Chapter 414 Panda Blood! (3)
Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou curiously, and gave her a friendly smile.Ling Rui told her just now that this girl is Uncle Mo's favorite jewel, and everyone in Uncle Mo's family is very good at appreciating antiques. The girl who just showed her confidence and courage is really impressive!
Looking at the smile on Tang Shishi's face, Mo Youyou felt that she had punched the cotton, and she felt powerless. She really couldn't hate Tang Shishi, especially when she saw that she was tortured in the iron cage just now. Rui's brother treats her like that, she thinks Tang Shishi is really happy and pitiful!But now that Tang Shishi abandoned "Ling Rui" and chose "Jun Mubei", Mo Youyou felt that Tang Shishi had gone too far. How could she change her mind so quickly? !So the little face was full of anger, and he simply stopped talking.

But when Mo Youyou looked at the indifferent Jun Mubei, he was deeply confused again. Could it be that the person who took the love with a knife was actually the uncle?The current situation is that "people" return to their original owners, and lovers will eventually get married?Mo Youyou wrinkled her small face, her eyes were on Jun Mubei, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, the more she looked at it, the more she didn't understand!
oops!Is this the world of adults?She really can't understand this time!
However, when Mo Youyou saw the stupid expressions of the people around him, his mood became clear again. It turns out that everyone is the same!It seems that it's not that she doesn't understand, but that these three people are too difficult to understand!
"How did you get out?!" Chen Cheng looked at Jun Mubei, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi who came over in disbelief, and asked, then reached out and fumbled in his pockets, when he realized that the pockets were empty , Chen Cheng's face became very ugly!
"Are you looking for this?" Jun Mubei raised the remote control in his hand and asked with a sneer.

Chen Cheng stared at the remote control in Jun Mubei's hand, his face darkened, he didn't understand, he had never had close contact with Jun Mubei, how did he take the remote control away!
Mo Youyou looked at the disheveled Chen Cheng, and lowered his head to hide the smile from the corner of his mouth.Not to mention a small remote control, as long as she thinks about it, there is nothing she can't get in this world.

"Major General Ling, you should pay more attention to your wife, don't spit on people here just because you wear a green hat!" Chen Shi satirized Jun Mubei, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's strange "threesome". road.

"Chen Shi, I advise you to take advantage of the fact that there are still two people in your Chen family, and quickly explain the funeral, so as not to worry too much and leave uneasy!" Ling Rui looked at Chen Shi, the corners of his mouth slightly pursed, his voice It's full of killing intent.

"Young Master Jun, you should be grateful to me, otherwise how can you be happy and embrace the beauty!" Chen Shi looked at Ling Rui and said mockingly: "However, it depends on me whether you can get out alive. Interesting!"

After Chen Shi finished speaking, as soon as he waved his hand, bodyguards stepped forward and surrounded Ling Rui and the others!

"Ivan!" Mo Youyou looked at Iwan and shouted.

Ivan waved his hand and asked the people he had brought to help.

As soon as Chen Shi saw that Iwan was intervening, he said in disapproval, "Mr. Iwan, this is my private matter, please don't meddle in it!" Today, he is bound to leave the lives of the Jun family brothers here. Otherwise, he would be the one who died!
Fortunately, the meaning above is also very clear, reminding him that if the development of the situation is uncontrollable, accidental injuries are also possible!

"They are my friends! Mr. Chen should consider where the real Nine Dragons Jade Cup is!" Iwan looked at Chen Shi and said with a firm attitude.He owes Mo Youyou a favor, so he has definitely helped with today's favor.

Chen Shi's expression turned ugly.

As for why this Nine Dragons Jade Cup is a fake, he has no way of knowing, so at this moment, looking at Mo Youyou in the crowd, he wished to cut her into pieces.

It's all bad things about this yellow-haired girl!

There was a scuffle in the banquet hall, and Jun Mubei showed his true strength, and knocked down two bodyguards with a few punches. Needless to say, Ling Rui, he just rubbed the evil fire on Tang Shishi, There is an urgent need to do something to divert attention, sweat and detoxify, so he recruits hard work; Tang Shishi's skill is much worse than the two of them, but he is still able to deal with a few bodyguards with ease.Coupled with the help of Ivan's people, it is even more powerful.

Mo Youyou watched Tang Shishi's graceful movements, fighting with those bodyguards neatly, and the suit she was wearing was sometimes used as a weapon by her, playing very beautifully, she couldn't help but want to applaud Tang Shishi!

Just when Ling Rui and the others were about to control the situation, the scarred face next to Iwan suddenly approached Tang Shishi, Shen He saw his sleeve move, and a table knife slipped from his sleeve When he came out, he was keenly aware of the danger, and with a loud shout, the desperate Chao Tang Shishi rushed over!Push Tang Shishi aside.

"Shishi be careful! Uh—" The cold stainless steel knife sank into Shen He's chest, his phoenix eyes suddenly widened because of the pain, and his handsome face twisted and trembled because of the pain.

"Senior!" Tang Shishi turned around defensively because of Shen He's reminder, and then she was knocked aside vigorously by Shen He. When she stabilized her body, she saw this scene that she will never forget.

The cruel smile on Scar's face was still full of surprise, and he was still holding a stainless steel handle in his hand, and the blade had already sunk into Senior Shen He's chest. Senior Shen He was covering his chest, with a face Pale as white as paper, red blood bloomed enchantingly on his white shirt, quickly coloring it with blood.

"No!" Tang Shishi yelled in horror, got up and rushed towards Shen He.

And those bodyguards who were still fighting with Tang Shishi just now were also stunned by this sudden situation, and stared blankly at Shen He's fallen body backwards.

Seeing Tang Shishi rushing towards him, Scarface pulled out the knife and stabbed Tang Shishi's heart again.

"Shishi!" Seeing this scene, Ling Rui was terrified. He rushed towards Tang Shishi at the fastest speed in his life, but no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as the scarred face who was one step away from Tang Shishi!
Just when everyone thought that the tragedy was about to happen, there was a "bang" gunshot, followed by the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground, which made the air at the banquet freeze, and everyone's eyes immediately turned. Hearing the gunshots, he looked towards Tang Shishi.

The people who fell to the ground were Tang Shishi and Shen He. At this moment, Tang Shishi wrapped one arm tightly around Shen He's shoulders to prevent the back of his head from landing on the ground, while the other arm pointed directly at the scarred face, and one leg , supporting Scarface's body, preventing him from falling down, and pressing down on Shen He in his hands, so as not to cause his wound to be injured again.

(End of this chapter)

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