Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 390 Husband?This title is very pleasant

Chapter 390 Husband?This title is very pleasant (2)
Jun Mubei heard Ling Yue's words and glanced at her, his eyes were a little red.

After the photo was circulated in front of everyone in the room, Mr. Jun sighed and asked, "Are you planning to go there?"

"Well, I can no longer follow the original plan. I can't leave Shishi alone in a strange place, so I have to rescue her." Jun Mu Beida clenched his hands tightly, his face tensed.

"But, aren't you afraid that this is the other party's intention to set up a suspicious battle, and the purpose is to wipe out your two brothers?" Yun Mo said with a worried expression on his face.

"How can people from the Jun family be killed so easily?" Jun Mubei shook his head.

Those people simply love and hate the Jun family. They envy the unity of the Jun family, but are also afraid of such unity, because they know that if they can't kill all the members of the Jun family, it will inevitably cause other members of the Jun family to die. People's vigorous counterattack, when the time comes, will not be worth the candle.Therefore, all they can do other than suppress is to divide.

Take this mission as an example, although it is dangerous, it will not be life-threatening. Those people just want to do everything possible to make the mission of the Sharp Knife Troops fail and cause them serious damage, so that they can hold Ling Rui's handle and force him to fight. De Jun's family can't be neutral, they have to make a choice.

The real killers, they don't dare to do it yet, or in other words, it's not time to do it yet!

Yunmo stopped talking.His face became serious.

"How did this photo come from?" Jun Zeyu took the photo and looked at it carefully and asked.

"Shishi's senior, Shen He, gave it to me. He just told me that Shishi is in City A." Jun Mubei said expressionlessly: "I have already asked Xiaoqi to take someone with Shen He to City A. Just now, someone called The phone lied that grandpa was seriously ill, just to get rid of Shen He."

"A member of the Shen family?" Jun Zeyu frowned.

"Yes." Jun Mubei nodded.

"Are you going to go to City A alone?" Ling Yue gave Jun Zeyu a strange look, then grabbed Jun Mubei's arm and asked eagerly.

"Shishi is not in City A." Jun Mubei said with certainty.

"But, that—didn't it mean that Shishi is in City A? Could it be that he lied to you?" Ling Yue asked anxiously, a little confused about the situation, feeling that things were so complicated that it was a headache!

"I don't know if he lied to me. Maybe he was deceived by others and used to test me." Jun Mubei thought for a while and said.

Shen He is Tang Shishi's senior and a good friend she values ​​very much. He even saved Shishi's life with his own body. Shen He's face flashed in Jun Mubei's mind. If, he has been using it hypocritically If Shishi, then how sad should she be?So he would rather believe it was the latter.

"You go, leave it to me and you—Dad, and Chris." Yun Mo said as if he had suddenly figured out something.

"Well, I'm going to leave secretly. As for the family, if grandpa has to pretend to be sick for another two days, I don't think they will be at ease, and they will send someone to find out the truth." Jun Mubei said his thoughts.

"Okay, anyway, it's cold now, so it's not bad for my old man to lie down at home and argue with old man Ling." Mr. Jun agreed without any objection.

"Hmph!" Old Master Ling, who was named, snorted cooperatively, expressing that he had heard it.

"Then we will try our best to push away work these few days and stay at home." Jun Zeyu immediately expressed his opinion, and Ling Yue nodded quickly.

"I'll just ask for two days off in the army, it will be more convincing!" Jun Aimin said.Now that the plan has been determined, they all try their best to cooperate.

"Dad, over there in City A, do you want to send someone to notify you?" Chang Guiru asked.The father-in-law has two younger sisters married in City A, both of whom are well-known families, one is the Lu family and the other is the Xie family, but these two families are standing in two teams.I haven't walked here for more than ten years.

"No need, different ways don't conspire with each other. Besides, I haven't moved around for so many years, and it's normal not to notify." Mr. Jun's face darkened, and he said, and then his eyes fell on Jun Mubei, "What do you think? "

"Even if we don't inform, I'm afraid they will come to the door by themselves." Jun Mubei snorted coldly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"You're right." Mr. Jun nodded in agreement, his expression cold.

After discussing things, Jun Mubei got ready and left in a hurry.

Old Master Ling was looking at Jun Mubei's back, and sighed heavily. Ling Yue looked at Old Master Ling and said comfortingly, "Dad, don't worry, Boy Bei will bring Shishi back." Ling Yue's tone was very Seriously and very hard, I don't know if I am trying to persuade Mrs. Ling or myself.

Old Master Ling looked at Ling Yue strangely, and Ling Yue was a little uncomfortable being looked at by Old Master Ling, and asked in surprise, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Old Master Ling waved his hand and said, "You can take advantage of these two days to rest well and forget about my old man. I live here very well." Although the place is a little small, it is still a little restrained But it's much better than guarding an empty big house by yourself.

"Stinky old man, don't treat yourself as an outsider!" As soon as Mr. Jun came out of the study, he heard Mr. Ling's words and couldn't help spitting.

"I live in my daughter's grandson's house, so what's the big deal!" Old Master Ling said with a groan, a little unnaturalness floated across his face, but it disappeared quickly!
Besides, Tang Shishi was taken aback by the sudden explosion, and she couldn't open her eyes due to the thick smoke. As soon as she recovered, she saw Sun Xiaofen rushing towards her with a terrified expression. Tang Shishi didn't understand, so she just wanted to hide After opening, she felt a numbness in her neck, her eyelids were pressed down like two mountains, and her consciousness began to slacken. She saw Bai Mo's sinister smile, saw Sun Xiaofen being stunned, her lips moved, But he couldn't make any sound, and his body fell limply.

Tang Shishi blinked vigorously, looked at Sun Xiaofen who was lying beside her, and completely lost consciousness.

Tang Shishi didn't know how long she had been asleep. She felt a burning pain on one side of her face in a daze, and then a lot of people around her were talking in a mess, with obscene words, and a woman's voice was particularly harsh: "You can take it easy. Come on, don't spoil people!" This voice was full of distorted hatred and pleasure, which made her feel a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before.

Then what came into her ears was a disgusting smirk, a laugh that made her hair stand on end.

Tang Shishi felt unprecedented fear in her heart. She twisted her body subconsciously and anxiously, wanting to wake up. She was afraid that those people would put their dirty hands on her body, and she was afraid that she would become unclean and would never return. To Ling Rui's side!

Realizing that someone was approaching her, those disgusting eyes cast on her made her terrified and helpless, but she couldn't make a sound, she could only cry desperately in her heart, no!do not come!don't come near me!

(End of this chapter)

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