Chapter 406
"Of course I'm afraid!" Tang Shishi admitted frankly, hugged Ling Rui's head and said, "Fortunately, it's you!"

"Well, I'm here, don't be afraid!" Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's back comfortingly and said.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Tang Shishi still said angrily.

Ling Rui was silent.Of course he will feel uncomfortable, his woman is only for him to see, especially her soft and watery appearance after the lust, makes him wish to hide her privately, so that no one can see her, how can he be willing to show her in public Now, with so many pairs of eyes staring at her, just thinking of such a scene, he wished he could pick out the eyeballs of those people and crush them!
Both of them fell into silence until the car stopped.

The car door was opened, and Chen Cheng stood in the distance with his arms crossed and looked at Ling Rui, who was still sleeping on Tang Shishi's lap, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth!
Several people wanted to move Ling Rui down, but Chen Cheng stopped him with a wave of his hand. He took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed it. Suddenly, an iron fence was placed on the car door. Tang Shishi looked at it in horror. Looking outside, he asked, "What are you going to do? Let us out!"

Chen Cheng admired Tang Shishi's expression at the moment, and the smile on his face deepened. He pressed it again, and the covers on both sides of the large truck in between opened outward, revealing its true colors. It turned out that Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's compartment was originally a big iron cage, and now the two of them have been locked in this big iron cage.

"Bastard! Let us out!" Tang Shishi shouted as she beat on the iron railings around her.

"Miss Tang, I advise you to save some effort, otherwise you will be overwhelmed when Young Master wakes up in a while!" Chen Cheng looked at Tang Shishi with lecherous eyes, and felt that this little girl really looked good. Those evil fires at night are about to stir!

"What are you guys doing?! Let me out!" Tang Shishi shouted tremblingly.

"Miss Tang, Young Master Jun came to save you regardless of life and death. How can you abandon him now? Just enjoy it for a while, and you will live up to Young Master Jun's affection!" Chen Cheng sneered maliciously. Say.

"Don't! Let me go! I'm his younger brother and sister! How bastards! Let me go! Let me go!" Tang Shishi roared while slapping the iron railing loudly.

Chen Cheng ignored Tang Shishi, and said to his subordinates: "Take off her clothes, handcuff one hand on them, if she doesn't cooperate, open an opening for Young Master Jun and let some water out! "

Two people took orders, one approached Tang Shishi with handcuffs, and the other approached Ling Rui with a knife.

"Don't touch him! I'll just do it!" Seeing the man approaching Ling Rui, Tang Shishi gave up resisting and took off her windbreaker, letting them handcuff her wrists to the iron railing, and then glared at Chen Cheng Said: "You will die a terrible death!"

"You should worry about yourself first! Tsk tsk! I believe Young Master Jun will make you extremely happy!" Chen Cheng looked at Tang Shishi and snorted coldly, and found that she shrank in fright after hearing his words, and finally I began to feel a little bit of revenge.

Oh shit!I was almost killed by this little girl, this time, I was about to vent my anger!

Amidst Tang Shishi's curses, the cage was covered with thick red cloth. Tang Shishi kicked Ling Rui, who was pretending to be "dead" in the cage while cursing, thinking angrily, she is here to perform hard , the voice is full of emotion, this guy can't lie here and fall asleep, right?

In the darkness, Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's feet and wiped them along her Guanghua calf.The drugs in his body started to work again!

Tang Shishi kicked angrily, retracted her feet, and sat in the cage to recharge her energy. Of course, she had to make some noise from time to time to prevent the other party from suspecting it!It's just that the voice is getting weaker and weaker. The person in charge of guarding her really thought that Tang Shishi was exhausted, so she didn't doubt it.

"You said, will Ling Rui show up?" Guard A asked while smoking.

After hearing what the man said, Tang Shishi rolled her eyes angrily!I really don't know what expression they would have if they knew that Ling Rui was here pretending to be unconscious and eavesdropping on their conversation, while fumbling with his hands and feet in the cage separated by a red cloth to do some wretched things!
Tang Shishi shook off Ling Rui's increasingly unruly hands, waited for Ling Rui's bright eyes in the dark cage, then smashed the iron fence angrily, and said, "Let me out! "

"Why not! Didn't you listen to what Chen Cheng said? Ling Rui is very tight to this woman!" Guard B said firmly.

Ling Rui's big hand that was thrown away by Tang Shishi immediately climbed up again, and winked at Tang Shishi in the dark: Listen, they all know how tight I am to your baby, do you think you should show something?

Tang Shishi stepped on Ling Rui's feet angrily, and Ling Rui breathed heavily. Tang Shishi was so frightened that she quickly moved her feet away, annoyed secretly. He stepped on it, but what to do!
In the darkness, Ling Rui smiled like an enchanting blooming flower!

He held Tang Shishi's small body in his arms, grabbed her free little hand, pulled it under him, licked Tang Shishi's ear and whispered: "Honey, hurry up and do it while there is no one around now." Get down to business!"

When Tang Shishi's little hand touched the hot spot, she couldn't help shivering, and asked in a low voice: "Why does the medicine come up so quickly?" The voice was full of worry!

"Hmm." Ling Rui answered Tang Shishi with a murmur that was specious.

"You said, would the Jun family brothers really turn against each other because of a woman?" Guard A was still a little uncertain and asked suspiciously.

"Hey! Don't you know, kid?" Guard B proudly let it go.

"How do you say it?" Guard A asked curiously, he loved gossip and the like.

"Originally, there were three brothers in the Jun family. Why are there only two left now? Why has no one mentioned the young master of the Jun family?" Guard B threw out bait one after another.

Why?Tang Shishi froze, blinked at Ling Rui, and asked silently.

Ling Rui poked Tang Shishi's little hand in dissatisfaction, bit Tang Shishi's ear, and complained: "Concentrate!"

"Why?" Guard A asked impatiently.

"Legend, ahem! The second young master of the Jun family used to dote on a woman very much, but the youngest of the Jun family also fell in love with that woman. Later, the two brothers got into a fight over that woman. In the end, the two brothers turned against each other, and the second young master fell in love with that woman. In front of all the family members, he cut off a finger of the young master! Broken brotherhood with the young master! Later, the young master took that woman to go abroad to live in seclusion, and has not returned to the country. Hearing that the second young master refused to let him come back, he just Don’t dare to come back!” Guard B triumphantly shared the gossip he heard with Guard A.

(End of this chapter)

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