Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 397 Little hedgehog, go crazy!

Chapter 397 Little hedgehog, go crazy! (4)
Just after Tang Shishi destroyed the camera, she heard footsteps behind her, Tang Shishi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, she turned around quickly, and just made a posture of preparing to attack, but she was clearly seeing who was coming His eyes widened in surprise.

The fruit knife in his hand fell to the ground. Fortunately, the ground was covered with carpets, so there was no loud noise. Tang Shishi was so excited that she almost cried out, but quickly covered her mouth with her hands. There was unbelievable damp heat in his eyes, which gathered quickly.

Looking at Tang Shishi like this, Jun Mubei twisted together in distress. He rushed forward and hugged Tang Shishi tightly in his arms.

"Little wild cat!" Jun Mubei called out softly in Tang Shishi's ear. The sound was trembling because of being too excited. Tang Shishi, who was hugged tightly by Jun Mubei, didn't listen. Very clear.

Just now when he saw someone slipping into Tang Shishi's room, he felt very nervous and irritable. He didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so vigilant. The scene just now made him feel pleasantly surprised and uncomfortable.

Tang Shishi's eyes widened in astonishment because of this sudden hug, but she was soon relieved. She had been kidnapped for so many days, and even her second brother, who had always been foolish, was worried.

"Second brother, I'm fine." Tang Shishi said in a low voice, slandering in her heart, if you keep hugging me like this, I will be strangled to death by you soon!If you don't fix me for a moment, it will be uncomfortable!
Hearing Tang Shishi's voice, Jun Mubei also sensed his gaffe, and let go of her, but his eyes fell on Tang Shishi's bleeding finger, and he pulled Tang Shishi's finger involuntarily, and put it in his mouth.

Tang Shishi froze, her brain went on strike, and she was stunned for a while.This action is a bit too much!

After Tang Shishi came to her senses, she pulled back her fingers vigorously, her face was a little defensive, she looked at Jun Mubei's drooping eyelashes, but she couldn't see the look in the other's eyes, she couldn't help but suspect: the person in front of her is Jun Mubei. Mu Bei?This face is right!But why is this scene so weird!This is not something that guy Jun Mubei would do at all!
Sensing Tang Shishi's rejection, Jun Mubei did not let go of Tang Shishi's hand, but took out a medicine from the things he carried with him, sprinkled some powder on Tang Shishi's hand, and then carefully spread it evenly He said, "Spittle disinfectant, this—" Jun Mubei pointed to the medicine in Tang Shishi's hand, "It stops bleeding, wipe it off later, and clean it up, so that no one will find it."

Tang Shishi nodded, secretly blaming herself for thinking too much!This is an extraordinary period, where are there so many men and women getting in the way!So he asked eagerly, "You came here alone? There are many guards here, all of them armed with guns. It's very dangerous for you to do this."

"They can't do anything to me, it's just difficult to take you out!" Jun Mubei took out another box of medicine and handed it to Tang Shishi, and said: "This is for restraining Mixiang, don't hurt yourself anymore, understand? ?” There was an irresistible command tone in the voice.

Tang Shishi quickly took it and nodded.She is actually very afraid of pain!
"Second brother, how is Ling Rui? Did they arrest me and plan to harm Ling Rui?" Tang Shishi had thought a lot these days, and she could only think of this point.

"That kid is beautiful by his side now! Don't worry about him!" Jun Mubei snorted in a low voice, his tone was the foolishness Tang Shishi was used to hearing, but only he knew that when he said this, his How nervous is my heart.

"Don't talk nonsense, Ling Rui can't, even if it is, it's for the mission, acting on occasion." Tang Shishi felt a little uncomfortable after hearing Jun Mubei's words, but she quickly figured it out. She firmly believed that Ling Rui would not betray she.

Jun Mubei glanced at Tang Shishi approvingly, his eyes were full of excited starlight: "You can think like this, it means that your mind is still clear, and you won't be misled and used!"

"That's it!" Tang Shishi gave Jun Mubei a sideways glance triumphantly, and said, "How can I not understand my own man!"

Jun Mubei raised his hand and tugged at Tang Shishi's nose, and happily praised: "You did a good job, keep it up!" Then, before Tang Shishi could protest, he disappeared from the window.

Tang Shishi touched her pinched and sore nose, and stared at the window angrily, thinking how the two brothers, alike, like to bully her poor nose!

However, Tang Shishi quickly grinned silently.

It's great that the second brother is here!

After being stuck here for so many days, I finally saw my loved ones!Tang Shishi felt that the heart that had been hanging these days was finally at ease.

Tang Shishi hid the ointment that Jun Mubei gave her to restrain the fragrance on her body, then went back to the bed, picked up the ointment on the ground, and applied it on her hands.This ointment is actually very effective. In the past few days, her hands have basically recovered. She needs to get better, so as not to cause new injuries after returning home.

The next day, when Tang Shishi went downstairs to eat, she saw several OK bandages on Xie Quan's neck. .

While eating, Xie Quan saw a few more dishes on the table, and felt vigilant, but seeing Tang Shishi eating happily, he thought it was Tang Shishi who felt guilty for ruining his kindness last night , so I specially prepared a few more dishes. After figuring it out, Xie Quan let go of his stomach and started to eat!

After Tang Shishi finished eating, she picked up the juice and drank it slowly. Seeing that Tang Shishi drank less than half of that glass of juice, Xie Quan quickly picked up his own glass and took a big gulp.

Tang Shishi sneered, and looked at Xie Quan with pitiful eyes.

Xie Quan looked at Tang Shishi's eyes, and his heart sank for a moment, knowing that he had been punished again, but what was the problem?Tang Shishi clearly ate all the dishes here just now?

"Tang Shishi, you—" Xie Quan had a fit very quickly, pointing at Tang Shishi with a pale face while covering his belly, he was so angry that he couldn't speak!How can there be such a vicious woman?Who did he provoke him?
Tang Shishi looked at Xie Quan's fingers coldly, Xie Quan was so frightened that he quickly retracted, tightened his chrysanthemum, and hid in the toilet!
After a while, Xie Quan's scolding sound came from the toilet: "Tang Shishi! You poisonous woman! Ah—poof—"

Tang Shishi snorted coldly, ignored Xie Quan, and returned to her room.

The knife on the ground has been put away, the camera has been repaired, the room has been cleaned, Tang Shishi's clothes are gone, and a new set has been added to the closet.

Tang Shishi picked up the book on firearms design, but couldn't concentrate, her eyes would drift to the window from time to time, and her eyes were a little far away.

(End of this chapter)

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