Chapter 388 Kidnapping! (5)
"We can't rule out this possibility!" After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he walked out, leaving behind Shen He who was still thinking.

Jun Mubei doesn't know where Tang Shishi will be taken.

When Jun Mubei walked to his car, Chris was already waiting on it.Just now, Chris didn't follow Jun Mubei into the Go club, because his image was too eye-catching, and he was easily remembered, causing unnecessary trouble, so Jun Mubei asked him to check all the surveillance cameras around the Go club After reading it again, although they knew that these surveillance systems were probably tampered with, they couldn't let go of any glimmer of hope.

Chris threw his hands helplessly at Jun Mubei, expressing that he had gotten nothing, and Jun Mubei slammed on the steering wheel angrily.

They even reached out to Tang Shishi!
When Jun Mubei drove back to Jinfen, the people sent out reported the news one after another. Every time Jun Mubei heard the report, his brows frowned.

The other party obviously planned it long ago, the plan was precise, and the aftermath work was done perfectly. This kind of means is by no means achievable by ordinary organizations.But what is their purpose in doing this?When, in their eyes, can a woman control the overall situation?
The red pen was traveling on three different routes, but Jun Mubei's brain was running at high speed. Someone had already chased these three routes, although he knew that this might be the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain It is possible that Shishi was not taken to any of these three places at all, but he knew that the other party was sure that he could not give up any possibility, even if he knew that he might be played for fun, but he Had to cooperate obediently.

It was the first time he met such a cunning and thoughtful opponent, even more slippery than those cunning drug lords in the Golden Triangle!

"Young Master Jun!" Xiao Qi, who was beside Jun Mubei, opened the door and came in, and hurriedly said, "News from the Department of Charms!"

The strings in Xiao Qi's mind have been tense during this time. He knows the weight of Tang poetry too well, so he has many rules, and he speaks and does things swiftly and resolutely.

This kidnapping is different from the last time when he ran away from home. Young Master Jun directly used the power of the Meibu. He has been by Young Master Jun's side for many years. Anmei is divided into two parts, Anbu and Meibu, but apart from Wu Hao, he rarely even saw the protectors of Anbu, let alone Meibu. At first, he always suspected that Meibu was a non-existent legend!

"En." Hearing what Xiao Qi said, Jun Mubei stood up and walked quickly to the control center.

The Meibu is a very secretive organization, and their means of transmitting messages is even more secretive. They are not directly transmitted to the communication equipment and can be seen directly, but in the control center of a secret room in Jinfen. Only by entering the fingerprint and unlocking instructions in person can the message be deciphered.

Jun Mubei entered the control center, impatiently about to put his finger on the screen, but retracted it, and said to the people around him, "You all go out."

"Yes!" The protectors of Anbu and Xiao Qi obediently withdrew and closed the door carefully.Everything about the Meibu is the top secret here, and Jun Shao should avoid them.

Jun Mubei put his hand on the screen. After scanning, he entered the command again. A map appeared on the computer. The red ink line curved and extended, and finally landed on a place, followed by row after row of precise analysis, and finally narrowed down to a single point.

Jun Mubei looked at the marked red circle on the map, his eyes were silent.After a while, Jun Mubei closed the message command and walked out of the control center.

"Jun Shao, Shen He is here, and he said he has something important to see you! I have asked someone to take him to the exclusive private room to wait." As soon as Jun Mubei came out, Xiao Qi told the news that his subordinates had just reported. Jun Mubei.

"En." Jun Mubei nodded, then whispered a few words to Wu Hao, and took Xiaoqi down the elevator.

Shen He obviously didn't have a good rest these days, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and the exaggerated aura disappeared from his face. When Jun Mubei came in, he saw him circling in a hurry in the private room.

"I have news about Shishi, she's in City A now!" Shen He said impatiently when he saw Jun Mubei: "I'm going back right now, do you want to go there together?"

"Where did you get the news? I can't find it anywhere." Jun Mubei looked at Shen He suspiciously.

"Look at this!" Shen He said, took out a photo from his pocket, and handed it to Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei took the photo, his eyes turned cold.

The woman in the photo is wearing a purple sportswear, lying quietly on a big cold bed, her limbs are bound and fixed by iron chains, and there are bloodstains after struggling on her slender wrists, except for a section of white flesh Other than the arms, the clothes on her body showed no signs of being tampered with, and even the shoes and socks on her feet were still in place. However, the eyes of the woman in the photo were empty, as if she couldn't see anything, and she was out of focus.

Jun Mubei's fingers tightened all of a sudden, and he crumpled the photo, because he saw that next to Tang Shishi's exposed lotus root arm, there was a needle for injection.

"What did they do to her?" Jun Mubei's gloomy tone made the private room instantly feel like an ice cellar.

"It's probably some stabilizing drugs!" Shen He said as if comforting himself, the lack of confidence in his words was easy to understand.

"We're leaving now!" Jun Mubei said impatiently.

"Okay!" Shen He immediately agreed.

At this time, Jun Mubei's cell phone rang, and he took out the cell phone, not shying away from Shen He, and picked it up.

"Warm heart, what's wrong?"

"Second Brother, Grandpa, Grandpa has fainted! Huh...Second Brother, come back soon!" Jun Nuanxin's cry came.

Jun Mubei frowned, looked at Shen He on the side, and remained silent for a long time.

"Second Brother! Second Brother! Are you listening? Woohoo...Second Brother, come back quickly, Grandpa, Grandpa's condition is scary!" Jun Nuan cried anxiously.

"Boy Bei, come back quickly! Your grandfather is in a critical situation this time!" Yun Mo took the phone from Jun Nuanxin's hand at some point, and said to Jun Mubei, her tone was as exhausted as death.

The complexion on Jun Mubei's face was unprecedentedly gloomy. He moistened his dry lips and said weakly, "I'll go back right away." Then he hung up the phone.

"What about Shishi?" Shen He heard the situation on Jun Mubei's phone clearly. Mr. Jun is in a coma and is in a very bad condition. Obviously, Jun Mubei can't go to City A with him, but Tang Shishi ...

Seeing Jun Mubei's sense of helplessness in the dilemma just now, Shen He couldn't help but look at Jun Mubei a few more times.In his heart, Tang poetry is also very important, right?Otherwise, he just heard that Mr. Jun is in a coma and critically ill, so he should rush back to Jun's compound as soon as possible. He shouldn't have been hesitating for so long, right?
(End of this chapter)

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