Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 389 Husband?This title is very pleasant

Chapter 389 Husband?This title is very pleasant (1)
"I'll let Xiaoqi bring the most capable subordinates around me to follow you." Jun Mubei let out a sigh of relief and said.

"Okay! Without further ado, let's set off as soon as possible!" Shen He said.

Jun Mubei nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Yunmo turned to look at Mr. Jun who was lying on the bed, and said, "Dad, don't fall asleep, you will be exposed if you snore!"

hey-hey!This old man really pretends to be like that!
Grandpa Jun suddenly opened his eyes, glared at Yunmo complainingly, and said, "It's just a call to Boy Bei, why do you want me to lie here?"

I couldn't see it on the phone, these two guys were clearly playing with his old man!Mr. Jun looked at Jun Nuanxin, who was crying so fakely on the phone just now, with a resentful expression on his face!
snort!They are all bad-hearted!Where is his poetry? The girl is obedient and caring!well!Girl Shishi, I don't know how she is doing now?Have you been wronged?
"Isn't it because I'm afraid of revealing my secrets, just in case!" Yun Mo's trick was exposed, and she quickly found an excuse for herself!
"Hmph! Sophistry!" Mr. Jun sat up angrily, with a look of resignation on his face.

Jun Nuanxin and Yun Mo looked at Mr. Jun like this, there was a little smile in their eyes, and then they all went away.Thinking of Tang Shishi, Jun Nuan felt extremely worried and melancholy.

Elder Ling, who was at the side, couldn't help feeling envious and sad when he saw the farce between Mr. Jun, his daughter-in-law, and his granddaughter.

He also has a son, daughter-in-law and grandson. I don't know if I will have the chance to experience such family happiness in my lifetime!Even if it's just for one day, his old man will die in peace!

"Second Aunt, what do you mean by Second Brother?" Jun Nuan asked curiously, and suddenly received a call from Wu Hao who was next to Second Brother, asking them to act in such a play, calling Second Brother to say that Grandpa Serious illness is really inexplicable.

"There must be some news from Shishi!" Yun Mo's eyes flashed shrewdness, and said: "Don't worry, just stay at home with peace of mind. Shishi girl is blessed with great fate, so there must be no danger. "

"I really hope that the third sister-in-law can be found soon!" Jun Nuanxin looked worried.

"Girl Shishi will be fine." Mr. Jun knew that Jun Nuanxin blamed himself more than anyone else, and his small face had lost weight rapidly in the past few days, so he comforted him.

"Yeah." Jun Nuan wiped away the tears from his eyes, and nodded vigorously.

Looking at the tear-stained Jun Nuanxin, Mr. Jun felt guilty and depressed.

He promised Boy Rui that he would take care of girl Shishi, but she was kidnapped right under his nose. Where does this put his old face?Only now did he realize that his old bones were useless. Girl Shishi had been missing for so many days, and he couldn't do anything except sigh!
Jun Mubei came back very quickly, and as soon as he entered the door, Mr. Jun asked solemnly: "What can't you get away from? Even used such tricks?"

Mr. Jun's tone was heavy after deep thought, but he was not dissatisfied.He knew that this kid must have some unavoidable reasons, otherwise he wouldn't make a fuss about his body!You know, your current physical condition is a big deal for both your family and those people!

"Second brother, is there any news about Shishi?" Jun Nuanxin grabbed Jun Mubei's hand and asked eagerly, before she could wipe off the tears on her face.

Jun Mubei rubbed the top of Jun Nuanxin's head with his big hands, and comforted him: "Don't cry, Shishi will be fine, I—Second Brother will definitely bring her back!"

"Second Brother!" When Jun Nuanxin heard Jun Mubei's words, she threw herself into Jun Mubei's arms and began to cry, crying and twitching, "I'm really scared! What will they do to Shishi? ?”

She was also kidnapped once when she was a child. Those people locked her in a small dark room, did not give her food, and drank dirty water. When she was rescued, she had a high fever and her wound was still inflamed. If it wasn't for Second Aunt, she would have died long ago!
She still remembers those terrible days, she still dare not stay alone in a confined space, and even sleep at night, she must turn on the night light.Therefore, when she thought that Tang Shishi might also be abused, she was worried and couldn't sleep well.

Jun Mubei patted Jun Nuanxin on the back reassuringly, because of Jun Nuanxin's words, his complexion darkened.What Jun Nuanxin said was also what he was afraid of!Thinking of the possibility of Tang Shishi being abused, his heart felt as uncomfortable as being roasted on fire!
At this moment, Ling Yue yelled from the yard: "Dad! How are you doing, Dad?"

Immediately afterwards, there was an urgent sound of brakes outside the yard. It turned out that Jun Zeyu and Jun Aimin had rushed back after hearing the news.

Mr. Jun's serious illness is a major event, so naturally he has to do a full set of acting, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed. Besides, Jun Mubei also has something to tell everyone, it is very important.

Jun Aimin looked at Mr. Jun who was in good condition in the house, was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Jun Shaoyang who was calling him in puzzlement.

"Dad, are you okay?" Ling Yue looked at Mr. Jun anxiously, her eye circles were still red, which made Mrs. Ling who was sitting on the side feel very uncomfortable.

Especially looking at Mr. Jun's sons and grandchildren around his knees, the whole family cared for him from the bottom of their hearts, there was no calculation, only sincerity, which made him envious.

In this life, what is more precious than the happiness of this moment?

Mr. Jun happily walked around the room, stretching his arms and moving his legs, showing that he was fine.

Both Jun Aimin and Jun Zeyu were relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

I just got a call, and I really scared them to death!It's fine!It's fine!

"I have something to tell you." Jun Mubei said solemnly when he saw that everyone was here.

"I'll go upstairs first." After hearing Jun Mubei's words, Old Master Ling stood up and said.

"Grandpa, you don't need to dodge." Jun Mubei stopped Old Master Ling and stopped his movements.

"Hey! Hey!" Old Master Ling agreed repeatedly. He looked at Jun Mubei's excited beard shaking.

"What's going on? What's this?" Yunmo saw with sharp eyes that Jun Mubei was holding something like a photo in his hand, stretched out his hand, stretched it out, and then his eyes turned cold.

Jun Nuanxin looked up curiously, and quickly covered her mouth and choked up: "Sister-in-law three!"

"Show me!" Ling Yue snatched the photo impatiently, and couldn't help but shed tears when she saw it: "Sishi, this child, has not had a few days of comfort since she got married, woo woo... "

(End of this chapter)

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