Chapter 402
Jun Mubei, how does it feel to look at her eagerly, where she is, right in front of your eyes, but you can't get any closer?

These days, I have been suffering so much, and now I will let you have a taste of it!

"Boss!" Chen Li stood beside the man, looking at the familiar smile on the man's face which has been rarely seen these days, she couldn't help shouting, she set the trading time at two o'clock in the morning, and now There are still four hours, it is better not to play, to subdue Jun Mubei as soon as possible, and to set off early to be subtle!
She can't wait to know what expression she will have when she sees Tang Shishi's lewd look!
Needless to say, it must be very pleasing to the eye!

"Let the helicopter send the searchlight over!" The man turned the gold pen in his hand and said coldly.The fluorescent blue light on the computer screen refracted his face, clearly portraying the sneering arc of his mouth, which made people feel unreasonably charming.

Chen Li did so resolutely.

Tang Shishi only felt a bright light in front of her eyes, as if trying to blind her eyes, she instinctively raised her hand to block the light cast on her body.

Jun Mubei, who had been watching Tang Shishi's room, saw Tang Shishi's discomfort, and looked sharply at the helicopter hovering over the villa. He was just about to order to shoot down the plane, but his raised hand It freezes in an instant, and it can't be left behind.

"Young Master Jun!" Qinglong, who was standing behind Jun Mubei, looked at Jun Mubei's lingering hand in confusion, and shouted, but when he saw clearly the densely packed explosives around the lit room, he closed his eyes. mouth.

"Young Master, since you are here, why not come in and have a cup of tea!" someone shouted on the plane.

"Second brother, don't be fooled!" Tang Shishi couldn't open the window, so she had to pat the window and shout, she doesn't want Jun Mubei to come out to die!

"Young Master Jun!" Qinglong's eyes flashed anxiously beside Jun Mubei.He looked at Tang Shishi in the villa, and then at Jun Mubei, not knowing what to do.

For tonight's action, they had already expected that the other party was inviting you into the urn, but knowing that it was a trap, they had no choice but to step in. This made him and his brothers feel more aggrieved than ever!
"Order everyone to retreat, to cooperate with Shao Rui, and leave three people to support me. If there is no order from me, don't act rashly!" Jun Mubei gave the order in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Qinglong took the order and ordered to go down immediately. The people in the dark retreated silently, but it took only a few minutes. When the gunfire stopped, Qinglong took a deep look at Jun Mubei and said, "Young Master Jun Be careful!" Turning his head, he disappeared into the night!
The reason why Qinglong left so simply was because he also believed that the other party didn't dare to take Young Master Jun's life, at most he would suffer a little.In this battle, although they didn't know who the person in command in the villa was, they knew the power behind him, which was something everyone knew well.

"Master Jun, time waits for no one, our master, we don't have that much time to greet you!" The people on the plane started shouting again.

When Qinglong turned his head, he saw that Jun Mubei had pulled off the communicator, put his hands in his pockets, walked out with a slow pace, and looked leisurely. It looked like he was spreading in the back garden of his home.

The searchlight on the plane hit Jun Mubei. Tang Shishi watched Jun Mubei walk out in black, and punched the bulletproof glass on the window angrily. The pain in her hand directly reached her. heart!
Second brother is so stupid!If someone yelled at him casually, he would be exposed!At this time, Tang Shishi didn't even know that the outside of the room she lived in was covered with explosives.

Someone on the helicopter opened the hatch, and without a word, shot at Jun Mubei with a gun!
As soon as Qinglong, who was retreating, heard the gunshots, he cursed, "Fuck!" He quickly turned around and was about to run back, but when he saw the beam of light from the searchlight, Jun Mubei's mouth froze slightly. Body, at this moment he heard the anxious voice of the brothers in the Qinglong Hall asking for instructions: "Hall master?!"

Obviously, they also heard the series of bullets that were enough to turn people into hornet's nests, and they thought that Young Master Jun had been killed!

"Young Master Jun is fine, retreat quickly!" Qinglong looked at Jun Mubei who did not change his expression with admiration, then turned his head and disappeared into the vast night with his brothers.

Because of the sound of bullets, Tang Shishi was so frightened that she covered her eyes and screamed.After the sound of bullets passed for a long time, she closed her eyes tightly, and she didn't have the courage to raise her head to look outside, for fear that when she opened her eyes, she would see Jun Mubei lying on the ground covered in blood, silently.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, she bit her lip, and turned her head to stare angrily at the camera in the room. If eyes could kill, her eyes at this moment would definitely crush the person opposite him after Ling Chi!
Looking at the magnified beautiful face on the computer screen, the man couldn't help but raised his hand and gently wiped Tang Shishi's face twice, as if to wipe away the tears on Tang Shishi's face.He looked at the strong hatred in Tang Shishi's eyes, and felt pain in his heart, if the person outside was me, would you also cry for me like this?

The man standing at the door of the cabin with a machine gun in his hand touched his nose resentfully.This guy is really not afraid of death. His hands are tired after firing a row of bullets, and the people below are still laughing!He's not afraid that if he misses a moment, if he doesn't grasp the target properly, he will leave some souvenirs on him?He could see clearly with the strong light behind his back, the smile on the man's face just now, has not changed at all in the hail of bullets!

What a fucking kind!

"Master Jun, you're brave enough!" The people on the helicopter couldn't help but praise.

When Tang Shishi heard the voice, she quickly looked downstairs, and when she saw the intact Jun Mubei standing below, she burst into tears!

"Second brother! Leave! Leave quickly!" Tang Shishi screamed with all her strength, and slapped the glass on the window vigorously with both hands. Call Jun Mubei's attention outside, she can't let Jun Mubei stay here, it's too dangerous!
Hearing the sound of Tang Shishi slapping the glass, Jun Mubei looked up at Tang Shishi, and through the glass window, saw her little face with teardrops hanging on her face, with pity in her eyes, he shook his head gently at Tang Shishi, Then he stretched out his hand and made a tearful movement towards Tang Shishi from the air.

Tang Shishi became quiet, and she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her face. Although the two of them were far apart, the warmth in Jun Mubei's hands seemed not to be hindered by the distance at all, nor was it affected by the bulletproof glass window. The hindrance spread directly to her cheeks.

Tang Shishi's expression froze for a moment, and she touched her face with her hand, as if feeling the warmth left by Jun Mubei.Her eyes were puzzled, she looked straight into Jun Mubei's eyes, seeing the tenderness and pity overflowing from his eyes, Tang Shishi suddenly became confused!This look is so familiar!

(End of this chapter)

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