Chapter 415 Panda Blood! (4)
Tang Shishi was holding the miniature revolver in her hand at the moment. She fell to the ground, looking at the blood hole on Scar's forehead that was constantly bubbling blood, panic flashed in her big eyes. The arm and the leg that was touching the scarred face began to tremble uncontrollably, and the little face turned pale, just like Shen He in his arms.

Shen He felt the fear in Tang Shishi, opened his mouth with difficulty, and called out softly: "Shishi——" This voice was full of pity.

Shen He wanted to hug Tang Shishi back into his arms, but found that he couldn't do what he wanted!
There was a wry smile from the corner of his mouth, as if, when facing Tang Shishi, he was always so powerless!

Shen He's sound, although soft, successfully brought back Tang Shishi's sanity, and with a force on her leg, she kicked away the dead Scarface staring at her eyes.

boom!There was another sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the scarred face fell on his back. The blood hole between his eyebrows was extremely hideous, and the blood quickly flowed out from his head, wetting the carpet under his body.

In the banquet hall, the screams became one!The female companions brought by the entourage also ignored the pretentiousness, maintained their demeanor, and shouted crazily at the top of their voices.

"Wife! How are you?" Ling Rui ran to Tang Shishi's side, saw the blood on Tang Shishi's leg, reached out to pick up a tablecloth and wiped it, and finally felt relieved when he saw that Tang Shishi was not injured , At that moment just now, he was so scared that his heartbeat almost stopped!

"I'm fine!" Tang Shishi wanted to return Ling Rui with a comforting smile, but found that the muscles on her face were so stiff that she couldn't move them, her whole body was trembling, and she couldn't stop talking.

She kills!She just killed someone!

When Shen He heard Tang Shishi calling "Jun Mubei" her husband, his mind suddenly cleared up. He looked up at Ling Rui with difficulty, then looked at Tang Shishi again, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Senior!" Tang Shishi screamed, hugging Shen He, shaking like a broken leaf in the north wind.

Ling Rui put her hand under Shen He's nose, and before he could speak, Tang Shishi was so frightened that she grabbed his arm and asked, "Husband, senior—"

"It's okay, I passed out!" Ling Rui squeezed Tang Shishi's little hand reassuringly, then tore off a piece of white tablecloth with his hands and feet, and wrapped Shen He's chest to prevent him from bleeding to death.

Tang Shishi's tense body suddenly softened, as if she could no longer exert any strength.

Ling Rui picked up Shen He's body and gently put it on the table. Only then did Tang Shishi realize it and quickly got up from the ground.

"Put on your clothes!" Ling Rui put Shen He away, then grabbed Shen He's suit on the ground, and put it on for Tang Shishi.

"Brothers and sisters, let me borrow your pistol!" Jun Mubei walked over, snatched the miniature revolver from Tang Shishi's hand, and said with a cynical smile on his face: "I didn't expect that you still have the problem of taking sheep by hand, This is obviously the one in my collection."

Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei with a blank expression, she hadn't fully recovered from the panic just now, until Ling Rui stepped forward to hug her body, she hugged Ling Rui and cried out loudly, Said: "Ling Rui, I killed someone! I just killed someone!"

"Good boy! Don't be afraid, you are acting in self-defense, otherwise he will kill Senior Shen He and then you!" Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's back to comfort him.

The first time I got blood on my hands, Kitty was terrified!

"Senior Shen He—how is Senior Shen He?" Tang Shishi withdrew from Ling Rui's arms, ran to the table, looked at Shen He's pale face, held back tears, and said, "We're going to ask Senior Take it to the hospital, right away!"

"Okay, right now!" Ling Rui agreed, with a look of obedience.

The people around looked at all this in amazement, and their minds were all muddled!Why is this Tang poem called "Jun Mubei" Ling Rui, but "Jun Mubei" still looks like a matter of course?Is she out of her mind, or are they hearing problems?Could it be that she was scared stupid?
"Jun Mubei, I'm afraid this is not the place where you can come and leave whenever you want!" Chen Shi saw that Shen He's life and death were unknown, and he was even more unscrupulous. If he left the lives of the Jun family brothers here today, it would be regarded as With ready-made charges!

"Could it be that you also want to be like him?" Jun Mubei turned the miniature revolver in his hand with one finger, and asked Chen Shi with a frivolous tone.

Chen Shi glanced at the bloody hole between the brows of the already dead Scarface, trembled in fright, and took a step back unconsciously.

Chen Shi was really scared!He didn't know how Tang Shishi had a gun. Everyone here came in after a strict body search, including the bodyguards inside, and no one came in with a gun. At this moment, the gun in Jun Mubei's hand The gun undoubtedly gave them an absolute right to speak!
Jun Mubei smiled sarcastically, and said unhurriedly, "Could it be that you passed the bullet quickly? Or are you doubting my marksmanship?" Annoyed at being despised, he said: "This is not good! I hate being calculated and suspected by others! It seems that I have to prove something!"

After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he aimed the small revolver in his hand at Chen Shi, and made an aiming motion.

"No! Ling Shao, spare your life!" Chen Shi turned pale with fright, and roared, and then the people around asked about the smell of urine. Had urinary incontinence.

The people around couldn't help taking a step back, not only to avoid the unpleasant smell, but also to be afraid of being accidentally injured.

Jun Mubei looked at the embarrassed Chen Shi with disgust, and said, "Are you scared? Bastard! What's the use of China keeping a dog like you? It's a shame!" After finishing speaking, Jun Mubei hooked his finger .



Seeing Jun Mubei's movements, Chen Shi broke his throat and shouted!
Most of the people around were too frightened to speak out, and a few timid women fainted from fright.

After Chen Shi finished shouting, he realized that he was not dead yet. He touched his head, and then his face was ecstatic: "I'm not dead! I'm still alive! I'm not dead!"

Jun Mubei looked at Tang Shishi annoyed, and he said why everyone felt that this small pistol was much lighter. It turned out that there was no bullet in it!

"Tang Shishi, can't you pull a few more bullets out of the way?!" Jun Mubei roared angrily.

"Second brother, I didn't mean it!" Tang Shishi whispered awkwardly.

"You mean it!" Jun Mubei was still very angry!
"Crazy! You are all crazy!" Chen Shi jumped up, pointing at Jun Mubei and yelling at Tang Shishi: "Arrest them all for me, kill them! Kill them all..." Die!

(End of this chapter)

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