Chapter 385 Kidnapping! (2)
"Second brother, there was an explosion in the Weiqi club, and the third sister-in-law, the third sister-in-law is nowhere to be found! Huh..." Jun Nuanxin cried as soon as the call was connected.

"Bang!" There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground from the phone, Jun Nuanxin was startled, and hurriedly coughed and shouted into the phone: "Second brother, what's wrong with you, second brother? Second brother, you—cough Cough! Speak up, Second Brother! Huh..." Jun Nuanxin cried even louder, never feeling so scared in her heart, something will happen to Second Brother, right?

Woohoo, how could this be?
Jun Nuanxin only heard the words "I'll be there right away!", and the phone was hung up.

"Warm heart, open the window quickly, to the left!" Quan Shaobai's voice sounded, with some urgency to breathe.

I don't know what was added to this smoke bomb. Not to mention the high smoke concentration, when you breathe in it, you will feel that your mouth is burning hot.

"Oh! Here we come!" Jun Nuanxin is now in a state of disorientation, and can only act like a robot, ordering one bite at a time.When she heard Quan Shaobai asking her to open the window, she hurried to the left.

Jiang Dongli held back the dizzy Jun Nuanxin, but was suddenly punched on the chin by Jun Nuanxin who was out of control.

"Jiang Dongli, you selfish ghost, don't go too far!" Jun Nuanxin's eyes were full of fierceness, and she looked at Jiang Dongli with a strange look that she had never seen before.She thought Jiang Dongli was trying to stop her from opening the window again.

"Hiss! Xinxin, I just want to tell you that this is the left side, you're going the wrong way!" Jiang Dongli said aggrievedly touching his chin.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm so excited!" Jun Nuanxin hurriedly apologized, and then squeezed in the direction Jiang Dongli said.She is now a headless fly, so dizzy that she can't tell the direction.

The moment Jun Mubei heard Jun Nuanxin's phone call, Erlang's legs crossed on the table did not have time to retract, his body became unstable, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

explode?Can't find it?What is missing?A piece of flesh and blood flashed across Jun Mubei's mind, and his heart stopped suddenly. He pressed hard on the place where his heart was, and those out-of-frequency heartbeats made his heart ache and chaotic. Picking up the phone, he rushed out frantically.

Chris was about to come over to Jun Mubei to ask when Tang Shishi would come back. He wanted to have a relationship with Tang Shishi, and see if Tang Shishi won the game today and if he was in a good mood, could he show off again tonight? vegetable.

Since the first day he came here, he had tasted Tang Shishi's craftsmanship. These days, he has been looking for an opportunity to ask Tang Shishi to cook. Mu Bei was always blocking him, so he didn't have a chance to speak.

With a sound of "Boom!", Chris was unprepared and was almost knocked over by Jun Mubei. He watched Jun Mubei run away madly, ignoring the pain, and quickly got up and chased after him.

"Mu Bei, what's the matter?" Chris asked while running.It has been many years since I saw Jun Mubei's lost soul.

"Something happened to Shishi!" Jun Mubei rushed to the elevator and said while pressing the elevator impatiently.

"What's going on?" Chris saw the unprecedented panic on Jun Mubei's face, his heart was shocked, and then he quickly threw away those absurd thoughts in his mind.

impossible!Mu Bei won't!
"The Go Club exploded!" Jun Mubei was in no mood to explain, he got into the private elevator, went all the way down to the parking lot, got into a Land Rover, and drove the car out all at once.

Of course, Chris got into the car right after him, aside from Tang Shishi's identity as Rui's wife, anyway, Tang Shishi is now his apprentice in name, and he certainly couldn't stand by and watch.

The car was speeding all the way, and while watching Jun Mubei turn the steering wheel rapidly with one hand and pass by a car, he called to dispatch people, listened to his unbalanced voice, and looked at the out-of-control eyes in his eyes. The worry and eagerness were so naked, Chris felt even more uneasy, he had to hypnotize himself over and over again: Mu Bei is just out of concern for his family!For the family!

Because of Quan Shaobai's reminder, a few people near the window also opened the window, and the cold wind from outside poured into the room, blowing away the thick smoke a lot. Quan Shaobai finally distinguished the direction clearly, and headed towards Touch it on the stage.

"Shishi! Shishi!" Quan Shaobai yelled as he walked, trying to call for some response, even if it was a familiar whisper, at such a time, it would reassure him and make him ecstatic!
But, no!No!Every time Quan Shaobai yelled, his heart sank a little.

"Girl Shishi!" Mr. Jun was groping on the stage while coughing. He was relatively close to the stage. He rushed up, but he was bumped by someone and fell down. He was sensitive to the fact that the person who hit him was a man with an unusual aura, and the other person obviously bumped into him on purpose, so I am even more worried about the situation of Tang poetry.

At this moment, Mr. Jun already understood in his heart that they had fallen into someone else's trap today.

Where is Tang Shishi on the stage?
Except for Sun Xiaofen, who fell unconscious on the ground, and Bai Mo, who was shivering on the stage with her head in her arms, Mr. Jun and Quan Shaobai, there was no one else on the Go stage!

"Shishi girl!" Elder Ling staggered forward with the support of Geng Changsheng. The thick smoke just now made his tears flow, his chest felt tight and his breathing was unsteady, but he saw that there was no Tang poetry on the stage. The figure of Shi, Old Master Ling almost rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Geng Changsheng was so frightened that he hastened to breathe for Old Master Ling. Old Master Ling gasped a few times against the cold wind, and finally recovered.The first task now is to find girl Shishi, he can't help with his old bones, but he must not add to the chaos!

"Xiaofen!" Mrs. Bai came over with the support of Bai Fengju, and when she saw Sun Xiaofen who was unconscious on the stage, she was so frightened that her legs went limp, she hurried forward, patted Sun Xiaofen's face and shouted: "Call the ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

The servant of the Bai family standing on the other side heard Mrs. Bai's words and quickly dialed 120.

"Shaobai, where's your third sister-in-law?" Bai Fengju asked while grabbing Quan Shaobai's arm, her face was extremely anxious.

Bai Fengju is not just pretending to show Mr. Jun, she is really worried. This Tang Shishi is a key figure related to his son's lifelong happiness, and nothing will happen to her!

"I don't know, I think the third sister-in-law was taken away!" Quan Shaobai said in pain as the smoke choked his throat like it was on fire.

"Sister-in-law three! Where's sister-in-law three?" Jun Nuanxin ran over, her face was full of tears, and she couldn't find Tang Shishi after searching around. After hearing what Quan Shaobai said, she went over and shook Quan Shaobai's arm Ask: "Quan Shaobai, where is my third sister-in-law? Who took her away? Tell me quickly! Tell me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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