Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 401: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa

Chapter 401: Grandpa is indeed Grandpa (4)
Tang Shishi was a little confused for a while!Is the second brother saying that he misses her?Tang Shishi looked up into Jun Mubei's eyes in surprise.

Although it was through the glass, Jun Mubei looked at Tang Shishi at this time, the scorching heat in his eyes was not hindered at all, hitting Tang Shishi's heart directly!

Tang Shishi seemed to be frightened, and couldn't help but to back away!Only then did Jun Mubei realize that he had frightened the people inside, and winked mischievously at Tang Shishi, showing a tricky smile.After a while, he pointed to his own head with his finger, and then pointed to Ling Rui's name on the glass window.

What does the second brother mean that he misses Ling Rui too?Tang Shishi glared at Jun Mubei, and gritted her teeth bitterly!This guy, if she doesn't punish her, she will die? !Because of the embarrassment just now, Tang Shishi did not dare to look into Jun Mubei's eyes again.So I didn't see the tenderness in Jun Mubei's eyes at this time.

When Tang Shishi looked out of the window again, Jun Mubei had already left. She withdrew her hand and completely closed the half-opened curtains on both sides. Played a little, but this skill is not bragging!Second brother, from now on, I plan to worship you!
When the man in the monitoring room saw Tang Shishi writing Ling Rui's name all over the glass, his face was always in a bad mood, and when he saw Tang Shishi writing "The man in the photo is not him!" on the glass, he felt even more depressed It's too bad, is this what Tang Shishi thinks in his heart?
She trusts him so much?

How could Chen Li's little actions have been hidden from his eyes? The reason why he let her do this is that he also wanted to know in his heart that Tang Shishi's reaction when he saw those photos undoubtedly disappointed him. Let him feel extremely irritable tonight!
The man's complexion turned better when he saw Tang Shishi erase that line, thinking in his heart, does this mean that the matter of the photo has already planted seeds of doubt in Tang Shishi's heart?

That batch of goods is ready, and the transaction time can be determined at any time, but just as Chen Li suspected, he hesitated!These days, I can see Tang Shishi's activities are within the scope of my control every day. Although I can't do anything just by watching like this, it's better than knowing that she is smiling sweetly at other men.

The man took a deep breath and let it out again. When he looked at the person on the surveillance screen again, his eyes became firmer.

Tang Shishi, since you trust him so much, I might as well let you know your true weight in his heart!

In fact, I also really want to know, what choice will our brilliant Major General Ling make under such circumstances?Choose you or choose the righteousness of the country?Will he make the same choice as Jun Mubei back then?

Because I met Jun Mubei last night, the photo incident not only did not have any negative impact on Tang Shishi's mood, but made her feel better.Even Xie Quan, who she always thought was hideous, looked much more pleasing to the eye.

Xie Quan looked at Tang Shishi's small eyes drifting over, and felt a chill in his heart, thinking that this woman is a little abnormal today, she must have come up with some tricks to punish him, right?
But when he thinks that he eats takeaway every day now, Xie Quan's back is finally straightened up!
Tang Shishi worked hard in the kitchen, cooked several dishes she liked, and opened a bottle of red wine to pour herself a little.

Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance, Xie Quan murmured in his heart, could this woman be mad because of yesterday's photos?Why is it so abnormal?

Tang Shishi's abnormal posture made the man in the monitoring room frown. He has no doubt now that Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei have been in contact, but since the last time the camera was broken, he just has It is suspected that the deployment of the entire villa has been doubled, and the defense can be said to be watertight. How did Jun Mubei pass the news in without anyone noticing?Could it be that he really has hands and eyes?

Chen Li looked at the man's dark side face, and felt disdain in her heart. Men are actually cheap!What you can't get is good. For a woman like Tang Shishi, if she wants status but no status, status and no status, if she feeds her with a piece of medicine, what's the difference between being naked and a prostitute?Such a woman can only be a plaything. It is a waste to spend so much time on her!

"Young master, the higher-ups told us to carry out the plan quickly." Chen Li reminded with a blank expression.

"I see." The man replied indifferently.

"Young master, what date should we set the deal on? I'll send someone down to prepare." Seeing that the man didn't sneer at her this time, Chen Li was secretly delighted, and asked while the iron was hot.

"On the 4th, two days should be enough for you to prepare." The man's tone was still lukewarm, without any emotion.

"Enough, if you are willing, you can do it tomorrow. I have already made preparations on this side, and I just wait for your order!" Chen Li looked at Tang Shishi who went upstairs after breakfast, with a vicious light in her eyes——Tang Shishi Poetry, your days are coming to an end!
"Tomorrow then!" The man stared at the computer screen with unsteady eyes, saw Tang Shishi standing in front of the window, reaching out to write and draw on the glass, suddenly his eyes turned cold, and he said.

"Ah?! Okay! Then tomorrow! I'll pass the news on!" Chen Li was taken aback by the man's sudden determination, but she was overjoyed and ran out like a gust of wind, as if afraid of the man's repentance.

After Chen Li went out, the man put down the gold pen in his hand, and stretched out his hand to touch the computer screen. Tang Shishi's little face with a slight melancholy, with inexplicable emotions flashing in his eyes, was seven points gentle and three points stern.

Tang Shishi, you——are mine!

At night, the villa that had been quiet for many days suddenly ushered in a violent storm.

Tang Shishi was sitting on the bed as usual, reading a book bored, when she suddenly heard gunshots outside the villa.At first she suspected that she had heard it wrong, but after several gunshots sounded one after another, she was sure.Throwing the book away, Tang Shishi turned over and got out of bed, and ran to the window, the night was dark, there was no moon or stars, it was pitch black outside, and it was through the glass, so she opened her eyes wide, except that she could occasionally see a few black Outside the shadow, nothing else can be seen.

However, this also made Tang Shishi's blood boil, and her little hand unconsciously touched her trouser pocket, where she hid the miniature revolver that she has been carrying all these days.Tang Shishi thought excitedly, although there is only one bullet, as long as it is used well, surprises may be the key to success or failure!
Isn't that how it's played on TV?Uh!It should be right!
The man in the monitoring room is watching Tang Shishi's every move for a moment. The circuit in the whole villa has been destroyed, but she has expected this, so Tang Shishi's room is the same as the one where her villa is located. The room was on emergency power and was not affected in the slightest.Looking at the starlit room in the darkness, the man's eyes showed a hint of amusement.

(End of this chapter)

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