Chapter 384 Kidnapping! (1)
What a thorn!

"Mom, are you saying that Tang Shishi's chess skills are just that good?" Sun Xiaofen looked at Bai Mo, and couldn't sit still. She was really afraid that this daughter would lose today, unable to bear the blow, and go crazy.In the past few days, she kept hearing Bai Mo say that her heart was uncomfortable, and she was a little panicked, so she was afraid that Bai Mo would not be able to bear the blow and what would happen to her body.

Because Sun Xiaofen also knew that Bai Mo took today's match very seriously, especially before the match, she was full of confidence and wanted to bet with Tang Shishi, but luckily she didn't!

"The two Bai Mo are no match for her!" Old Madam Bai said with a helpless sigh, the even-numbered beauties had already competed, and now there were only Bai Mo, Tang Shishi and the referee on the stage. Bai Mo was obviously holding on to the situation, but she could tell that this game was a dead end, and there was no chance of winning.

"..." Sun Xiaofen didn't expect that Mrs. Bai would give Tang Shishi such a high evaluation, and she couldn't help feeling nervous again, especially when she heard the words of Old Master Ling, "Treat me with my own way" , the worry in her eyes was even stronger, she looked at Tang Shishi on the stage with resentment in her eyes!

This woman, if she wins, she wins. If she insists on playing so many tricks to attack people, if Bai Mo gets angry, what can she do?
How did Tang Shishi know that she was just curious about the trend of the last game, so she put it out to study unconsciously, and it has already caused so many controversies. She really didn't expect to humiliate Bai Mo in this way. But seeing Bai Mo's distorted face with sweat, Tang Shishi felt that she was really wrong. A woman like Bai Mo should be hit so hard and completely!

"You won!" Bai Mo, who had nowhere to go after struggling for several times, finally threw the chess piece in her hand onto the chessboard angrily, and said through gritted teeth.

Tang Shishi stretched out her hand and grabbed the chess piece that was bouncing and almost jumped to her, stood up calmly and said, "I won, you - lost! So, when you see me in the future, please remember to make a detour, Miss Bai. You don't need me to remind you again, do you?" She knew that Bai Mo would never say "I lost", so it was necessary to remind her kindly so that she could remember that losing There are still promises to be fulfilled.

"Tang Shishi, don't get complacent too early!" Bai Mo looked up at the wall clock, it was less than a minute before four o'clock, a sneer crossed the corner of her mouth.

"I never felt that there was anything to be proud of. Winning you is just expected!" Tang Shishi said indifferently.

"Sister-in-law three, you are so mighty, I love you so much!" Jun Nuan in the stands couldn't help standing up and shouting excitedly.After finishing speaking, he muttered in distress: "Why did I forget to buy flowers? I should go up and offer flowers at this time!"

Tang Shishi glanced in Jun Nuanxin's direction, with a smile in her eyes.

Seeing that Bai Mo's mood was not right, Sun Xiaofen was afraid that she would not feel well, so when Tang Shishi stood up, she hurried forward.Hearing the conversation between Tang Shishi and Bai Mo, she glanced at Tang Shishi complainingly, and couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Just when Sun Xiaofen stepped onto the stage, he heard several explosions of "Boom! Boom! Boom!", and then everyone felt that the eyes were filled with smoke, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

"Ah—" The terrified people screamed, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

"Not good! Sister-in-law three!" Quan Shaobai reacted first, yelled, and rushed to the stage based on his feeling, but the thick smoke from the smoke bomb made him tearful, and he couldn't open his eyes at all. The people around were terrified and shouted and screamed out of demeanor, blocked by a mess, Quan Shaobai was having difficulty at all.

"Shishi! Tang Shishi! You heard...cough! Answer quickly!" Quan Shaobai yelled helplessly at the stage.

"Shishi girl!"


Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling also sensed that something was wrong, and they also shouted.

But there was no response from the stage at all, the whole Go club was in chaos, only screams, moans, cries and calls for help.

"Sister-in-law three! Shishi!" Jun Nuanxin also shouted after Quan Shaobai, she wanted to rush over, but Jiang Dongli held her tightly.

"Xinxin, don't go there! It's dangerous!" Jiang Dongli said anxiously, grabbing Jun Nuanxin's arm.

"Jiang Dongli, let me go! My third sister-in-law is up there! Let go!" Jun Nuanxin struggled desperately, feeling flustered and confused.

Third sister-in-law, don't worry!

"You can't make it through, stay here, don't get hit by someone." Jiang Dongli pulled Jun Nuanxin into his arms, the smoke choked him so much that his throat was terribly uncomfortable when he spoke.

Now it is cold and the temperature is low. The air conditioner is turned on in the Weiqi club, and the windows are closed tightly.

"If you want to stay by yourself, I'm going to find my third sister-in-law!" Jun Nuan said angrily, especially when he heard Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling calling third sister-in-law's name, Quan Shaobai's voice was covered by thick smoke. Choking hoarsely, she also kept calling the name of the third sister-in-law, how could she stay here indifferent!She is not that selfish!

But Jiang Dongli was stubborn and refused to let go. Jun Nuanxin couldn't let go, and yelled at Jiang Dongli viciously: "Jiang Dongli, you bastard! Let go!" For the first time, she felt that Jiang Dongli was so hateful!
Jiang Dongli felt wronged. At this time, how could Jun Nuanxin rush to the front? The inside was in such a mess. He just wanted to protect her from harm. He already had a premonition that this incident was aimed at Tang Shishi. Who knew Will the other party also be unfavorable to Jun Nuanxin?So his top priority is to keep a close eye on this woman!
Who knew it would cause Jun Nuanxin to resist so fiercely!

"Don't let go! Xinxin, don't run around! Be good, don't run around!" Jiang Dongli hugged Jun Nuanxin and said, really earnestly.

"Quan Shaobai! Quan Shaobai! Did you find my third sister-in-law? Did you find it?" Jun Nuan couldn't help but yell at Quan Shaobai. He was the first to react and rushed out. Where have you been!
"Heartwarming! Cough cough... Hurry up and call the second brother, and open the window to the left of us!" Quan Shaobai responded to Jun Nuanxin while coughing.

They were sitting near the window just now. Under the current situation, the window must be opened to circulate the air, otherwise, many people inside may be suffocated!
"Okay! Shaobai, I'll listen to you! You want to find the third sister-in-law!" Jun Nuanxin choked up and said, took out her mobile phone, and called Jun Mubei.

(End of this chapter)

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