chapter 381
The slap of Mrs. Bai just now made Tang Shishi really happy, and felt that her hand didn't hurt so much anymore.

"Stop talking so much nonsense!" Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi's smile angrily, driving her mad!
Old Madam Bai was panting desperately, unable to utter a single word, but she knew in her heart that today, her old face was completely offended!
"It's very simple. I don't think you don't know about Ling Susu's matter?" Tang Shishi deliberately raised her voice so that everyone around her could hear clearly: "If I win you today, then please invite Miss Bai Go to Jinfen to be a "princess" for a year! During this year, I will invite the most famous photographer in China to take pictures of Ms. Bai's wonderful daily life and make them into CDs. Released, let Miss Bai become a well-known person who is known to everyone in the entire Huaxia Kingdom!"

"Tang Shishi! Who gave you the guts!" Bai Mo was trembling with anger, she dared to raise such a condition that she would be a prostitute!
"I'll give it to you!" Mr. Jun, who hadn't spoken a moment ago, suddenly yelled, walked over with big strides, stood beside Tang Shishi, and repeated to Bai Mo word by word: "I—— --of!"

Old Mr. Ling, who was sitting under the stage, slammed the crutch in his hand to the ground, old man Smelly Jun, go up before he waits!

"Mr. Jun, you are...but it's all a farce among children!" Although Mrs. Bai had been prepared in her heart that Tang Shishi would say shocking words, she was still severely slapped in the face by Tang Shishi's words. Mr. Jun came up to help, even more shameless.

well!Who let them be unreasonable!

"Mrs. Bai, what do you think of my conditions? Compared to Miss Bai's suggestion of letting the young lady of the Jun family be Quan Shaobai's woman, I'm already merciful. Thinking that Miss Bai is going to marry after all, so I also Just ask for a one-year time limit, so you can't delay her lifelong event, right?" Tang Shishi didn't give Mr. Jun a chance to speak at all, and threw the topic to Mrs. Bai with a smile.

People in the stands didn't dare to speak loudly. Looking at Tang Shishi on the stage, they thought to themselves that this woman's mouth is really poisonous, and she can kill people with just a few words with a smile!They shouldn't have come today, but they feel that they are right to come today!

"Tang Shishi, how can you be so vicious! Our family Momo is out of good intentions and wants to help her cousin match up a marriage. You don't appreciate it. How can you say such vicious words? Anyway, you are now She is also the daughter-in-law of the Jun family, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Sun Xiaofen's face turned green with anger, and she could no longer maintain her demeanor, and sprayed towards Tang Shishi like a machine gun.

This woman who has no family, no roots, and the wrong family really can't marry at home!There is no sense of propriety in talking and doing things!

Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen's mouth opening and closing, and she really thought about the caliber and firepower of the guns in her mind.

The firing power of Sun Xiaofen's mouth is stronger than that of AK47!

"Mrs. Bai, I also have good intentions. Wouldn't it be nice to let Miss Bai become famous in China?" Tang Shishi sneered in her eyes, but on her face she looked like you don't want to be so ungrateful.

"Put away your kindness, we don't need it!" Sun Xiaofen didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so eloquent and so eloquent!

"Then, please also put away your kindness, Miss Bai, our Jun family also doesn't need it!" Tang Shishi's voice became a little colder again, and she spoke slowly, but the words were clear, with a sharp air, and an imposing manner !
"You..." Sun Xiaofen was silenced by Tang Shishi!Then he involuntarily glanced at the air-conditioned Mr. Jun, and closed his mouth knowingly.

"Hmph!" Mr. Jun snorted heavily, looked at Sun Xiaofen, then fell on Mrs. Bai's face, and said displeasedly: "Mrs. Bai, this is the reason why you invited my granddaughter-in-law and granddaughter to participate in the competition." The purpose? Is my granddaughter unable to get married or what? Last time you held a blind date banquet, your granddaughter took off her clothes and threw herself on my grandson while the power was off. He gnawed fiercely, what if he has never seen a man? Some time ago, she instigated your daughter’s family to besiege our Jun’s compound, and bully our Jun’s family, why not?”

Mr. Jun unceremoniously exposed Baimo's background in public, he didn't care about tearing his face apart!Anyway, they are members of their Jun family, so they can't be bullied!
Sun Xiaofen opened her mouth in surprise when she heard Mr. Jun's words. She asked Mrs. Bai with her eyes. She couldn't believe that everything Mr. Jun said was related to her daughter!
Old Madam Bai gave Sun Xiaofen an annoyed look, and she was also very annoyed with herself in her heart, she should have talked to Sun Xiaofen about these things before today!

Seeing Mrs. Bai's expression, Sun Xiaofen's heart sank into the abyss.

"Mr. Jun, it's because I can't teach you well. You have a lot of adults. Go back and sit down first. I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter!" Mrs. Bai said begging for mercy after being questioned by Mr. Jun.

"Huh! My old man is very small!" Mr. Jun is so easy to dismiss, he looked at the people in the Bai family and said, "Since my granddaughter-in-law has also put forward conditions, let's start, and I will tell you when the time comes." Boy Bei, let him treat your Baimo well!"

The aura in Mr. Jun's words clearly showed that he had already lost Bai Mo, as if he was afraid that the Bai family would renege on their debts.

"Mr. Jun, Bai Mo knew it was wrong. This is a bet or not. The kid is making a fuss. I apologize to you!" Sun Xiaofen bowed deeply to Mr. Jun.Thinking of Bai Mo's credit for besieging Jun's compound, Sun Xiaofen felt her head swell. She never dreamed that Bai Mo could do such a thing!

"I'll shoot you, and then I'll bow to you, saying that I didn't hold it steady and snatched the fire away, so are you doing it for nothing?" Mr. Jun didn't give Sun Xiaofen any face. Just now this woman accused his family Here comes the poetic girl, what she said is ugly!
Sun Xiaofen didn't expect to be choked several times today. She had heard a lot about Mr. Jun's temper, so she could only look at Mrs. Bai for help.

When Tang Shishi heard Mr. Jun's analogy, she suddenly remembered that there was a bullet in the miniature revolver in her sneakers, maybe she could really take it out to make a fuss!

The old lady Bai was silent, and the situation froze for a moment.

The man sitting in front of the electronic monitoring screen quietly watched the scenes in the Go club, and finally his eyes fell on the face of Tang Shishi with a cold face. There was a hazy smile on his face, but that smile was very light. Very light and disappears quickly.

After a long time, he picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said to the person over there who was anxiously waiting for instructions: "Let her no matter what, delay the time for me until after four o'clock in the afternoon!"

(End of this chapter)

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