Chapter 405
Ha ha!Chen Li suddenly felt that Tang Shishi was not so useless anymore, at least these men were completely fascinated, a single love word was enough to kill people invisible!

I hope the two brothers of the Jun family will like tonight's arrangement!
"Boss, it's time for us to go!" Chen Li stood up and asked the man for instructions with some respect.

The man didn't speak, and looked at the empty house in the monitor and lost his mind.

"Young master!" Chen Li tried to remind her with a higher voice.

This time the man finally had some reaction. He stood up, straightened his suit, and strode out.

Chen Li snorted coldly in her heart, followed closely behind without saying anything.

Besides, Jun Mubei, who was calling Ling Rui for his identity at this moment, had already arranged everything after receiving the news. When he was resting in the car with his eyes closed, he suddenly received a call from Qinglong, saying that Ling Rui had been captured, which scared him into a fright. Opening his eyes, he asked coldly, "What's going on?"

With that kid's ability, how could he be caught so easily?

Qinglong recounted the situation at that time, Jun Mubei snorted coldly, and said: "I see, the three of you just need to be ready to meet him at all times!" genetics!
That group dared to blow up Tang Shishi to death?For their lives, they dare not!Otherwise, I wouldn't have kept Tang Shishi delicious and delicious until now!But that brat, with a feverish forehead, just believed it!Really want to piss him off!

Jun Mubei called the team leaders together, rearranged them, and sat back in the car.

I don't know what kind of tricks those people will play!This stinky boy, Ling Rui, makes trouble for him!

Tang Shishi got into the large box truck, saw Ling Rui lying on the ground, and felt relieved.The door of the car was closed, leaving only a small lamp with a dim light in the car.Tang Shishi looked around carefully, and found that there was no camera installed inside, so she finally felt relieved.

Falling into a generous embrace, Tang Shishi's small mouth was sealed before she could speak. Feeling the familiar breath, Tang Shishi tightly hooked Ling Rui's neck, and tried her best to respond.

"They injected you with aphrodisiacs?" Tang Shishi asked unsteadily after a kiss.

"En." Ling Rui said, hugged Tang Shishi to his lap, and said, "Destroy part of the medicinal properties for me first!"

Although his body is very resistant to medicines, and he has taken some medicines to restrain this kind of things before he acted, but the medicine that was injected just now is very overbearing. I am afraid it will not be so easy to restrain him. Losing control hurt her.

Tang Shishi's face burst into red!She didn't expect Ling Rui to ask herself to do this as soon as she came up, as if it was in their bedroom.

However, before Tang Shishi could say anything, Ling Rui's big hands had already pulled off Tang Shishi's windbreaker, seeing the tight-fitting little clothes of fallen angels on her, his throat tightened, and he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Tang Shishi put her face on Ling Rui's chest shyly, feeling his unusual body temperature, and her heart, which was still a little bit resistant, became nervous!Why is it so hot?
Ling Rui wasn't hot at first, but seeing Tang Shishi like this, he became hot even if he wasn't hot, not to mention he was drugged!
"Why don't you look at me?"

Tang Shishi hammered Ling Rui angrily, and said, "Asshole! Could it be, um! Do you want me to look at your face now and do this kind of thing with you?"

She will be mentally handicapped, okay?Although she knew that the man under her was Ling Rui, after all, he was holding the face of her second brother Jun Mubei now!
Ling Rui laughed unkindly, his chest heaved and shook violently, it turned out that his little wild cat cared about this!This is his negligence!
Because of Ling Rui's muffled laugh, Tang Shishi angrily gave him another little hammer!

What a necrosis!To do this kind of thing in such a place and under such circumstances, she is very stressed!Fortunately, he is still enjoying it and laughing!
Probably because of the potency of the medicine, and of course it is undeniable that the bumpy car along the way added a lot of fun to them. While tidying up her clothes, Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, who was lying disheveled and smirking in the carriage, angrily raised her foot Go kick him!The bastard!It made her waist sore and uncomfortable, and her legs were weak!
Tang Shishi gritted her teeth angrily at the thought of cooperating with this guy in another passionate scene!What a shame!
Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's little feet, pretending to be serious and said: "If you kick this thing, you won't be able to afford it! You will need it in the future, so take care of it!"

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a sideways glance, drew back her feet, and stopped talking.

Ling Rui took out the ointment for dispelling the drug from Tang Shishi's body, endured the discomfort, and applied some. The ointment can alleviate the drug's effect, but the taste of applying it is really unpleasant.Just apply a bottle of balm oil on the eyes, it's cool and hot!
Tang Shishi saw that Ling Rui kept sucking in air, breaking out in a cold sweat, and said worriedly: "Don't wipe it off if you feel uncomfortable!" At worst, she will find a chance to help him clean it later!Seeing Ling Rui like this made her feel uncomfortable!
"Do you know you love him?" Ling Rui said with a smirk.Put away the ointment and hide it on yourself.

Tang Shishi blushed, and the little hammer fell down again.What time is it, this man is still not good at speaking!

Ling Rui arranged the clothes on his upper body, gasped, carefully put the gun into his trousers, pulled Tang Shishi to sit down, then rested his head on Tang Shishi's thigh, played with Tang Shishi's fingers, and said: "Keep your strength , I'm afraid you won't be able to stand up for a while."

Thinking of the intentions of those people, Ling Rui was very angry!
He didn't expect that those people would come up with such a nasty trick in an attempt to create a rift between him and the two brothers Jun Mubei, thus dividing the Jun family!But I have to say, they really got the fate of Jun's family right!
Now Ling Rui is extremely grateful to that guy Jun Mubei. If he hadn't sneaked into Uncle Mo's house and insisted on changing identities with him, he really couldn't imagine the current situation!
Just imagining that it was Jun Mubei who was drugged and locked up with the little wild cat, Ling Rui would have the urge to kill someone!The person who paid this attention is really shameful!

"Do we really want to do that?" After hearing Ling Rui's general explanation of their current situation, Tang Shishi was in trouble. I really don't know who came up with this bad idea!He actually wanted to send her and Jun Mubei together!If they succeeded, and the news of the incest between her brother and his sister-in-law spread, she would have no choice but to commit suicide and apologize!Tang Shishi felt scared just thinking about it!
"Are you scared?" Ling Rui pinched Tang Shishi's nose and asked briskly.

(End of this chapter)

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