Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 400: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa

Chapter 400: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa (3)
Ling Rui snorted coldly, and pulled Mo Youyou's mind out of the deep water. After seeing Mo Youyou sitting upright, he ordered to drive.

The car started driving again, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin looked at Mo Youyou who was sitting in the car well-behaved, and their respect for the master was even deeper in their hearts!
Grandpa is indeed Grandpa!
Jun Mubei hasn't appeared since that time, making Tang Shishi both relieved and melancholy.In the past few days, she has spent more and more time staring at the window in a daze, almost to the point of wanting to see through.

"Boss! Ling Rui has already appeared in T City, are you still ready to do something?" Chen Li looked at the man staring at the computer in a daze, and asked curiously, she just couldn't figure it out, what was going on in this man's mind?
The man was still staring at the computer screen without any response to Chen Li.

Chen Li left angrily. She knew that this man was hesitant, but she didn't expect that he really had a deep affection for Tang Shishi!Looks like it's time to do it yourself!

When Tang Shishi went downstairs to make dinner, she found Xie Quan with a sinister smile on her face, as if she was waiting for her.

In the past few days, Xie Quan has been afraid to eat the things made by Tang Shishi, they are all takeaways. Tang Shishi occasionally sees the takeaway bags, and then knows that she is now in T City, but she is not completely sure, who knows this Is it a way for the other party to confuse her?

However, if it's really T city, it's so far away from B city!

Tang Shishi ordered a bowl of noodles for herself, and today she suddenly remembered the bowl of noodles Ling Rui made for her at noon the day before she left, so she made it like that, for those who can't see him, recall the noodles he once made , is also good.

When Tang Shishi finished eating and was about to leave, Xie Quan slapped a tape on the table with a malicious smile on his face.

Tang Shishi glanced at the paper bag indifferently, there was a thick stack inside, she wouldn't think it was RMB, it should be something like a photo, but she was not interested!
Xie Quan saw that Tang Shishi didn't move the bag on the table, and he didn't have any curiosity at all. He couldn't help but provocatively said: "Tang Shishi, don't you want to know what your husband is doing now? Or are you afraid? I don’t dare to know what kind of person your husband is?”

Tang Shishi paused as she went upstairs, turned to look at Xie Quan and said, "It's useless to me to sow dissension, what kind of person is he, do you need to tell me?"

"It is rumored that Major General Ling is not close to women and never lets women come within three feet of him. It seems that the rumors are wrong!" Xie Quan said, took out a photo, shook it in front of Tang Shishi's eyes, and smiled. Very underwhelming!
Tang Shishi glanced at the photo, the man in the photo pressed a petite woman on the car, the upper body of the two of them was close to each other, the woman's face was blushing, making people endlessly reverie, Tang Shishi chuckled lightly, watching Glancing at Xie Quan, he said, "The angle is good, it took so much pains!"

The man in the photo is indeed Ling Rui, but he can only see his cold side face, and his eyes can't be seen clearly. This kind of action is indeed easy to be misunderstood. If it is normal, Tang Shishi might mind, but Now, she won't be fooled by these people!

Xie Quan didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so calm when she saw such a photo. It was completely different from what he expected. To be honest, he even started to appreciate her a little bit!
Tang Shishi returned to the bedroom and stood by the window in a daze.The days of being imprisoned here don't know when it will end, she is so homesick!Miss Ling Rui, miss everyone in the family!

Tang Shishi was thinking about it, and her fingers unconsciously wrote Ling Rui's name on the glass, and it was still written in various fonts, regular script, running script, official script...

Just when Tang Shishi's finger left a mark on the glass window, the shadow where her fingertip touched suddenly became heavier.Tang Shishi suppressed the excitement in her heart, slowly raised her head, and saw Jun Mubei outside the glass window.

Looking at Ling Rui's name in various fonts on the glass bed, Jun Mubei grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a big smile.

Tang Shishi blushed as if she had been caught doing something bad, and felt embarrassed when she saw Jun Mubei's smile.

The second brother must not know how to laugh at her!
Jun Mubei looked greedily at Tang Shishi's face, with an inexplicable tenderness in his eyes.After a while, Jun Mubei tapped lightly with his finger on the glass.

Tang Shishi raised her head to look at Jun Mubei, and saw that he gestured towards her with his eyes, and then his eyes fell on the fingertips of the two of them facing each other through the glass.

Tang Shishi understood, and even she herself was surprised at how she suddenly had a heart-to-heart with Jun Mubei at this moment. She just gave herself a look, and she understood what the other party meant.

Tang Shishi's fingers moved following Jun Mubei's fingers. One of the two people was inside the window and the other was outside the window. A line of fine print: The man in the photo is not him!
Until Tang Shishi followed Jun Mubei's fingers and dropped the last big exclamation mark, Tang Shishi's mood suddenly became indescribably good, and a little bit of joy flowed in her eyes, because she was facing the camera with her back, Tang Shishi didn't have to worry about her at all. The expression at this moment will be seen by others, so the smile is particularly bright and defenseless.

Seeing Tang Shishi's smile, Jun Mubei felt relieved.They didn't capture those photos today. He was worried that Tang Shishi might misunderstand, so he sneaked in anxiously.

To see her smiling face, it wouldn't be a waste of his trip!
Jun Mubei clicked on those words and made a wiping motion. Tang Shishi quickly followed Jun Mubei's rhythm and wiped those words clean.It's just that after Jun Mubei wiped the line, he didn't take back his hand. Instead, he spread his big hand on the glass, so frightened that Tang Shishi quickly spread his small hand to block his big hand.The hands of the two people were printed together through a layer of glass.

A slight smile appeared on Jun Mubei's face.

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes!Second brother, let's stop playing, shall we?

Jun Mubei didn't take Tang Shishi's thoughts into his heart at all, he stubbornly stamped his big hand on the glass, and refused to leave.Tang Shishi was helpless, she didn't dare to take her hand away, so she had to move her body towards the window again, making a movement of lying on the glass and looking out forcefully, for fear that Jun Mubei would be exposed.

However, she began to avoid Jun Mubei's shining eyes, feeling that such an action was a bit ambiguous!Not suitable!But Tang Shishi knew that Jun Mubei liked to play tricks, so she didn't take it to heart!So relieved soon!

And Jun Mubei was in a good mood because of Tang Shishi's approaching action. He bent his index finger and scratched Tang Shishi's palm through the glass, and then when Tang Shishi looked up at him in astonishment, he used the other hand , pointing to his heart, then to his head, and finally to Tang Shishi.

(End of this chapter)

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