chapter 383
Bai Mo lost the first round, but when the second round started, she became much calmer, and every step she took seemed to be well thought out, and her moves were powerful.

Tang Shishi, on the other hand, changed her composure in the first round. Every time Bai Mo made a move, she followed her fast. There is no need to think about it at all.

Tang Shishi presses on at every step, but Bai Mo is defensive at every step, and the two of them are fighting on the chessboard.

Some people in the stands who had a little research on Go gradually saw some tricks.

Old Master Ling stared at Luozi on the electronic screen, his eyes shone with excitement, his body trembled slightly, one hand couldn't help grabbing Old Master Jun's wrist, and wanted to shout loudly, but Afraid of affecting the thinking of the chess players on the stage, he could only suppress his emotions, and said in a stammering and trembling voice: "Old man Jun, you, look! Quick, look!"

Mr. Jun didn't understand Go at all. He heard Mr. Ling's words and saw Mr. Ling so excited, but it was rare that he didn't stab him. He stared at the electronic screen for a long time, but he didn't see why. The white ones were placed in a mess.

Originally, he came here today to support his granddaughter-in-law, and he doesn't know how to play Go, so it's normal if he doesn't understand it!
"Look at you! You're shaking like you're sifting chaff, can't you talk properly?" Old Mrs. Ling couldn't be excited, this Mr. Jun really came, so seeing Mrs. Ling like this, he couldn't help but pour cold water on him , Let him cool down.

"Forget it! I told you that you don't understand!" Mrs. Ling also realized that he had overreacted at this moment. He withdrew his hand awkwardly, gave Mr. Jun another look of disgust, and then tightened his grip. He stared at the electronic screen and said.

"Hmph! Old man Ling, I really doubt that you are just pretending to understand!" Why is it that this guy is so excited while everyone else is watching?
Mr. Jun is very puzzled!
"Who doesn't understand and pretends to understand!" Old Master Ling scolded Old Master Jun angrily, his eyes were glued to the chessboard, and he couldn't bear to look away.

"Then tell me, what are you excited about?" Mr. Jun asked curiously.

"I'm excited because girl Shishi will win this game of chess!" Old Master Ling said happily. Because of his excitement, Old Master Ling's face seemed to be stained with red light.

"Cut! It's up to you to say, I don't need to look to know that girl Shishi will win!" Mr. Jun said with a disdainful glance at Mrs. Ling.

Look at the indecision of the Bai family girl, how long have you been thinking about this?Every time is slower than once, I really suspect that she is deliberately delaying time.Looking at their Shishi girl, she didn't need to think about it at all, she sat there calmly, staring anxiously, waiting for the girl from the Bai family to settle down.

Mr. Jun suddenly felt that the Bai family's going competition today was too inconsiderate. In this situation, he should give some peanuts, melon seeds and fruit snacks to his Shishi girl.For hot tea and drinks, let his Shishi girl eat and drink while waiting, otherwise, sitting on it would be so boring, wouldn't it?
"You are an outsider's point of view!" Mrs. Ling finally looked away from the electronic screen, and gave Mrs. Jun a disdainful glance.There is no way, this time the girl of the Bai family has been thinking for too long, the old man has been staring at the electronic screen, his eyes are sour and weeping.

"Then you, an expert, tell me, what kind of tricks do you see?" Mr. Jun said with a snort, apparently not taking what Mrs. Ling said seriously, playing chess, isn't it just a matter of winning or losing? It's all the same, what's the way?
Old man Ling must be playing tricks, knowing that he doesn't understand, so he deliberately showed off in front of him!
"Of course there is a way!" Mrs. Ling looked at the electronic screen, and found that Bai Mo made a move, and then Tang Shishi made another move, and then Bai Mo fell into deep thought again, so he had time to turn around and talk to Mr. Jun, and opened his mouth Asked: "Have you not noticed that this game of chess is the same as the first game?"

"I don't understand, it's just black and white!" Mr. Jun became more and more sure that Mrs. Ling was taunting him when he heard Mrs. Ling's question, and said a little angrily.

"Ahem!" Old Master Ling knew that Mr. Jun had misunderstood, so he coughed twice in embarrassment, and explained: "In this game of chess, the position of Shishi girl's moves is almost the same as that of Bai Mo's moves in the previous game. , become nothing more than a few sons."

"What do you mean?" When Mr. Jun heard Mrs. Ling's words, he immediately felt a sense of crisis. The girls from Shishi and the girls from the Bai family had the same chess pieces in a game?The girl from the Bai family lost the last game of chess!Could it be that girl Shishi will lose this game of chess?

But it doesn't look like it?The girl Shishi was calm and composed, she looked like a general when she was sitting there, but the girl from the Bai family was frowning, as if she was forced to die in a corner where the beast was still fighting.

"It means that girl Shishi wants to use Baimo's moves in the previous game to defeat Baimo. This is called treating her in the same way!" Old Master Ling said proudly, his beard flying off her face. To heaven!

"So, girl Shishi will win?" The only thing Mr. Jun is worried about is winning or losing. As for the chess moves and stuff, he doesn't care!
"That is, and it will be very beautiful to win!" Old Master Ling became more and more excited.

"Girl Shishi is such a good girl!" Mr. Jun said gratifiedly.This granddaughter-in-law is just to give him a face!

"Yes." Old Master Ling nodded, expressing his full agreement, and went to care about the chess game on the stage again.

It's easy to say that it's easy to fight back against the other's body, but in such a short period of time, it is absolutely not possible to remember every move made by the opponent in the previous game, and to make up for the shortcomings, so as to win. one simple thing.

Mrs. Bai also knows some Go. Although she is not proficient, her level is definitely higher than that of Mrs. Ling. So from the beginning of the second game, when Tang Shishi and Bai Mo took a few steps, she has already seen that Knowing Tang Shishi's intentions, I really love and hate Tang Shishi in my heart.

Her granddaughter Bai Mo is most proud of her chess skills. In order to compete with Tang Shishi, she also changed the time of the Go tournament. She just wanted to save some face from her specialty. She never thought it would be today. Such an end.

Old Madam Bai looked at Tang Shishi with a complicated look. She knew that this little girl held vengeance ruthlessly. In today's battle, she wanted to completely destroy Bai Mo's self-confidence in her heart, so that she would no longer have anything to be proud of. capital!
(End of this chapter)

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