Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 408 True and False; Genuine and Fake

Chapter 408 True and False; Genuine and Fake (2)
"Ling Rui!" Blindfolded, Mo Youyou cried out uncomfortably, touched Jun Mubei's arm in front of him with both hands, and then hugged Jun Mu's arm tightly without hesitation.There are guns all around, and it's fine for me to be unarmed, and I have to be blindfolded, so I don't need to be so careful when dealing with a little girl like her!

Jun Mubei paused, and he pulled Mo Youyou's arm away with his big hand, only to get Mo Youyou's strong condemnation!
"Ling Rui! Do you want to be so stingy? I don't even care about you killing my friend, you will die if you let me hang my arm!" Mo Youyou yelled loudly.After all, she is an invincible young and beautiful girl. It would be a pity if this group of people abducted her to spoil her, wouldn't she?
Jun Mubei frowned, grabbed Mo Youyou's hand with his big hand, tugged angrily, and said, "Shut up!" This woman is so noisy!
It's impossible for him to leave her here alone, I really don't know why this woman is still so talkative!
Mo Youyou's little hand was held by Jun Mubei's big hand, and she immediately kept quiet obediently, following Jun Mubei's footsteps obediently.In fact, Mo Youyou is a little shy now and doesn't know what to say. It's the first time for her to hold hands with a man. The warmth of the man's big hand by her side spreads all the way to her heart through the blood, making her feel the heat on her cheeks and the beating of her heart. It's also getting up fast.

In fact, if this old man is not angry, he is not so hateful!

The two of them were led around and turned around countless times. Mo Youyou was so dizzy that she couldn't help complaining: "Aren't you here yet? I'm about to throw up!"

Perhaps Mo Youyou's complaints had an effect. After a few minutes, they finally stopped and the black cloth was removed from their eyes.

Mo Youyou, who saw the light again, rubbed her eyes, and after getting used to the surrounding light, she couldn't help but let out an exclamation!
Unexpectedly, this abandoned warehouse, which looks inconspicuous from the outside, has a hidden cave inside!Mo Youyou's big eyes slid around, and finally fell on a glass box on the display stand in the warehouse. The white jade cup of jade brilliance placed in the box made Mo Youyou see A strange light.

Jun Mubei also saw the jade cup. Is this the legendary "Nine Dragons Jade Cup" that has been missing?Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou, and after Mo Youyou understood Jun Mubei's question, he rolled his eyes angrily, and whispered, "You think I have X-rays in my eyes!" She was separated from the cup. At least it has to be 20 meters away, just to be able to see the shape of the cup clearly!

Jun Mubei withdrew his gaze and admitted that he was a little too strong.

In this transaction, both parties were in the name of private individuals, and the product they provided was the legendary Nine Dragons Jade Cup, while the other party to the transaction was an arms dealer in Russia, and the product he brought was a A blueprint for the newest weapon.

"Ling Rui!" Not long after Jun Mubei came in, Shen He spotted it with sharp eyes, and rushed over with his female companion.

"Why did you come in like this?" Shen He's eyes were on Jun Mubei's and Mo Youyou's clasped hands, his brows were obviously frowned, and his tone of disapproval was somewhat reproachful.

"Then how should I come in?" Jun Mubei let go of Mo Youyou's hand calmly, and told her not to run around, with a frank expression.Then Jun Mubei looked at Shen He, and found that although he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, his eyes could not hide the tiredness, but the female companion beside her had a radiant face, and looked at him with a naked wolfish light.

"You——" After Shen He said the word "you" excitedly, he didn't continue speaking, with obvious scruples on his face and defense in his eyes.

"I received news that Shishi will appear here tonight." Shen He lowered his voice and said to Ling Rui.In a word, it explained why he appeared here tonight. Of course, the reason why he was able to appear here is also a task. The blueprint of the gun design will be confirmed by him later.

"What do you mean?!" Jun Mubei pretended to look at Shen He in disbelief, his voice trembling slightly because of being too excited.

Shen He glanced at Mo Youyou who was beside Jun Mubei, then lowered his voice and said, "On the day of the Go competition, Shishi was kidnapped. Your second brother Jun Mubei and I have been looking for her. I only found out about Shishi the day before yesterday. Shi is in T City, so here we come!"

Shen He has no doubt at all that Ling Rui of the Junmubei version doesn't know about Tang Shishi's kidnapping, because the mission performed by the Sharp Knife Troops this time involves state secrets, so they are strictly controlled during the mission and cannot Corresponding with his family, even Ling Rui's subordinates, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin, who are closest to him, don't know who the two sides of the transaction for this mission are!

The hostility in Jun Mubei's body rose instantly, his face was so gloomy that it frightened people to death, and Mo Youyou, who was standing beside Jun Mubei, consciously moved away from Jun Mubei in fright.

The way this uncle looks now is really scary!
"You mean they plan to use Shishi to contain me?" Jun Mubei asked Shen He with a gloomy tone.

"It should be like this." Shen He was also taken aback by Jun Mubei's hostility, and subconsciously took half a step back.

"I see!" Jun Mubei said coldly, passed Shen He, and walked in.Mo Youyou glanced at the embarrassed Shen He, then stared at the coquettish and coquettish Chen Li who had been watching Jun Mubei, followed Jun Mubei's footsteps and left.

Shen He didn't understand, so he glanced at Chen Li.Is this Ling Rui's reaction?
Chen Li gave Shen He a wink, such a man is cool enough!

Chen Shi looked at Jun Mubei, with a playful smile on his face: "Young Master Ling, today we have specially prepared a dessert here, you should enjoy it later!"

From the time when the boss said that he wanted to move Jun's family, Chen Shi had already given Ling Rui no attention, so when facing Ling Rui in Jun Mubei's version, he even forgot the basic politeness.Most of those malicious eyes stayed on Mo Youyou who was beside Jun Mubei.

"Then thank Deputy Chen for his hospitality first!" Jun Mubei said indifferently.

Mo Youyou wanted to vomit when Chen Shi looked at her. She had never had a good impression of this kind of fat man. The deputy Chen in front of her looked a little younger than her father, but the fat body on her body really made her feel sick. Let her father be hard to catch up.

After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he looked at the people who came from Russia. There were five people coming in from Russia, four men and one woman. Jun Mubei's eyes lingered on one of the four men with a scar on his face. After half a second, a dark color flashed across his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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