Chapter 378
"You have participated seriously, the result is not important. In my opinion, you have already won, at least you have won yourself!" Tang Shishi comforted Jun Nuanxin's shoulder.

"Ha! Tang Shishi, you really can deceive yourself and others, but no matter how eloquent you are, you can't change the situation of the battle." Before Jun Nuanxin answered, Bai Mo's annoying voice sounded.

Sun Xiaofen, who was beside Mrs. Bai, frowned slightly when she heard Bai Mo's words. Why did this child lose control of his emotions when he met that Tang Shishi?This is not a good sign!Thinking of this, Sun Xiaofen glanced at Tang Shishi, who was dressed in purple, and found that the smile on her face was very sharp at the moment, and Sun Xiaofen frowned even deeper.

"I've never lived by my words. I have hands and feet, Miss Bai, do you want to impress me even more?" Tang Shishi felt that Bai Mo really deserved a beating. How could the Bai family raise such a child? The ultimate product?
"Tang Shishi, don't you look at whose territory this is? I advise you, recognize your identity!" Bai Mo said standing on the stage, looking down at Tang Shishi condescendingly.

"Identity? Miss Bai said it well! I hope you have this self-knowledge and understand what your identity is, and don't keep thinking about coveting things that are not yours!" Tang Shishi sarcastically said.

"Tang Shishi, you—" Bitch!Bai Mo was exposed by Tang Shishi in public, and angrily pointed at Tang Shishi and cursed.

"Momo!" Seeing that her daughter was about to lose control again, Sun Xiaofen immediately yelled to stop her and cut off her unspoken words.

This child is usually very clever, but why is he so stimulated by Tang Shishi that he loses his mind in a few words!

"Mom!" Bai Mo looked at Sun Xiaofen who appeared suddenly with disapproval, and complained in her heart that her mother's elbow was turned outward.

"Young Madam Jun, if you have the energy to fight, it's better to save your energy for the competition, what do you think?" Sun Xiaofen patted Bai Mo's hand to calm her down, then turned to look at Tang Shishi, and said with a smile.

"Madam Bai, you are absolutely right!" Tang Shishi spoke in a critical tone, looking at Sun Xiaofen lightly.

Sun Xiaofen suddenly sensed the aura from Tang Shishi, and frowned. This is what her daughter said, Tang Shishi is good for nothing except flattery and fawning?
It doesn't look like that!

Sun Xiaofen couldn't help but began to look at Tang Shishi carefully, her slender eyebrows, and the originally moist big eyes had some sharp light in them, although she looked at her with some unfriendly mockery at the moment, but let her She didn't think it was very bad, but she felt a little uncomfortable. She felt as if she had seen such a pair of eyes before at some point or somewhere, and she had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Sun Xiaofen was shocked by the feeling in her heart!The uncomfortable feeling in my heart was immediately magnified several times!
One thing, Momo is at least right, this Tang Shishi, with her charming appearance, is always able to confuse people's hearts!
Tang Shishi looked at the unpredictable expression on Sun Xiaofen's face, and didn't bother to pay attention to the mother and daughter. In her opinion, except for Sun Xiaotong, all the women in the Bai family were very protective, but this one from the Bai family The breeders are different from those of Jun's family. They are the kind of breeders who don't distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, otherwise how could they raise such a superb product as Baimo!

Seeing Sun Xiaofen going to help, Old Master Ling glanced at Old Man Jun and asked, "Old Man Jun, do we want to go over?"

"What did you do in the past? Fight in groups?" Mr. Jun looked Mrs. Ling up and down disapprovingly, thinking that you, an old bone, would have to be supported by Geng Changsheng if you walked a few more steps, and why did you go up to join in the fun.Where is it like me, still in the prime of life, it is no problem to deal with several by one person!

As soon as the word "fight in groups" was mentioned, the blood in Mr. Jun's body began to boil again, and he rolled up his sleeves involuntarily.

"But their mother and daughter are bullying Shishi!" Mrs. Ling naturally saw the disgust in Mr. Jun's eyes, and said distressedly.

"The mother and daughter of the Bai family, Shishi can knock them down with one kick!" Mr. Jun said proudly.

"That's true! Anyway, they are looking for trouble first, and making trouble for no reason." Old Mrs. Ling's voice was a little higher, and his eyes glanced at Mrs. Bai who was about to sit aside and said.

After hearing what old master Ling and Mr. Jun said, Mrs. Bai's face turned ugly again.She looked at Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo in front of her, thinking what was going on with this mother and daughter?

It was already 12:30 after the preliminaries, so the Bai family first arranged a meal, and the finals were scheduled to start at [-] pm.

During the meal, Mrs. Bai took the initiative to invite Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Jun to have a table, as a gesture of goodwill.Because the people from the Bai family made trouble in the Jun's compound last time, Mrs. Bai felt wronged, and she felt short when she saw Mr. Jun, and she hinted many times that Mr. Bai was about to leave for his return, and would give Mr. Jun a treat soon. Explain, so the three old people are together, and the meal is considered harmonious.

Tang Shishi was dragged away by Jun Nuanxin, and they hadn't seen each other for a few days. The two originally wanted to find a quiet place to talk, but Jun Nuanxin's two tails were eager to stare at people, and they didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding them. Helpless, in the end it can only become a foursome.

Bai Mo and Shi Qian gritted their teeth angrily as they watched Tang Shishi warmly avoid the arrangement of the Bai family and go out to eat.

"Do you think she will see something is wrong?" Shi Qian asked worriedly.

"Impossible!" Bai Mo replied affirmatively.

"In the afternoon, you..." Shi Qian said looking at Bai Mo's hideous expression.

"I still need you to remind me?" Bai Mo gouged Shi Qian angrily, and said with arrogance.

Shi Qian glanced at Bai Mo, and stopped talking, but she was thinking in her heart, if it weren't for your failures, I wouldn't want to stay here!

The afternoon game was still drawn first. Tang Shishi got No. 3, Bai Mo got No. 1, and the remaining two contestants got No. 2 and No. 4.Because it was a final, the four winners also had some basic skills in chess, so the rules for the final in the afternoon were much stricter than those in the morning.

The two players who have drawn odd numbers play against each other, and the same is true for those who have drawn even numbers. Then the winner of the two groups will compete for the final championship, while the remaining two players will compete for No.3.The game is best of three games.

After announcing the rules of the game, the referee asked routinely, "Is there any point?"

Three people shook their heads to say no, and one person raised his hand.

Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi and said angrily, "Tang Shishi, if you don't have confidence, you can choose to abstain, don't make trouble here!"

(End of this chapter)

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