Chapter 376
"Put away your thoughts as soon as possible!" Jun Mubei's expression turned cold, his voice was quiet and murderous, and he was completely different from his usual idle tone.

"Hey! It's just talking! You don't need to be so serious, right?" Chris complained a little aggrieved.

"You can't talk about it! Rui, he's our brother!" Jun Mubei looked at Chris seriously, and said clearly, as if he was afraid that Chris wouldn't understand Chinese.

"Understand! Understood!" Chris was very annoyed!Why did he forget that what Jun Mubei hates the most is robbing his brother and woman!Back then... When Chris thought about the events of that year, a twisted finger appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body!
"Are you busy recently?" Jun Mubei looked at Chris, with a dangerous aura in his voice, obviously chasing someone away!
"Who said that, Xiao Yun'er asked me to tell Shishi that she is going to participate in some Go tournament today! Let her prepare early! I'll go find her right away!" Chris heard Jun Mubei's words, Quickly defended himself, and then slipped away.

Go contest?He was so busy these days that he forgot!Jun Mubei looked at Tang Shishi, his eyes flickered with inexplicable tenderness.

Tang Shishi had already forgotten about the Go tournament. Apart from eating and sleeping these days, her mind was all on these games. She wished that there were 72 hours a day, and how could there be time in the United States to pay attention to these things!
"Here we come!" Tang Shishi reluctantly put down the 5cm miniature revolver in her hand, and said to Chris outside the door.

I'm so sorry!It shouldn't matter if you take it out for a while, right?It's so small, it's like a keychain!Tang Shishi just hesitated for about ten seconds, then decisively wrapped the small pistol in her palm and took it out.

Jun Mubei saw Tang Shishi's small face tangled in the surveillance for a while, then took the pistol out, put the wine glass in his hand on the table, and then anxiously wanted to stop Tang Shishi, who walked up to Suddenly, the door stopped!
never mind!Anyway, she just thinks it's fun for a while, and she won't mess around!
Tang Shishi changed a set of clothes, and applied a thin layer of ointment on her fingers. The cold feeling quickly relieved the pain on her hands. She picked up her bag and went directly down from the private elevator to the In the underground parking lot, Xiao Li has been waiting there for a long time.

"Grandpa!" Tang Shishi opened the car door, but she didn't expect Mr. Jun, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, to be sitting inside. She got into the car and shouted in surprise.

"Girl, let grandpa see your hands!" Mr. Jun waited for Tang Shishi to get into the car, and asked about Tang Shishi's hands with concern.

"Grandpa, your hands are fine!" Tang Shishi said, she subconsciously put her palms down, and a nonchalant smile appeared on her face, very obedient and sweet!

"I still want to hide it from Grandpa!" Mr. Jun gave Tang Shishi a displeased look, and said angrily.

"Hey! Isn't this afraid that grandpa will dislike you!" Tang Shishi said with a flattering smile.

"Do you blame grandpa?" Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi's smiling face and asked with some distress.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about! I like it so much that I don't even want to come out. I completely forgot that I have to participate in Laoshizi's Go tournament today!" Tang Shishi said affectionately, holding Mr. Jun's arm.

Tang Shishi is telling the truth. She has been playing with those guns these days, and she is intoxicated. Except for sending text messages to Ling Rui every day, she doesn't remember anything!

snort!If the old rascal doesn't come back soon, maybe in a few days, she won't even remember him!

"Girl, I've wronged you for marrying boy Rui!" Mr. Jun doesn't know Tang Shishi's hard work these days, how serious and hardworking she is, the old man knows in his heart!

"Grandpa, I don't think it's suffering at all!" Tang Shishi doesn't feel bitter at all to be able to marry Ling Rui and do what she likes!

Where do you feel bitter?These days, she has been very excited to say.

At this moment, Tang Shishi's cell phone rang, and a text message came in. Tang Shishi took it out to have a look, and found that it was from the child who sent the wrong message.

"Bad woman! A bad woman who destroys other people's families! Die badly!"

Tang Shishi's complexion turned dark suddenly. She had texted him back a few days ago, telling him that she had found the wrong person, but the other party seemed to have recognized her!

Tang Shishi moved her finger and blocked that number.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi's face a little dark, and asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Grandpa, it's okay, it's a promotional message." After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she put the phone back in her bag.

Mr. Jun relaxes.

Tang Shishi was talking with Mr. Jun, all the way to a go club in Xinglong Square. Today's go match was held in this go club.Of course, this go club is also the property of the Bai family.

As soon as Mr. Jun's car arrived, someone immediately came up and opened the door. Mr. Jun got out of the car first, and then handed Tang Shishi his hand in a gentlemanly manner. Tang Shishi put it on Mr. Jun's hand and got out of the car. smiling face.

Bai Mo, who was busy greeting the guests, heard that Tang Shishi had arrived, stepped forward with a smile, greeted Mr. Jun politely, then looked at Tang Shishi provocatively and said, "I thought you wanted to be a shrink today." Turtle, don't dare to come!"

"How could I not come? Bai Mo, I'm here to defeat you!" Tang Shishi smiled coquettishly, a pair of big moist eyes shone with dazzling brilliance, and her face was full of confidence!

"It's up to you? Be careful!" Bai Mo said and left proudly!She is still dressed in white today, but it has a casual and loose feeling, and she really has a bit of a fairy-tale demeanor when she walks.

Grandpa Jun watched Bai Mo leave, turned around to look at Tang Shishi and asked, "Girl, are you sure about today?" Ever since Tang Shishi sent such a congratulatory gift at Grandpa Ling's birthday that day, Grandpa Jun knew that Tang Shishi's chess skills are not good. That's why in the past few days, whenever Mr. Ling called Tang Shishi to practice chess, he was bombarded by Mr. Jun!Old man Ling is such a stinky chess player, it was really hard for him to be fooled before!However, when Mr. Jun saw the situation today, he was still a little worried.

"Grandpa, didn't you see? She has already lost!" Tang Shishi sneered at the pretentious Bai Mo, not paying attention at all.

"The granddaughter-in-law of the Jun family has a very serious tone!" Tang Shishi had just finished speaking when she was picked up by a domineering voice.

Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen in front of her, and frowned almost imperceptibly. Does this mean that like a mother, like a daughter?This Baimo's mother really holds a grudge!
"Why does Mrs. Bai do this? Whether I'm trusting you or not, we might as well wait and see!" Tang Shishi smiled indifferently, not taking Sun Xiaofen's anger to heart at all, she turned her head and said to Mr. Jun, "Grandpa, let's go and see Ling Is Grandpa here?"

(End of this chapter)

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