Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 370 Good intentions are not rewarded!

Chapter 370 Good intentions are not rewarded! (1)
"They're in the private room diagonally opposite to yours. If you don't believe me, sister-in-law, you can make sure in person!" Du Haoyang said slowly.

"Just go!" Tang Shishi stood up impulsively, she didn't believe Du Haoyang's one-sided words!
"Shishi! No need!" Wang Yueshan grabbed Tang Shishi's arm and said indifferently.

Wang Yueshan's nonchalant attitude annoyed Tang Shishi!
"What do you mean no need?" Tang Shishi's voice became high-pitched, her eyes were full of crackling flames, she threw off Wang Yueshan's arm, and said as she walked out, "I must ask to clarify today!"

Tang Shishi was unwilling to believe that Du Haoze would do such a thing. Subconsciously, she had been unwilling to believe that Du Haoze was such a person. Moreover, more importantly, she didn't want Du Haoze and Wang Yueshan to finally get married. The good thing happened in the blink of an eye, she couldn't believe that Du Haoze was the same person as Lu Tao!
Seeing Tang Shishi rushing out without heeding dissuasion, Wang Yueshan put down the spoon in her hand, glanced coldly at Du Haoyang, who was sitting there watching the show, and asked, "Why do you always hang around like this? I said I'm not interested in your Du family!"

"Then why did you stay in G City so well, and ran back all the way? And attended the banquet with him?" Du Haoyang reached out and pinched Wang Yueshan's chin, staring fixedly into Wang Yueshan's eyes, and said, "Don't You are deceiving yourself!"

Wang Yueshan shook off Du Haoyang's restraint vigorously, she didn't like the sense of oppression caused by her height, so she stood up, looked down at Du Haoyang and said: "Whatever you think, anyway, people in your Du family, regardless of men and women, are all wishful thinking Yes! Who made your pedigree noble?" After speaking, Wang Yueshan sat down again, grabbed the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of cashew nuts, put it in her mouth, and chewed desperately.

After hearing Du Haoyang's words, Wang Yueshan's heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. She is not a saint, not a cold-blooded machine. Even if she is rational, she keeps reminding herself to keep a distance from Du Haoze, but she is still pregnant with Du Haoze's child in her stomach No, how can you be so chic!
Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan who had finally regained some normal emotions, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.This kind of Wang Yueshan was what he wanted to see, but when he actually saw it, he felt even more unhappy.

"Leave him!" Du Haoyang said as if ordering.

"Oh! Du Haoyang, in what capacity are you telling me this?" Wang Yueshan had a mocking smile in her eyes, she raised her head to meet Du Haoyang's gaze without fear, and confronted the cold and stern look in his eyes for a long time, when suddenly With a sarcastic smile: "Look at me, I almost forgot that you are Du Haoze's good big brother!" Wang Yueshan said the words "good big brother" third brother intriguingly, and there was something unclear in her eyes, she looked at Du Haoyang suddenly secretly With a heavy face, he finally felt that he had regained some aura.

Du Haoze's mother knew that the reason why Zhao Zhenhui was able to get to where he is today is that he has nothing to do with the Du family. She heard that Director Zhao has a daughter, and she had inquired about it early in the morning, so she hurried to take the lead and replace her Zhao Zhenhui's daughter was married to the Du family, after all, it was the Zhao family who had the upper hand, so as soon as her word got through, the Zhao family was naturally very satisfied, and the two hit it off.

It's just that the dinner didn't go very well. Zhao Zhenhui's daughter, Zhao Jie, came in from the very beginning, as if she had left her eyes on Du Haoyang. After Du Haoyang left, she looked desperate It seems that Zhao Jie lacks interest in Du Haoze and barely copes with his words, which makes Director Zhao and his wife very embarrassed, and hints to his daughter countless times!But Du Haoze's mother, Cao Xinru, almost turned pale with anger, unable to hold back the airs of a famous lady.

The atmosphere at the table can be said to be very tense.

When Tang Shishi called Du Haoze, Du Haoze was in the private room with a cold expression on his face, but he was absent-minded. Du Haoze didn't care at all about Zhao Jie's thoughts that anyone who was not blind could see.He made this appearance for Cao Xinru to see, in fact, he wished that the other party would look down on him!
Because although he agreed to Cao Xin Tathagata's blind date, Du Haoze still felt a little awkward. How to put it, he still couldn't let it go, so when he saw Tang Shishi's phone call, Du Haoze's eyes flashed with joy, and then he felt guilty again.

Because of Du Haoyang's meaningful glance just before he left the banquet, he was always feeling restless.

After saying sorry to the people at the table, Du Haoze went to the side and answered the phone.

"Come out!" Tang Shishi's phone number only had two words, although it was brief, it was full of anger.

Du Haoze felt flustered when he heard Tang Shishi's tone, he lowered his voice and said, "I'm busy, it's inconvenient now."

"Du Haoze, I'm right outside the door, do you come out by yourself or should I go in?" Tang Shishi said angrily when she heard what Du Haoze said.

Originally, she thought that Du Haoyang was spreading rumors to cause trouble, but now it seems that it is not groundless at all.

Having known each other for so many years, Du Haoze knew Tang Shishi's temperament. She might be able to bear being bullied, but if someone bullied someone she valued, she would definitely not be able to bear it!Did she know that she was on a blind date here, so she deliberately came here to fight for Wang Yueshan?Du Haoze glanced at the empty seat on the table, and smiled wryly in his heart: Obviously he was the one who was abandoned!
After saying hello to Zhao's family and parents, saying that something happened at work, Du Haoze pushed the door out, and as expected, he saw Tang Shishi standing outside the door with an angry face.

Subconsciously turned sideways to block Tang Shishi's gaze, Du Haoze closed the door.

Without saying a word, Tang Shishi directly dragged Du Haoze into her private room.

As soon as Du Haoze entered, he found that his elder brother Du Haoyang was sitting beside Wang Yueshan, looking down at Wang Yueshan, with a rare tenderness on his face, his heart felt like being pricked by a needle.And Wang Yueshan, who was sitting there eating, just looked up at him without any expression, and started to concentrate on eating again!
Du Haoze's heart felt sore and painful for a while.Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang got along very happily, this scene was the last scene he wanted to see.

"Du Haoze, we've known each other for so many years, so there's no need to hide it. Should you explain something about today's incident?" Tang Shishi sat down, pointed to the empty seat, and said to Du Haoze.

Although Tang Shishi really wanted to beat Du Haoze violently now, but fortunately, she controlled it and chose to deal with the problem rationally.

"I have my own reasons." Du Haoze looked at Tang Shishi and said with a sigh.

"Oh! Du Haoze, to love is to love, and not to love is not to love. I always thought you were a straightforward person." Tang Shishi said with a light snort.She just wanted a word from Du Haoze today!

(End of this chapter)

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