Chapter 377
Bickering with people is very tiring, and she still has the strength to go back and dismantle the gun!
"Hmph! You have that old man Ling in your heart!" Mr. Jun said jealously while walking in with Tang Shishi!

"No way!" Tang Shishi smiled lowly, coquettishly sophistrying.

Sun Xiaofen looked at the backs of Tang Shishi and Mr. Jun, and felt resentment in her heart. No wonder Momo didn't like her, it turned out that she had such a frivolous temper!

The old man Ling has been in a bad mood for the past two days, but he still came. Tang Shishi saw that the wrinkles on the old man Ling had deepened a lot these days, and persuaded him: "Grandpa, uncle will forgive you, give him some time!"

Old Master Ling sighed melancholy and nodded.He looked at Tang Shishi carefully, and saw that she was wearing a purple sportswear, which was a little loose on her body, and couldn't help making a stern face angrily: "Why don't you eat well these days, you are skinny! Yes Didn't old man Jun give you a hard time?"

"Old man Ling! What are you talking about! Don't frame me! I'm not you!" Mr. Jun retorted angrily when he heard Mrs. Ling's words!

"Isn't it your responsibility that I lose weight after only a few days while living with you?" Old Master Ling said not to be outdone.

"Grandpa Ling, no, it's because I miss Ling Rui too much, and I don't have any appetite." Tang Shishi lowered her head while talking, hiding the helplessness in her eyes!

There are quite a few rich and famous people here today. The words of the two grandfathers just now have attracted many people's curious eyes. She doesn't want to be surrounded by people because of this!
Standing in the distance, Sun Xiaofen, who has been silently observing Tang Shishi, did not miss the emotion in her eyes the second before Tang Shishi lowered her head, but she took Tang Shishi's helplessness as impatience!

snort!The old men of the Jun family and the Ling family are usually not smarter than monkeys, so how could they be fooled by such a girl!

Hearing what Tang Shishi said, Mrs. Ling immediately comforted him: "This is not the first time for Kid Rui to perform a mission. I'm sure you'll be fine. You can relax at home. You should eat and sleep, so he can rest assured outside, right? Good boy, Listen to grandpa! Do you know?"

"Understood, Grandpa!" Tang Shishi raised her head with smiles in her eyes.

"Okay, the contestants have assembled to draw lots, let's go!" Mr. Jun urged, disdainful of Mrs. Ling's courteousness.

"Well, Grandpa, you are waiting here, I will pass!" Tang Shishi said.

"Okay! Let's go! Come on!" Old Master Ling said with a smile.

Mr. Jun glared at Mrs. Ling angrily: "Take his words again!"

Old Master Ling smiled smugly.

"Hmm!" Tang Shishi looked at the two old people who were shaking non-stop, shook her head amusingly, responded, turned and walked towards the crowd.

A total of 30 people participated in this Go competition. They were divided into three groups by lottery, with ten people in each group. The group single round-robin system was adopted. Winning a game gets two points, losing a game gets zero points, and a tie gets one point each. In the end, the four with the highest scores will enter the finals to compete for the top three rankings.

Tang Shishi was drawn to the third group, and Bai Mo was drawn to the first group. Tang Shishi glanced at the members of her own group and saw Shi Qian, the second lady of the historian.Looking at Bai Mo's group again, seeing Jun Nuanxin's figure, Tang Shishi remembered that Nuan Xin was also invited to participate in the Go competition, but why didn't she come by car with her grandpa, and didn't go to find them?

Tang Shishi looked around and found Jiang Dongli and Quan Shaobai in the auditorium behind Jun Nuanxin, so she knew it.

At the beginning of the competition, Tang Shishi came up against Shi Qian. Shi Qian wore a small pearl-colored dress, which highlighted her figure very enchantingly. The contrast with Tang Shishi, who was wearing a casual sportswear, was very sharp, which attracted a lot of curiosity. gaze.

"Primary school girl, please be merciful!" Shi Qian smiled very friendly towards Tang Shishi, the curve of her lips was perfect without any flaws, but in Tang Shishi's eyes, that smile was clearly unwilling and provocative.

Tang Shishi didn't know why she had such an intuition, but Shi Qian in front of her did give her an uncomfortable feeling.

Tang Shishi nodded lightly, with an erratic smile on the corner of her mouth.

Because of Tang Shishi's actions and demeanor, Shi Qian's eyes gathered more air-conditioning.

After less than 5 minutes of playing with Shi Qian, Shi Qian threw down the chess piece in her hand angrily, said: "I lost!", turned and left.

Tang Shishi looked at her angry and ashamed face, and sighed in her heart. Shi Qian's chess skills are clearly a young chess boy who has just started, and she gave her ten steps by herself, which is enough to give her face, otherwise she would not be able to go ten steps. Step, she should go down.

Here, Tang Shishi, who passed five levels and killed six generals, quickly killed his opponents seven to eighty-eight, and finally reached the final with a perfect score of [-] points.

When Tang Shishi ended the battle, Bai Mo was playing chess with the last Jun Nuanxin. Tang Shishi watched from a distance. Although Jun Nuanxin was young at chess, he had a careful mind. Seeing that Tang Shishi had already won, and Jun Nuanxin was hesitating, Bai Mo couldn't help but sarcastically said to Jun Nuanxin: "If you don't, you should admit defeat early and pretend to be an imitation." If you are procrastinating for time, can you still put a flower on the chessboard?"

"Bai Mo, I've never seen you in such a hurry to die. Let me help you. I feel sorry for your parents. I can't help you. I feel sorry for God. It's really difficult!" Being influenced by Mo's emotions, she still held the chess piece slowly, and after thinking about it, she placed the chess piece carefully.

"Hmph!" Bai Mo glanced at Jun Nuan Xin, and quickly dropped Hei Zi.

Jun Nuan Xin picked up a white ball, rubbed it between the three fingers for a while, and then slowly dropped it.

Bai Mo snorted coldly, and quickly dropped another breath.

Jun Nuanxin was still thinking backwards and looked at the black and white pieces on the chessboard before slowly making a move.

Bai Mo was already a little impatient, she quickly dropped the sunspot, and urged Jun Nuanxin to say, "Be quicker!"

The voice was a bit loud, the other two teams had already finished the game, and at the moment, only Bai Mo and Jun Nuanxin were left on the Go field to play. It was very quiet, so everyone could hear Bai Mo's voice clearly.

Old Madam Bai looked at Bai Mo and Jun Nuanxin, one was in control of the overall situation, but impetuous; the other was at a disadvantage, but had a calm temper.She couldn't help sighing, and she was even more displeased with Bai Mo's words and deeds.

The Bai family and the Jun family have been neck and neck in City B over the years, so why are the children of the Bai family so far behind the Jun family's children, regardless of gender?
Jun Nuanxin lost to Bai Mo without a doubt. This is the ending that everyone knows, there is no suspense, so when Jun Nuanxin put down the chess pieces, she walked towards Tang Shishi who was standing on the field, and vomited The tongue said: "Sister-in-law three, I lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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