Chapter 386 Kidnapping! (3)
Quan Shaobai hugged Jun Nuanxin, and said in a low voice, "I don't know!" There was endless guilt in his voice.Tang Shishi was taken away right in front of him, but he couldn't do anything!He is so useless!
"How could you not know! Aren't you the first to rush over? How could you not know!" Jun Nuanxin questioned Quan Shaobai's chest, raising her fist.

Quan Shaobai let Jun Nuanxin beat him, felt Jun Nuanxin's warm tears, felt pain in his heart, hugged him even tighter, and said hoarsely: "It's all my fault, I'm useless! Don't cry! It's all my fault!"

"Woooo..." Jun Nuanxin cried even louder, she was so scared!How could the third sister-in-law be taken away?Will those people hurt her?As long as they don't hurt sister-in-law three, she is willing to give them anything they want!

Jiang Dongli, who rushed over with Jun Nuanxin, was standing behind Jun Nuanxin, seeing Jun Nuanxin crying in Quan Shaobai's arms, feeling sore and uncomfortable, he pulled Jun Nuanxin over , hugging her tightly possessively, he is Jun Nuan's legitimate boyfriend, they are already engaged, and if she wants to cry, she will cry in his arms.

Jun Nuanxin fell into Jiang Dongli's arms, looked up at the gloomy Jiang Dongli in surprise, pushed Jiang Dongli away angrily, pointed at him and said, "It's all your fault! It's all your fault for stopping me! It's all your fault !"

Jiang Dongli's face became more gloomy. He went up to pull Jun Nuanxin, but his arm was waved away by Jun Nuanxin. Seeing this, Quan Shaobai also stepped forward to pull Jun Nuanxin, but was also waved away by Jun Nuanxin. She doesn't want to see it now. to either of them.Because she hates herself very much now, if it weren't for her, the third sister-in-law would never have come to participate in this damn Go game, and she would never have been kidnapped!

It's all her fault!Blame her the culprit!Woohoo!
"Shishi!" Jun Mubei rushed in at this moment.He passed through the smoke, jumped onto the stage, quickly glanced at the situation on the stage, then looked at Mr. Jun, and asked, "Grandpa, where is Shishi?"

Mr. Jun glanced at Jun Mubei who looked anxious and flustered, couldn't help coughing twice, and said, "Boy Rui's daughter-in-law has been kidnapped!"

Jun Mubei's face froze, he looked at Mr. Jun, then at Jun Nuanxin and the others, adjusted his breath secretly, and said, "Grandpa, you go back first, Dong Li, you go back together, I will send People will follow along the road to protect you, Nuan Xin stay at home honestly these few days, don't run around. Shaobai, you also send some people to be on standby at any time."

Quan Shaobai, Jiang Dongli, and Jun Nuanxin all nodded in agreement.Quan Shaobai went to make a call, and Jun Nuanxin stopped crying. When she saw Jun Mubei coming, she felt like she had a strong heart. She knew that she couldn't do anything right now, so she obeyed the second brother's order. Add to the chaos.

"Bei boy, Rui boy's wife..." Mr. Jun disapproved when he heard that he was asked to go back.

"Grandpa, I know, I understand everything here, leave the matter here to me!" After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he looked at the sad old man Ling and said, "Grandpa Ling is staying in the Jun family compound for a few days. Well, it would be nice to have someone to talk with my grandpa, so that he won't have to think about it."

Hearing Jun Mubei's words, Old Master Ling raised his head to meet Jun Mubei's eyes, his eyes shrank and relaxed, nodded excitedly, and said, "That's fine, so I can know the news about Shishi girl as soon as possible. Son, You must bring her back!"

"I will." Jun Mubei nodded towards Old Master Ling with a serious and solemn tone.

"Well, Grandpa Ling believes in you, and it's all up to you if Kid Rui isn't here!" Old Master Ling said in the same solemn tone.

"Grandpa Ling, don't worry. When Boy Rui leaves, ask me to take care of Shishi. I treat Shishi like my own sister." Jun Mubei promised again.

Old Master Ling finally nodded in relief and stopped talking.

When the ambulance arrived, almost all the people in the Go Club had been evacuated, except for those from the Bai family, and those who were pushed to the ground, trampled and injured, and their family members, the Go Club had been evacuated inside and out. Mu Bei and Quan Shaobai's people took control.

When the wounded were carried into the car, Sun Xiaofen had already woken up, only to hear her shout: "No!" She sat up from the ground at once, and then looked at the people around blankly, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare .

Just now, Mrs. Bai and the others listened to Jun Mubei's suggestion, so they all kept a certain distance from Sun Xiaofen, so as not to hinder the circulation of air around her. Therefore, after being blown by the cold wind for a while, Sun Xiaofen naturally woke up.

"What happened?" Seeing everyone staring at her, Sun Xiaofen asked puzzledly, then she seemed to suddenly think of something, looked around, and found that Bai Mo was sitting on the side with her body curled up in a ball. I was a little frightened, but I was still at ease, and my heart was relieved.

"Where is Tang Shishi?" Sun Xiaofen couldn't find Tang Shishi's figure, and asked eagerly, with undisguised concern in his eyes.

"Xiaofen, you were on stage just now, the closest to Tang Shishi, did you see clearly who took her away?" Mrs. Bai asked while holding Sun Xiaofen's hand.

There was such a sudden change today, Mrs. Bai was still in shock, especially when she saw Sun Xiaofen lying motionless on the stage, she was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out.

Just now, before old man Jun and old man Ling left, they had already put down their words. Regardless of whether this matter has something to do with the Bai family or whether the Bai family is involved or not, they will not let it go!

Mrs. Bai is very worried now. She is very clear about the current positions of the Bai family and the Jun family. In City B, as long as the Jun family makes a fuss regardless, although it is to suit the wishes of those people, the Bai family will definitely It will be cleaned up as cannon fodder before the Jun family!So now she is more worried about Tang Shishi's safety than anyone else. She has already called the old man to give a general account of the matter, so that he can know clearly, while she herself has been praying silently, and must Get the person back, don't have an accident!

"No, those people were wearing gas masks. I just watched a person shoot her with a gun. I was anxious to go up to her, but I was knocked out!" Sun Xiaofen tried hard to recall. The scene I saw, and then I looked at Jun Mubei and said, "Didn't those people be caught? How could they have guns?"

In Sun Xiaofen's cognition, guns are only something in the army. In daily life, seeing someone draw a gun is simply too horrifying and unacceptable.

"There's no blood on the ground, I think it's an anesthesia gun or something." Jun Mubei explained in a deep voice.He didn't understand why the other party wanted to kidnap Tang Shishi, could it be that his whereabouts had been exposed?impossible!

Unless it is, there is an inner ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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