusted expression, Wang Yueshan quickly pulled the box back and ate it!
"Eat less, or you won't be able to eat for a while!" Tang Shishi reminded when she saw Wang Yueshan wiped out two more durians in one go.

Wang Yueshan also noticed that she ate a little too much, drank a saliva, sealed the remaining durian with plastic wrap, and put it back into the shopping bag.

The smell in the private room is finally better.

This private restaurant, because Ling Rui brought Tang Shishi here, the dishes inside are good, and the dishes are served quite quickly.

As soon as Wang Yueshan saw that the food was served, she said hello and started to eat happily. Tang Shishi chewed and swallowed slowly. Seeing Wang Yueshan's turbulent posture, Tang Shishi couldn't help frowning, why did this guy become so can eat?It's almost a fight with Jun Nuanxin's big stomach king!

Tang Shishi couldn't help taking a closer look at Wang Yueshan, and found that this guy's face was fatter, and it seemed to be much rounder than when he came back from G City.

"Shishi, why don't you eat it? If you don't eat it quickly, I will eat it up!" Wang Yueshan scooped up a spoonful of cashew nuts with a spoon, put it in her mouth and said while chewing: "Mmm! That's the taste! It's so good eat!"

Tang Shishi looked at Wang Yueshan who was eating with satisfaction, and shook her head with a helpless smile. As for it!
"Sister-in-law, what a coincidence!" Just as Tang Shishi and Wang Yueshan were eating happily, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Du Haoyang appeared in front of them with a smiling face.

Tang Shishi didn't have a good impression of Du Haoyang, but this person and Ling Rui are also good friends, so she couldn't be too rude. She greeted Du Haoyang with a smile and said, "What a coincidence!"

"Do you mind if I come in and sit down?" Du Haoyang finished speaking, before Tang Shishi and Wang Yueshan agreed, he was already sitting on the chair between Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi.

Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi rolled their eyes in unison, thinking in unison: Do you mind if it works?You all sit down!

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan without even looking at himself. He still just kept his head buried in the food, and his gaze involuntarily slid around her stomach, his expression turned cold.

"Speaking of which, our family is going to have a wedding soon! At that time, we will inevitably invite my sister-in-law and Yueshan to participate." Du Haoyang took out the cigarette case, popped out a cigarette, felt it was inappropriate, put it back, and put the cigarette case away He played with it in his hand and said, "After all, you were very good friends with my younger brother in college."

Du Haoyang bit the word "very close" very hard.

"What do you mean?" Tang Shishi had a bad feeling that Du Haoyang would not come over to say these words for no reason.

Du Haoyang fixed his eyes on Wang Yueshan, and found that her body was just stiff, and then she ate the cashew nuts in front of her as if nothing had happened, her complexion did not change at all, and there was some inexplicable anger in her heart, even he himself didn't know what he was doing. What are you angry about!
"It means that Du Haoze has agreed to the marriage arranged for him by his family, and he will soon marry the daughter of the Zhao family." Du Haoyang clarified the words.

"Impossible!" Tang Shishi flatly denied.

Du Haoze's feelings for Wang Yueshan have been in her heart for so many years. Moreover, he was very happy because he called Wang Yueshan a few days ago to inform Wang Yueshan's whereabouts. How could he agree to marry someone else in just a few days? woman?So what is his persistence all these years?
(End of this chapter)

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