Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 396 Little hedgehog, go crazy!

Chapter 396 Little hedgehog, go crazy! (3)
"Miss my business!" Tang Shishi coolly dropped four words, went upstairs, and slammed the door.She is not a cook!
Xie Quan's body shook with the sound of the door slamming!
SHIT!This is Chiguoguo's abuse!
damn it!I have never seen such an arrogant meat ticket!

Tang Shishi read the book and saw that it was almost one o'clock in the morning, and she still seemed to be enjoying it. The man sprinkled some drugs in the room helplessly, and saw Tang Shishi fell asleep with her small head tilted on the book. The door went in.

He took away the book in Tang Shishi's hand and put it on the bedside table beside him, then straightened Tang Shishi's body, and handed the hair on her forehead to Shun Dao's side, revealing the face that he missed day and night.

The man stared at Tang Shishi's small face, stared blankly for a while, covered Tang Shishi with a quilt, then went straight to the bathroom, and after a while came out with a wet towel, he took Tang Shishi's small hand, Seeing the wounds on her palms that were obviously worse than yesterday, with angry emotions surging on her face, he sighed softly after a long while, and that sigh was clearly audible and long in the silent night.

The man took out the ointment that he carried with him from his pocket, and applied Tang Shishi carefully on his hands. After doing all this, the man wiped his hands, squeezed Tang Shishi's small face as usual, and murmured: "It's really a little hedgehog! It's full of thorns!"

That voice was low and sweet, with undisguised pampering.

As soon as Tang Shishi woke up, she smelled the medicine on her hands vigilantly. After she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep for a while, she got up with a normal complexion, took out a set of clothes from the closet, and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at her palms with ointment in disgust, Tang Shishi didn't act aggressively and self-mutilate her hands this time, she has already figured it out, she doesn't have to make things difficult for herself, since that man wants to play cat and mouse, then play with him That's it, until the last moment, it's still undecided who is the cat and who is the mouse!
After breakfast, Tang Shishi went back to the room to read as usual. The day passed quickly, and she still held the book for strength at night. She still fell asleep after smelling the fragrance. When she woke up the next morning, she was sensitive to the smell of The smell of medicine on the table, knowing that someone came after I fell asleep at night.

Still the same on the third day.

Day four as usual.

On the fifth night, Tang Shishi finished reading the machine-making book, and then picked up the gun-making book in boredom and flipped through it, but she couldn't concentrate, and soon yawned again and again!
The man in front of the computer clearly saw the sleepy mist in Tang Shishi's eyes, and simply pressed the button. The little hedgehog was very stubborn, and she didn't use extraordinary means. It seemed that she was sleepy and would definitely not Get a good night's sleep.

Sure enough, Tang Shishi smelled the fragrance and fell asleep after a while. The man stared at Tang Shishi's sleeping face for a long time, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a doting arc.

The door was gently opened, someone entered the room, walked to the bed, took Tang Shishi's hand, opened the palm, and smeared ointment on it.

When he finished painting one hand and wanted to paint the other hand, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then quickly raised his eyes, meeting a pair of cold eyes!

Snapped!The ointment fell on the floor!
"You—why didn't you fall asleep?" Xie Quan stammered, the usual hip-hop expression on his face disappeared, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Tang Shishi's mouth, she deliberately lowered her voice, and said in a low voice, "Very disappointed? I am also very disappointed!"

Tang Shishi was really disappointed, she never expected that Xie Quan would be the one who came to the room to give her medicine these few days!She thought that she would catch a big fish tonight, and then she could blackmail the other party and let her go!
Who knew, it turned out to be the useless Xie Quan!What a waste of effort!
Tang Shishi didn't sleep at all. She acted nonchalantly these days, but she was actually trying to numb the other party and let the other party relax their vigilance!

When she was cooking at night, she hid the fruit knife in her sleeve and brought it into the bedroom. Just now she yawned again and again, but she was just pretending that she was just betting on whether the other party would release the incense.

In the end, she was lucky and bet right!Just now she has been controlling her breathing, trying to make her breathing very light and shallow. When she smelled the scent of Mixiang, she secretly scratched her finger with a fruit knife, so she just slightly After being unconscious for a while, when Xie Quan turned the doorknob, she was already awake and ready to go!

"It shouldn't be!" Xie Quan murmured to himself, and when he saw Tang Shishi's bleeding fingers, he yelled, "You woman, you are so ruthless! It would be nice to have a good night's sleep!"

"Why sleep for a long time in life, after death - you will sleep forever!" Tang Shishi stared at Xie Quan's eyes and said faintly, and then sent a fruit knife to Xie Quan's neck.

Xie Quan shivered violently because of Tang Shishi's words!Isn't this woman planning to kill someone?Don't mind!After all, they are related!Feeling the cool breath on his neck, Xie Quan's face wrinkled into a bitter gourd!Constantly sucking air-conditioning!

Just when Xie Quan was thinking about whether to marry her, Tang Shishi asked coldly: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing in my room?"

"I'm just here to help you with the medicine!" Xie Quan squinted at the fruit knife on his neck, pointed to the ointment on the ground, pulled the corners of his mouth, and showed a wry smile!This job was done by the elder and younger, he was still surprised, why it was suddenly assigned to him tonight, he knew it must be something good!

"Are you the one who came to apply the medicine at night?" Tang Shishi asked suspiciously, her voice was quiet and cold, she stared at Xie Quan's face firmly, not letting go of any expression.

"Yes yes yes! But I have never done anything other than applying medicine! I swear!" Xie Quan replied repeatedly, raising his finger to show his loyalty.

"Get lost!" Tang Shishi put away the fruit knife and uttered a word coldly!But I feel extremely depressed in my heart!
"Okay, good! Get out now! Get out now!" Xie Quan heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he was free, and got out of here!

Stinky woman!How cruel!As soon as Xie Quan closed Tang Shishi's room door, he stretched out his hand to touch the wound on his neck, looked at the scarlet in his hand, cursed hard in his heart, and then ran to find something to stop the bleeding!

Holding a fruit knife, Tang Shishi jumped out of bed, walked to the front of the camera, raised the knife and dropped it!
The man in front of the computer only saw the indifference on Tang Shishi's face and the blood dripping from her fingers, and then, there was a snowflake in front of his eyes!
hehe!Little hedgehog, go crazy!

The man was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the snowflake with a smile on his face. Fortunately, he was alert, otherwise tonight would be in trouble!Thinking of the red mark on Xie Quan's neck, the smile on the man's face deepened - the thorns on this little hedgehog are really sharp!

(End of this chapter)

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