Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 399: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa

Chapter 399: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa (2)
She was out of breath just now, okay?She didn't do it on purpose, and when she realized what an amazing move she had made, she was so ashamed that she wanted to sneak into the cave like a pangolin.

Only then did Ling Rui let go of Mo Youyou, took a step back, straightened the messed up clothes, opened the car door, and got in the car.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin hurriedly sat in front of the car, their faces expressionless, as if the scene just now had never happened.

As soon as Mo Youyou was untied, she immediately rushed towards the corpse of "Little Chongzi". She held Xiao Chongzi in her hands and squatted on the ground, crying uncontrollably.

Leng Maolin sat in the driver's seat and started the car. Seeing that the little aunt had no intention of getting into the car at all, he couldn't help being in trouble. Do you think he is driving this car or not?

Leng Maolin looked at Zhou Hu begging for help, Zhou Hu glanced at his master's face from the rearview mirror, then opened the car door, went down to Mo Youyou's side, looked at Mo Youyou who was crying so hard and said: "Miss Mo, we should leave!"

Mo Youyou continued to cry as if she had never heard of it.

Zhou Hu has a headache, you can ask him to do other things, he really can't coax a woman, there is no way, he is the master's soldier, the master never taught him!

Zhou Hu was thinking in his head about the feasibility of getting Mo Youyou into the car with violence like his master, this master taught him!The trick that Grandpa revealed just now seems to be quite effective for this woman.

"It's dead!" Just when Zhou Hu was about to make a move, Mo Youyou raised his tear-stained face, looked at Zhou Hu, and said sadly.

Well!Zhou Hu was hit by the two lines of tears that flowed out of Mo Youyou in the blink of an eye, and he said in a wrong way: "Everyone must die!" Feeling that the words were wrong, he quickly added: "Snakes also die!" Same!"

Mo Youyou's tears fell even more fiercely! "How can you be so indifferent, it is also a life!"

Zhou Hu's head hurt even more, and he shouted in his heart: Lord!Comfort women, we won't!

Sitting in the car, Ling Rui saw Mo Youyou and Zhou Hu chattering from the rearview mirror, and the hostility around him became even stronger!

Leng Maolin regretted it, he should have gone down just now, and shouldn't have stayed in the car!
Just when Leng Maolin was distracted, Ling Rui suddenly took out his pistol, pressed the glass on the car window, and fired in Mo Youyou's direction!
Zhou Hu and Mo Youyou heard someone humming not far away, and their expressions changed. Before Ling Rui could open his mouth to remind him, they rushed towards the car at a speed as fast as two arrows leaving the string. got into the car.

The car floated up, and the bullets flew up!
After Mo Youyou got into the car, she said angrily, "Don't meddle, leave everything to me!"

She was furious in her heart, she just wanted to say goodbye to the little bug, but those people who didn't want to die bumped into her again!Just take them out to vent the fire!
Zhou Hu looked at Ling Rui, saw the look of acquiescence in his eyes, and put down the gun in his hand.

After Mo Youyou finished speaking, he took out a small grenade and threw it towards the people behind him without the slightest hesitation. Hearing the sound of explosions and screams from behind, Mo Youyou's originally harmless face showed A cruel smile!In an instant, he became a little devil with sharp teeth!Immediately afterwards, she took out a small delicate pistol from nowhere and fired three shots in a row. Zhou Hu heard the sound of tire blowouts coming from behind, and then the screeching sound of brakes. The sound, the sound of glass breaking.

When the danger was lifted, Mo Youyou's body lying on the car window shrank back, the small pistol in her hand was hidden somewhere, only the body of the "little bug" was left, tears started to fall again non-stop.

Zhou Hu was stunned by Mo Youyou's sudden change for a while. He was still a murderous female devil just now, but now he will become a pitiful tearful doll. This change, Do you want to be so fast!

"The little bug is so cute, Ling Rui, why did you just do it, you are so cruel!" Mo Youyou accused with tears in her eyes.

Ling Rui glanced at Mo Youyou expressionlessly, and threatened: "I can be more cruel, do you want to try?" After speaking, his eyes fell on Mo Youyou's 32D as if nothing.

Mo Youyou's sobbing movements froze, and she covered her chest reflexively.She didn't forget that this man said before that he would flatten his chest!

"I want to go home! I'm quitting!" Mo Youyou wiped her tears and cried.Dad's words are all lies, he must have disliked himself as being annoying, so he just found an excuse to dismiss himself, saying that the men in the Jun family are all good men, liars!big liar!Woohoo!She wants to go home, go home and bore them to death!
"Sure enough, he's a kid! That's all he has to offer?!" Ling Rui gave Mo Youyou a disdainful look, and said to Leng Maolin, "Stop the car and tell her to get out of here!"

Leng Maolin obediently parked the car on the side of the road.

"Get out of the car!" Ling Rui spat out two words ruthlessly, without even looking at Mo Youyou!
"Who said I'm going home! You heard me wrong! Drive! Drive fast!" Mo Youyou yelled while clutching the handle of the car tightly, blushing.

She was just talking in a fit of anger, but she didn't expect this man to take it seriously!Really!Let her go in front of the two subordinates, and show her no mercy at all!It is simply too hateful!

"I don't take children here! Get out of the car!" Ling Rui pushed people away again!
"I told you I'm not a child anymore! Ling Rui, if you say I'm a child again, I'm really turning against you!" Mo Youyou said, looking into Ling Rui's eyes with a serious expression.

This man has a terrible attitude!What a bad temper!Whoever marries her is unlucky!Fortunately, that unlucky guy wasn't her!

"I don't take deserters here! If you're afraid, leave as soon as possible!" Ling Rui didn't take Mo Youyou's threat to heart at all.

"Who's scared! Who's scared! I don't! Oh, you're such a naughty, bad-tempered uncle! Hurry up and drive!" Mo Youyou angrily took out a special box, put away the bugs, and then turned to the car again. Ling Rui yelled, "Get someone to drive!"

"I gave you a chance!" Ling Rui said seriously.

"I know, I know! Drive!" Mo Youyou said impatiently.This old man is so talkative!Fight with his dad!

She was just talking casually, if she really went back in such a disgraceful manner, it would be her fault if the people at home didn't laugh at her!
However, she has written down today's hatred, she will avenge the little bug sooner or later!

Mo Youyou regrets it very much now, she shouldn't have brought out the little bug to save trouble, she should have brought the big hair too!
snort!It's not too late for a woman to take revenge in ten years!She is only 20 years old and has a long future!

Mo Youyou automatically replenished her brain in her mind, imagining the scene of Da Mao abusing Ling Rui infinitely, and then smiled happily, alone.

(End of this chapter)

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