chapter 380
Really, she was so mad!
"Bai Mo, who are you! What qualifications do you have to meddle in my family's affairs? Who are you?" As soon as Mrs. Bai finished her words, Bai Fengju's voice rang out unceremoniously. After the incident, Bai Fengju's affection for Bai Mo plummeted. She used to hold and protect her niece like her own daughter. She didn't expect to raise a white-eyed wolf. She is not a fool. In a human face, saying such a thing is not only embarrassing the Jun family, but also wanting to completely cut off the relationship between Jun Nuanxin and their family Shaobai. This is pushing their family Shaobai into a dead end!

Sun Xiaofen didn't expect Bai Mo's childish words to attract so many people's anger. In her eyes, Bai Mo said that Jun Nuanxin should be Quan Shaobai's woman. It's just that the expression is a little lacking. The daughter of the Jun family likes Quan Shaobai. She has heard about this for a long time. Isn't Bai Mo trying to help them?Even if these words should not come out of her mouth, this occasion is not right, but she is also out of good intentions, isn't she?
Besides, Tang Shishi was so excited that the chessboard was almost broken, and——Sun Xiaofen glanced at the chessboard, and noticed a little scarlet blood on the chessboard, and frowned!This Tang poetry, if you can't afford to lose, why are you so angry?She's just a wild girl with no tutor!In front of so many people, in front of so many elders, dare to slap the table!
"Her aunt, what are you talking about? Bai Mo is your niece!" Sun Xiaofen pulled face at the aggressive Bai Fengju, this eldest sister, her words are too harsh!She walked to Bai Mo's side with an obvious protective attitude.

Bai Fengju looked at Sun Xiaofen, then glared at Bai Mo, just about to speak, but was interrupted by Tang Shishi.

"Since you said you lost, listen to me, then I might as well talk about the conditions first." Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Nuanxin, who was pale with anger, and Quan, who was staring at this side and his eyes were protruding. Shaobai looked at the ashen-faced old man Jun and the equally angry old man Ling, his eyes passed over Sun Xiaofen, and finally fell on Bai Mo.

"Young Madam Jun, Bai Mo doesn't know how serious this child is. I'm here to make amends to you, old lady. Today's chess match, we admit defeat!" When Mrs. Bai heard Tang Shishi's words, she felt bad, and immediately stepped forward, Open your mouth to stop her from going on.

I hope that I can be of some use if I let go of this old face.

well!A few days ago, Fengju told her about the conditions put forward by the Jun family. She refused at first, and even persuaded her to give up. Now it seems...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Bai secretly glanced at Mr. Jun who was sitting there as immobile as a mountain, and her heart trembled again. She saw murderous intent in Mr. Jun's eyes!
Mrs. Bai's words made Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo startled, and they shouted at the same time: "Mom!"


Not only Sun Xiaofen and Bai Mo, but everyone present, except Mr. Jun, Mrs. Ling and Tang Shishi, were all amazed!

Old Madam Bai has always had a good reputation in the upper class, but she is also full of momentum. After all, her status is there, isn't she?Who heard her apologizing to a junior in such a low voice?Thinking about it is a bit of a fantasy, right?
The eyes of everyone looking at Tang Shishi changed again and again, what kind of creature is this thorny head?From Mars?Why is she so angry at all the banquets she attends?

"Grandma! What are you talking about! No one loses without a fight! I can win!" Bai Mo objected loudly in disapproval.

Let her admit defeat in the Go tournament?Still lost to Tang Shishi, she refused!Tang Shishi wants to win just like this, let's dream!

"Miss Bai is right, there is no way you can lose without a fight! So Mrs. Bai should listen to me about the conditions." Tang Shishi doesn't accept Mrs. Bai's affection at all. In her opinion, Bai Mo can be so arrogant. They got used to it, and now their Jun family's face has been trampled on, can it be wiped out with an apology?
How can there be such a cheap thing?If she didn't step on the face of the Bai family today, where would the face of the Jun family be placed in the future?
"Shishi, I know you're a sensible child, don't care about this stinky girl like Bai Mo, ah?" Seeing the deep anger on Tang Shishi's face, Mrs. Bai immediately spoke softly.

"Mom, it's just an angry talk between the children, why do you still..." Seriously?Sun Xiaofen didn't know many things, so she felt that Mrs. Bai's attitude was a bit of a fuss.It's just a quarrel between the young daughter's family, so there's no need to take it seriously.

"Ha!" Tang Shishi watched coldly, and suddenly laughed mockingly, her voice was clear and sharp.

Sun Xiaofen glanced at Tang Shishi angrily, thinking that this child is really uneducated, the elders have apologized so lowly to this point, and they still hold on to this point!
"Grandma, how can you increase her ambition and destroy your prestige? I can really win!" Bai Mo also said anxiously.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Bai couldn't get down from the stage, but Bai Mo was still on the sidelines making trouble, so angry she raised her hand and slapped Bai Mo's face.

"Mom!" Sun Xiaofen looked at the five clear fingerprints on Bai Mo's face, and shouted in surprise, her eyes were full of disapproval, and she wanted to look at Bai Mo's face in distress!

"Crack!" Bai Mo slapped Sun Xiaofen's hand away, looked at Old Madam Bai with hatred and said, "I initiated the competition, and I made the bet. Whether you win or lose, it has nothing to do with you!"

"You bastard! Shut up!" Mrs. Bai trembled angrily, pointed at Bai Mo and shouted, then looked at Sun Xiaofen and said, "Shut up her mouth!"

Sun Xiaofen at the side saw that Mrs. Bai was so angry, she didn't dare to say anything more, took Bai Mo's arm and said, "Listen to your grandma!"

At the same time, Bai Fengju, who didn't know when she came to the old lady Bai, didn't say much, but supported the old lady Bai who was trembling with sharp eyes and quick hands. She is a married daughter, and there is no need for her to intervene if there is old lady Bai in her early years. Otherwise, there will be a mess, and she will not be left behind in the end.

It's just——Bai Fengju looked at Tang Shishi who was domineering at the moment, watching Tang Shishi with cold eyes, and her thoughts were complicated. Have a good relationship with Tang Shishi!She can see now that Tang Shishi has the absolute right to speak in the Jun family. The masters of the Jun family and the old masters of the Ling family are all up to her!
"I'm not!" Bai Mo shook off Sun Xiaofen's hand without even looking at Mrs. Bai, pointing at Tang Shishi and said, "Tang Shishi, let me offer you your conditions!"

"Okay! Refreshing enough!" Tang Shishi smiled contemptuously, she was waiting for Bai Mo's words.

(End of this chapter)

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