Chapter 387 Kidnapping! (4)
But what did they kidnap Shishi for?Jun Mubei thought about it, his eyes fell on Bai Mo's body, disgust flashed in his eyes, but he still walked towards Bai Mo.

From just now until now, Bai Mo has not changed this posture, she obviously saw something, otherwise this behavior would be too abnormal.

"Miss Bai!" Jun Mubei showed a foolish smile, squatted down in front of Bai Mo, and met her flustered eyes condescendingly.

"I don't know, I don't know anything! Don't ask me, don't! Go away! I don't know! I didn't see anything!" Bai Mo said incoherently as her body shook even more.

"I'm just saying hello, why are you so guilty?" Jun Mubei's eyes were full of evil spirits, and he suddenly reached out and squeezed Bai Mo's chin tightly. Anomaly, said coldly: "Tell me, what did you see?"

Bai Mo screamed: "Don't grab me! Don't grab me!" His pupils were dilated, and his mind was a little out of order, on the verge of collapse.

"Master Jun! Don't force her like this! It's none of her business!" Seeing Bai Mo like this, Sun Xiaofen's eyes darkened, and she came over to plead for mercy.At this moment, Jun Mubei's body is full of hostility, even she can't help trembling, let alone a delicate girl like Momo who doesn't know much about the world!
This is her daughter, she can't ignore it!

Jun Mubei let go of Baimo's chin, stood up, and suddenly looked at a corner above the Weiqi club, his eyes were deep, filled with endless coldness and killing intent.

The man who was sitting in front of the computer and watching every move of these people in the Weiqi club met Jun Mubei's eyes across the computer screen, and the corner of his mouth curled into an intriguing arc.

Jun Mubei, right?Rumor has it that Jun Mubei hated stealing his brother's woman the most. He once personally cut off a little finger of his elder brother Jun Mudong, forcing Jun Mudong to go overseas and not return for many years.

It seems that the rumors are very different from the actual situation!With Jun Mubei's appearance, if it is said that he has no feelings for Tang Shishi other than brother and sister, ghosts would believe it!Otherwise, why did Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling remind him over and over again that Tang Shishi is Ling Rui's woman?But it's no wonder that a woman like Tang Shishi, after getting along with her for a long time, how many men would not be tempted?
When the man thought of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth became enchanting and weird. This thing seemed to be getting more and more fun!
At this moment, the phone rang.The man lazily picked up the phone, and after hearing what the person on the other side reported, he changed his laziness just now, and said coldly to the other end of the phone: "Bastard! Protect me! Don't let that crazy woman approach her , If she dares to act without authorization again, if any part touches Tang Shishi, I will chop off that part and throw it to the dogs! If Tang Shishi loses a single hair, you will collectively kill yourself!"

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone, picked up his coat, and hurried out.

Jun Mubei keenly felt that everything about them was being monitored. Now that he was no longer frantic, he analyzed various possibilities in his mind and began to meditate.

Quan Shaobai saw Jun Mubei's expression in his eyes, knowing that he was thinking of a way, he didn't dare to interrupt his thoughts, so he asked people to help send everyone to the ambulance.

Bai Mo was also taken away by the ambulance personnel. Because she had a history of heart disease and was extremely frightened, the doctor suggested that she go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Shi Qian was knocked down by someone just now, and her hand was trampled on. At this moment, she was also preparing to leave with the medical staff. She glanced at the trembling Bai Mo, with joy in her eyes, and leaned closer to Bai Mo and whispered: "Miss Bai, your last The game of chess was really good.”

Bai Mo looked up at Shi Qian, her body trembled even more, and suddenly she waved her hands wildly and shouted, "Don't come near me! Don't come near me!"

"Miss Shi, please stay away from my daughter!" Sun Xiaofen couldn't see the sarcasm in Shi Qian's eyes, she stood between Shi Qian and Bai Mo, separated the two bodies, and then said to Bai Mo : "Momo, don't be afraid! Mom is here!"

Bai Mo was shaking like a leaf in the strong wind outside, snuggling into Sun Xiaofen's arms, holding onto Sun Xiaofen's clothes tightly.

The doctor also quickly separated Shi Qian from Bai Mo, saying, "She can't meet strangers, and she can't be stimulated anymore."

Shi Qian shrugged, obediently stood a little further away from Bai Mo, and said, "I have no malicious intentions!"

"Xiaoqian!" Just as everyone was about to leave the Go club, a coquettish voice came over, making the bodies of the people who were already in the cold wind even colder.

"Heh!" Shi Qian called out loudly to the figure who was flying towards him, and after a while, she was hugged by Shen He forcefully.

"I was scared to death. I heard that there was an explosion here! Are you okay?" Shen He's face was full of worry, and he looked at Shi Qian carefully.

"Hand is injured!" Shi Qian handed her trampled hand to Shen He's face. The originally light white hand was damaged in many places at this moment, which was horrible.

"Baby! Let's go to the hospital right now!" Shen He said softly with his arms around Shi Qian's waist.

"Ah! Ah - don't come close to me! Don't come close to me!" Seeing Shen He, Bai Mo started to scream again.

Shen He was taken aback, touched his nose with a puzzled look on his face.

"She was injured here!" Shi Qian pointed to her head with her uninjured hand and explained.Shen He nodded in understanding.

"Hey! Your primary school girl has been kidnapped!" Shi Qian said in Shen He's arms.

"What?!" Shen He stopped and asked incredulously, "You said Shishi?"

"En." Shi Qian nodded, turned around, pointed at Jun Mubei and said to Quan Shaobai, "If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Before Shi Qian finished speaking, Shen He had already rushed to Jun Mubei like a gust of wind, and asked, "What's going on? How could Shishi be kidnapped? Who did it?"

Jun Mubei's train of thought was interrupted by Shen He, looking at the anxious Shen He in front of him, a trace of helplessness flashed across Jun Mubei's eyes, and said: "It's not clear yet."

"What's wrong with Ling Rui? He can't even protect his wife well!" Shen He said angrily, then glanced at Jun Mubei who looked worried and said, "Do you want me to help?"

"This is our Jun family's business, there's no need for it!" Jun Mubei's voice turned cold after hearing Shen He's complaint.

"Shishi is my best primary school girl!" Shen He became impatient, he felt Jun Mubei's rejection of him.

"Since you are so enthusiastic, then pay attention to the situation in City A, maybe you can be of some help." Jun Mubei glanced at Shen He and said.

"You mean that Shishi might be taken to City A?" Shen He asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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