Chapter 403
Just this, how is it possible!

Tang Shishi threw herself on the window all of a sudden, her eyes pressed against the glass tightly, without blinking, eager to resolve the doubts in her heart, but at this moment, Jun Mubei retracted her gaze, turned her head, calmly The person who accepts the other party conducts a body search on himself.

Tang Shishi quickly covered her mouth, fell to the ground, put her face on her knees, and cried bitterly: "No!"

The group of people didn't find anything from Jun Mubei's body, and planned to search again suspiciously, only to hear Jun Mubei snort coldly: "How long are you going to touch my body with your dirty hands?"

The man in charge of the body search was intimidated by Jun Mubei's aura, and he unconsciously took half a step back.

"Master Jun, you really are a lonely hero! It's really admirable to go deep into the enemy's camp with nothing to rely on!" A man got off the helicopter, flat and indifferent, and it was Chen Cheng who was almost killed by Tang Shishi before.

"Your admiration is worthless in my eyes!" Jun Mubei glanced at Chen Cheng, with contempt on his face and a haughty attitude!
Chen Cheng choked on Jun Mubei's words, his face turned green and pale, he stared at Jun Mubei's face firmly, without the order of the young master, he would not dare to do anything to Jun Mubei after all!
"I hope Young Master Jun can still be so arrogant after tonight!" Chen Cheng snorted coldly, then raised his hand and said, "Please!"

Jun Mubei stepped into the villa. Although he was coerced, he didn't act like a prisoner at all, but like an emperor surrounded by this group of people!
"Men in the Jun family are really affectionate! Look at this woman who likes her younger brother, and dares to openly love her concubine like this. She is really gutsy and shameless to the extreme!" I don't know when Chen Li, who came back, looked at Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei on the surveillance screen, and said disdainfully.It's just that the resentment and sourness in that tone filled the room unstoppably.

Why does such an excellent man from the Jun family fall in love with a useless woman like Tang Shishi?What kind of eyes are they!
"Shut up!" The man in front of the computer screen was already overwhelmed with displeasure when he saw Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei's tacit actions, and when he heard Chen Li's sarcasm, he jumped into a rage!

The gold pen in the man's hand was directly broken into two pieces by him, and he jumped up from the chair, his big hands tightly strangled Chen Li's neck, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and his eyes were shining red, like a mad man. Like a beast, he shook Chen Li's body and said, "Take it back! Take back everything you said!"

Chen Li was so frightened by the man's sudden outburst that she was stunned. She didn't know how she offended this man, but it was just a matter of fact, and she just said a few words. As for getting out of control like this?Or has he reached the point where he does not allow others to comment on Tang poetry?

But Chen Li didn't have time to think about it at all, the big hands pinching her neck were tightening forcefully, she had no doubt at this moment that this man would strangle herself to death in a fit of rage!

"Cough cough cough! I take it back, just pretend I didn't say anything and just farted! Cough cough!" Chen Li begged for mercy.

The man stared ferociously at Chen Li's face from red to white, until he saw the surge of fear in her eyes, then he shook off Chen Li's body and said in a deep voice, "Take care of yours for me!" Tongue! Otherwise, I don't mind cutting it off for you!"

Chen Li stumbled back a few steps, and finally sat down on the floor. She didn't care about her embarrassment at the moment, she just pressed her heart with one hand, touched her neck with the other, and greedily breathed in oxygen, as if It's like a dying fish that has been exposed to the sun for a long time on the beach and then brought back by the tide.

After the man threw Chen Li away like throwing trash, he started staring at the computer screen for a moment. Chen Li could feel the hostility rising from the man's body, and she was so scared that she sat on the ground, motionless, and even forgot.

On the computer surveillance screen, a scene of affectionate embrace is being staged.The moment Tang Shishi entered the villa from Jun Mubei, she rushed down from the upstairs, threw herself into Jun Mubei's arms, and knocked Jun Mubei staggeringly.

"Woo! You fool! Why did you come here! Why didn't you go! Woo! You bastard! Fool! Woo! I hate you so much! I hate you so much!" Tang Shishi cried and beat Jun Mubei the back.Those little fists were not light, and there was a thud on Jun Mubei's back when he thumped the ground!
Jun Mubei didn't speak, but hugged Tang Shishi tightly, resting his chin on Tang Shishi's head. The more Tang Shishi cried and scolded, the bigger the smile on Jun Mubei's mouth and the more expression on his face. Gentle, like the tenderness of blue waves, lingering and pampering!
The people around looked at the affectionate embrace of these two people as if no one else was there, with different expressions on their faces, some were surprised, some were contemptuous, some were confused, and some shook their heads and sighed.

Tang Shishi vented fiercely in Jun Mubei's arms, and unceremoniously rubbed her tears and snot all over Jun Mubei's body.When the people around saw Tang Shishi's expression of venting anger, and then looked at the mess on Jun Mubei's clothes, they all twitched their mouths calmly!

Where does Tang Shishi care about this!She looked carefully at the eyebrows and eyes of the man in front of her, and when she saw Ling Rui's unique eyes, she felt joy and sadness in her heart, and she couldn't help crying again!
Tang Shishi couldn't help but think of the affectionate hug when he sneaked in for the first time. When he saw his hand was hurt, he put his finger in his mouth and sucked it without hesitation. Before leaving, he even pulled his nose. , so naturally, as if everything is taken for granted.

And last night, he was outside the window, stubbornly sticking to her little hand through the glass, and jokingly said that he missed her, which made her think that her second brother had been struck by lightning, and her mind was pumped!Embarrassed for a while!
It turned out that the problem didn't lie with the second brother, it was all caused by this bad man!It's all him!He was the one who was struck by lightning, and he was the one who lost his mind!

This man is too bad!He lied to her for so long!How dare a person break into such a dangerous place with his life!
When Tang Shishi thought of the bursts of gunshots in the yard just now, her heart twitched violently!The hands beside Ling Rui couldn't help twisting bitterly.She hated him to death!Hate him to death!
That's right!The man in front of him was none other than Jun Mubei who had switched identities, changing his appearance into Jun Mubei's Ling Rui!Tang Shishi wanted to push away the man in front of her, but instead she was hugged tightly by him. The pair of iron walls tightly hugged Tang Shishi, as if wanting to integrate her into her flesh and blood.

Angrily, Tang Shishi bit Ling Rui's chest hard. Even though she was separated by clothes, Ling Rui frowned in pain.

Ling Rui trembled slightly: the teeth of the little wild cat are still as sharp as ever!
(End of this chapter)

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