Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 407 True and False; Genuine and Fake

Chapter 407 True and False; Genuine and Fake (1)
"Second Young Master is so ruthless? She's just a woman, and she doesn't even care about brotherhood!" Guard A said disapprovingly.

"You don't know that, do you? The men in the Jun family are all affectionate, and they always obey what their wives say!" said guard B.

Tang Shishi exerted strength with her little hand, and was satisfied to hear Ling Rui's muffled groan. She knocked on the iron fence on guard, and said weakly, "Let me out."

But his eyes were fixed on Ling Rui, with dissatisfaction: Why did you obey me?

Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's back aggrievedly, biting Tang Shishi's ear as if she was smoothing the fur of a kitten, and said, "Honey, aren't you trying to convince me now!"

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look, old rascal!But in his heart, he was thinking about the truth of what the guard B said.Did the second brother really cut off the elder brother's finger for that woman?
Guard A and Guard B ignored Tang Shishi at all, and continued to discuss enthusiastically: "Tell me, after today, can Young Master still raise his head in front of others? I can tell that Young Master Jun probably likes me Brother and sister, otherwise, why would you even risk your life for her!"

"Tsk tsk, I heard that Young Master Jun's younger brother, Major General Ling, is not an ordinary person. Among the three brothers of the Jun family, he is the best in every aspect. You said that if he sees his own My wife was raped by my second brother in public... Tsk tsk!" Guard A laughed maliciously.

Tang Shishi trembled because of what Warden A said!I thought to myself, this group of people is really too bad, it is shameless to laugh so gloatingly after doing such a detrimental thing!

"Brothers of the Jun family are fighting against the wall, and there is a disaster. Once this mission fails, the superiors will find a reason to attack the Jun family. If they suppress it step by step, the Jun family will be finished!" Guard B analyzed.

"I didn't expect the Jun family to be defeated by a woman!" Guard A said with emotion, but Tang Shishi could hear the hypocrisy in Guard A's tone immediately.

Unlike Ling Rui's side, the situation on Jun Mubei's side is not good!
"Ling Rui, you liar!" Mo Youyou scolded Jun Mubei bitterly while avoiding the grenades around him.

The devil!He said he brought him over to watch a good show, but what happened?I almost got boiled dumplings!If it wasn't for her quick mind and strong body, she wouldn't even know how she died!

"Shut up!" Jun Mubei glared irritably at Mo Youyou, who had been making noise from the beginning, and threatened, "If you bother me again, I'll throw you out as a human target!"

Due to Jun Mubei's obscenity, Mo Youyou temporarily settled down.

Jun Mubei pretended to be gloomy, although he did not expect that according to the original plan agreed with Ling Rui, he pretended to be ignorant all the way to T City, and by the way, according to the list provided by Ling Rui, the few people in the sharp knife army The opponent's dark line was dealt with openly along the way, and there was still a fish that slipped through the net!
Oh shit!This guy hides really deep!However, this is better, take advantage of this incident to uproot the moths inside, so as to avoid worries in the future!

"Master, it's Fan Bingchang from class three." Zhou Hu reported the list.

"Well, let's keep the notice, if the master wants to come up with a trick, he will do it!" Jun Mubei said, pulled Zhou Hu over, and explained in a low voice.

Mo Youyou saw Jun Mubei and Zhou Hu muttering, their little cheeks puffed up with anger, after all, they are brothers who have gone through life and death, and it is so disrespectful to guard her like this!
After Jun Mubei ordered people to retreat, someone shouted on the opposite side: "Major General Ling, we told you above that we can't let you come here for nothing. It's not too late to bring your female companion in for a glass of water before leaving!"

Jun Mubei pulled Mo Youyou out calmly, snatched the bag from his hand, and said, "Then thank you for your kindness!"

"Ling Rui, you bastard! You are going to die by yourself, why drag me!" Mo Youyou said angrily, and was forced to say by Jun Mubei with a face of reluctance.

Jun Mubei gave Mo Youyou a cold look, and said in a neutral tone, "Follow me in, or die here, you choose one."

asshole!This is simply no choice!Mo Youyou glared at Jun Mubei angrily, how much her father hated her!She actually pushed her beautiful daughter to such a ruthless man!
Mo Youyou muttered something that Jun Mubei couldn't understand, and reluctantly followed behind Jun Mubei.

You bastard, you walked so fast, with such big strides, and you didn't wait for yourself. What kind of child companion was you? It was almost like the little maid serving by your side!Stinky man!How ungentlemanly!

Jun Mubei didn't have the time to pay attention to Mo Youyou's thoughts, he walked into a long-abandoned warehouse under the supervision of the group of people.

This is not a simple transaction, rather than a transaction, it is more appropriate to say that it is smuggled.

As soon as Jun Mubei stepped into the dilapidated warehouse, he was blinded by the bright lights inside.

Standing on a high place, Chen Cheng was provocative, and covered Jun Mubei in a strong light with a searchlight, and said sarcastically, "Major General Ling, you are welcome to make your debut!"

Jun Mubei looked calm and composed, squinted his eyes and glanced at Chen Cheng who was standing on the big crane, and then looked around calmly.

There are layers of layers in this abandoned warehouse, and entering this door is like standing at the entrance of a closed maze, there is something different inside!In the warehouse, there are five steps, one post, ten steps and one post, and the internal and external defenses are very tight. It seems that the cultural relics traded this time may really be the long-lost Nine Dragons Jade Cup.

"It deserves it!" Mo Youyou, who was half a step behind Jun Mubei, murmured gloatingly.

hum!Ling Rui, this stinky guy, isn't he usually very imposing?That's what it's called, the tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs!Ha ha!Mo Youyou wrote beautifully in her heart as if venting her anger.

But she also couldn't understand Chen Cheng very much, and felt that he was a little outrageous, hum!Dad said, this is a harbinger of death!When Chen Cheng hit Mo Youyou with the beam of the searchlight, Mo Youyou despised Chen Cheng even more!
Dad also said that a truly powerful person would not do such a villainous act. Only those who pretend to be mighty, and who are strong on the outside and do nothing on the outside, will be so mysterious, yin and yang, and use chicken feathers as arrows!
Jun Mubei heard Mo Youyou's words sharply, glanced sideways at her, and then looked away again.

Mo Youyou was terrified by Jun Mubei's look, her big eyes turned to look away, not daring to meet Jun Mubei's gaze.

The two were searched closely, and they were released only after it was confirmed that they had no guns, ammunition, or other dangerous lethal weapons.

However, it was said that he was let go, but he was blindfolded with a black cloth and led into the maze!

(End of this chapter)

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