Chapter 404
"Second brother! Let go of me, and then you can get out!" Tang Shishi gritted her teeth, and her vicious voice rang out with deep sarcasm. At this moment, she glared at Ling Rui angrily, as if she had something different from him Dai Tian's deep hatred is the same.

The people around are dumbfounded!

It is said that this woman's heart, sea needle, is not fake at all!Just a moment ago, he was throwing himself into his arms, crying and laughing happily, but in the blink of an eye, he turned his face and ruthlessly chased away people!

"I don't want to leave you again!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi and said, "I won't leave you even if I die!" The tone was solemn as if he was swearing.

He knew that Tang Shishi was afraid that he would be in danger, but if he didn't, Tang Shishi would be the real danger. In order to cover up their crimes, these people would only kill people to silence them for fear that the Jun family would pursue them in the future!
"Young Master, I am not a place for you to talk about love, but it seems that the place we are going to next is very suitable for the two of you!" Chen Cheng with a flat and indifferent face interrupted Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's ear-to-shoulder rubbing , spoke shamelessly.

Doesn't this Young Master hate snatching women from his brothers the most?That incident back then was widely circulated throughout China, so what is this man doing now?Falling in love with his own sister-in-law, and being so blatant and desperate, this Jun's family really has a lot of nasty things!
Tang Shishi raised her head from Ling Rui's arms when she heard Chen Cheng's words. She saw Chen Cheng holding a needle in his hand, stared at Chen Cheng warily and said, "What do you want to do?"

"It's just something for Young Master Jun to cheer up!" Chen Cheng had a rare smile on his face, but the smile was very gloomy, which reminded Tang Shishi of those ghosts in hell.

"Go away!" Tang Shishi was about to do it as she said that, there was some messy and harmful thing in that injection, she couldn't just watch these bastards inject these things into Ling Rui's body.

"Maybe Young Master Jun wants me to inject this thing into your younger brother and sister?" Chen Cheng bit the word "brother and sister" very hard, and the irony in his tone was so obvious that Tang Shishi subconsciously wanted to quit Ling with shame. Rui's embrace.

Although she knew that the person in front of her was Ling Rui, after all, he was now carrying Jun Mubei's identity. The behavior of the two of them just now can be interpreted as the rest of their lives, and they were overjoyed, but if it continues like this, it will indeed come true. , she doesn't want to be treated as a slut who seduces her cousin!

Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi's waist indifferently, then looked at Chen Cheng sharply.

Chen Cheng smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Young Master Jun, this stuff is harmless to men, but it is very harmful to women. If you inject a woman, if you accidentally remove it, it will be a disaster for your children and grandchildren!"

Chen Cheng's words made Ling Rui's eyes sharper. Ling Rui already knew what kind of medicine Chen Cheng was holding in his hand. Indeed, as he said, this thing hurts women's bodies. Otherwise, he and Tang Shishi's first A child will not be... It's all thanks to this thing!
"Stop scaremongering here!" Tang Shishi didn't believe Chen Cheng's words at all!
"What does Young Master Jun mean?" Chen Cheng asked with an evil smile.In terms of aura and ruthlessness, he is inferior to the man in front of him, but now he is a prisoner, if it wasn't for the young master's special order, he wouldn't be too lazy to talk to them, one shot at a time!
Tsk tsk, when the time comes, that scene will definitely make people's blood boil out of control!
Ling Rui's answer was to stretch out his arm directly, without hesitation or hesitation.

"No! I won't allow it! Finish it for me!" Tang Shishi volunteered while holding Ling Rui's arm.

Without her burden, Ling Rui would not be in danger, she doesn't want him to be hurt again!
"Be obedient! I'm a man!" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's waist tightly with one hand to keep her from moving. Seeing Tang Shishi's stubborn disobedience, Ling Rui said again: "You don't want to give birth to a baby that is deformed. yes, right?".

"But..." Hearing Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi hesitated. She just said with a flat and indifferent face that injecting a woman with this medicine will harm her offspring. Is it true?But isn't it the same for injecting men?

"It's different!" Ling Rui said after knowing all Tang Shishi's thoughts.At this time, Chen Cheng had already held the needle and pushed the medicine into Ling Rui's arm. After a while, Ling Rui passed out, and his strong body was pressed against Tang Shishi's.

"Second, second brother! What did you do to him?!" Tang Shishi looked at Chen Chengwen, her eyes seemed to kill someone.

"It's just a little drug!" Chen Cheng said indifferently, then raised his hand and said to Tang Shishi: "Miss Tang, please go upstairs and change your clothes. We are going to set off when we are ready." Chen Cheng After finishing speaking, he pointed to a big box in Xie Quan's hand behind him.

Tang Shishi doesn't know, so, what clothes does she need to change?Not to attend any banquet!But after seeing the malicious smile on Xie Quan's face, he already guessed the general idea.

"It's good that I dress like this!" Tang Shishi said warily.

"Perhaps, Miss Tang wants to see you suffer less before being honest?" Chen Cheng threatened Tang Shishi with a cold voice.

Tang Shishi sensitively noticed that the person next to her ear was breathing heavily, and immediately understood, how could she forget that Ling Rui gave her the medicine to relieve the druggedness!He must have been prepared for these.

Tang Shishi carefully put Ling Rui's body on the ground, and said, "I'll go right away, you are not allowed to hurt him!" After speaking, she grabbed the box in Xie Quan's hand and hurried upstairs.

As expected by Tang Shishi, this is really not a good dress. It is a small pure white skirt with a big V-shaped collar on the top and a short one just covering the bottom of the thighs. The most hateful thing is that there are two small wings made of feathers on the back!

Tang Shishi looked in the mirror, squeezed her stiff face, and then hid the mini revolver and the medicine that Ling Rui gave her to remove the fragrance.He took a long windbreaker from the closet, wrapped himself up, and hurried downstairs.

Ling Rui was no longer where she was, and Tang Shishi knew that these men must have carried them into the car, so she followed them out and got into a large van.

In the monitoring room, Chen Li, who had been sitting on the ground without getting up, showed a weird smile after seeing Chen Cheng inject the medicine into Jun Mubei.

Last night, she had witnessed the power of this drug with her own eyes. Chen Cheng only injected half of the dose, and the result was like a wild beast, making the two women half dead and unable to get out of bed. Now Jun Mubei was injected with a dose, so later... Tang Shishi, enjoy it!

Chen Li turned her head to look at the motionless man sitting in front of the computer, feeling a little bit of revenge in her heart, young master!Sending your beloved woman into the arms of other men with your own hands, and watching them have fun, this green hat is big enough and warm enough, right?
(End of this chapter)

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