Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 409 True and False; Genuine and Fake

Chapter 409 True and False; Genuine and Fake (3)
Although it was a shady transaction, the overall ostentation was not small, and there were many tricks. In addition to the bodyguards in the warehouse, there were more than [-] people attending the banquet. It was in the form of a buffet, and even a song and dance performance was arranged, but for safety For the sake of consideration, there are no more than three people in any performance.

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou, who was eating happily, and frowned again and again. He regretted bringing this woman here, not to mention that it was useless at all, and it would be embarrassing to accompany her here!

"Ling Rui, why don't you eat a little bit? It's delicious with a snack." Mo Youyou generously recommended it to Jun Mubei with the optimistic spirit of sharing good things with good friends.

Jun Mubei looked at the small strawberry dessert that Mo Youyou sent in front of him, his face darkened again.

Mo Youyou kept holding it like this, with a smile on his face, and anticipation in his eyes, but until his arms were a little sore, and the man in front of him didn't intend to take it, Mo Youyou was sensitive to the fact that he was placed on his body Those unfriendly sights.

"I don't know, where did Major General Ling find such a black crow as his female companion? It's really shameful!" The unknown female companion covered her mouth and laughed.

Mo Youyou complained: I am so healthy and wheat-colored, young and full of vigor, isn't it better than the pile of mud on your face?

"Is this woman a pig? She ate half of the desserts here by herself." Another woman who saw Mo Youyou eating happily criticized.

If you are greedy, just say it, you are clearly jealous that I am not afraid of getting fat no matter what I eat!Mo Youyou completely ignored the other party!

"Oh! The Chinese are really immature!" The sound was in Russian, and Mo Youyou understood it. She raised her head and stared at the Russian beauty, and replied bluntly in Russian: "No matter how much perfume you wear, you can't cover it up." Get rid of the body odor! Uh--" Mo Youyou pinched her nose with her small hands as she spoke, and said disgustedly: "Stay away from me, you also have a strange smell in your mouth!"

The Russian beauty didn't expect that this plain-looking woman in ordinary clothes could speak authentic Russian, and she was so impolite when she spoke, pointing angrily at Mo Youyou and wanting to scold her, completely forgetting about etiquette.

"Yasha!" The Russian representative shouted the name of the Russian beauty in displeasure.

Unwillingly, Yasha withdrew her fingers, and gave Mo Youyou a fierce look, and Mo Youyou returned Yasha with a smug smile.

And the man who just finished drinking Yasha, named Iwan, looked at Mo Youyou with a hint of interest on his face.He has seen a lot of those submissive Chinese women in the past few days, maybe it would be nice to have a change of taste today.

Mo Youyou, who was a fool, didn't know that he had already been missed by others, and thought that Ivan looked a little pleasing to the eye, so he couldn't help but take another look.Of course, this glance also misunderstood Ivan successfully!
Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou and Yiwan flirting, and looked at Mo Youyou even more annoying!He now feels that he was cheated by Uncle Mo!

Ivan whispered a few words to an interpreter beside him, and heard the interpreter say: "To show our sincerity, we have also prepared a special gift for Mr. Chen, and please accept it!"

After the interpreter finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and saw the curtain on the stage that had just finished a song and dance performance slowly opened, and many people in the audience exclaimed.

It turned out that the gift Ivan was talking about was three Russian beauties with Barbie dolls.

Mo Youyou looked at the live-action large Barbie doll in a Barbie costume on the stage who was motionless and didn't even blink her eyes. There was a gleam of excitement in her eyes, and she rushed to the front without hesitation. Looking at the three women on the stage curiously, he couldn't help exclaiming: "It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful that it's unreal! Ling Rui, I want one too!"

Mo Youyou's exclamation brought back the rationality of the person who had been stupefied just now. When Chen Shi saw Mo Youyou who ran to the front at some point, he sneered and said to Jun Mubei: "Major General Ling, Take care of your female companion, don't lose your status on such an occasion!" Can anyone of any status enjoy the gift from Russia?Besides, why would a woman join in the fun?
Before Ling Rui could speak, Mo Youyou's carefree voice sounded: "Cut! What's the big deal, I don't know how many knives have been done to them!" She knew that every Barbie doll had to be carefully selected, Special training took a lot of hard work to develop, but the three in front of them all have such bulging chests, and they all look like the same model, which is obviously too fake!Mo Youyou's eyes unconsciously slid around her chest. She used to think that she had a good figure. Compared with them, she instantly felt that she was small. However, she immediately comforted herself in her heart: I This is all natural, they can't compare!
Mo Youyou's words caused the body of one of the Barbie dolls to visibly shake. This time, it did not cause other women to besiege, but only attracted unkind eyes from the men. It can be seen that beauties are attracted to each other!

In the eyes of the men, at that time, the ugly duckling Mo Youyou felt ashamed of himself when he saw the white swan, so he slandered him!
Mo Youyou ignored those short-sighted men at all, and returned to Jun Mubei with her 32D dwarfed chest proudly, but this time, she was much better behaved.Not interested in eating delicious food anymore, Jun Mubei firmly thought that she had been hit.Seeing her staying by his side peacefully, Jun Mubei thought to himself, this blow came very timely!

The three astonishing Russian Barbie dolls were quickly picked away. Chen Shi chose the fair-skinned and relatively petite one. His greasy face was already grinning so hard that his gums were already grinning. It's out!

Standing in the distance, Chen Li looked at the Russian woman in Chen Shi's arms, her face darkened, but she quickly turned her gaze to Jun Mubei's version of Ling Rui, the hunting light in her eyes was even stronger!
Although Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou had been strictly body-searched after they came in, Chen Shi was still full of precautions against Jun Mubei's version of Ling Rui. With him around, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. With the transaction coming to an end, we can find a place to enjoy this exotic and gentle town first.

"Since Mr. Ivan has shown such great sincerity, let's get to the point!" Chen Shi sat at one end of the table, meditating and speaking, his eyes fell on the Nine Dragons Jade Cup on the stage, and then looked at Yiwan. Wan, smiling flatteringly, with a hand covered by the white tablecloth, he had already touched the base of the Barbie doll's thigh.

Ivan smiled and nodded in agreement.

Chen Shi showed a weird smile to Ling Rui, who was standing not far from Jun Mubei, as if he suddenly remembered something, nodded sorry to Iwan, and asked them to wait for him. Then he said to Jun Mubei: "I heard that Major General Ling and his wife haven't seen each other for many days, I hope Major General Ling will like this surprise I specially prepared for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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