Chapter 416 Panda Blood! (5)
"Bang!" Before Chen Shi finished speaking, he fell backward with a bang, screaming again and again, because they saw Chen Shi's brows were a little red, like a scarred face, his eyes were wide open unwillingly, died!
Everyone's eyes moved to Jun Mubei, with fear.

Jun Mubei spread his hands and said, "It's against the law to kill someone, I didn't do it!"

"Master! We're here!" As soon as Jun Mubei's words fell, there were several uniform voices in the banquet hall, and then several people with guns, as if they fell from the sky, landed beside Jun Mubei.

"I'm not your master, your master is that one!" Jun Mubei said, pointing at Ling Rui to Zhou Hu and the others.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin didn't understand, so they looked at Jun Mubei, thinking what kind of wind is this, and——

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin opened their mouths in surprise when they saw "Jun Mubei" holding Tang Shishi, their master's woman, with one arm.

Jun Mubei smiled, groped around his neck for a while, and then removed a piece of skin, revealing the exact same face as Ling Rui behind him.

There was a sound of gasping all around!
Is this on a movie set?This is the legendary disguise technique in TV dramas and movies, right?Amazing!
Chen Li has been hiding in the corner since the death of Scarface. When she saw Chen Shi's death, she was too frightened to move. Then she would see Jun Mubei uncover the disguise on his face, and turn his eyes to "Jun Mubei", until she saw that "Jun Mubei" also lifted the disguise on his face, revealing Ling Rui's true face, a burst of anger in her heart followed by a deep mockery!

Young Master!You put so much effort into directing this good show, you probably wouldn't have imagined that in the end, you would still be fooled around by the two brothers, right?

Chen Li finally set her eyes on Tang Shishi again, her eyes with poisonous arrows, as if she wanted to wear Tang Shishi to pieces.

Mo Youyou's eyes shuttled between Jun Mubei and Ling Rui in amazement. When Jun Mubei played with Chen Shi just now, it was like a different person, so she hesitated and didn't dare to go forward, even though she had already made up her mind to Jun Mubei. Mu Bei has it!

"You—you—" Mo Youyou pointed at Jun Mubei, then at Ling Rui, and asked stammeringly, "You guys, when did you switch?"

Jun Mubei turned cold, looked at Mo Youyou, and said, "Stand aside obediently. If you don't obey me again, I don't mind smoothing you out!" Proud 32D!

Mo Youyou's face turned red all of a sudden, she pouted angrily, glared at Jun Mubei, then stepped aside, crouched on the ground and cursed in circles!

Really!Obviously there are so many big breasts here!Why do you always have trouble with her!

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin looked at Jun Mubei and Ling Rui who had swapped identities, and then spontaneously stood beside Ling Rui. The master's trick of stealing the sky and changing the day, even the two of them were hidden!
As soon as Jun Mubei saw Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin fall to Ling Rui's side, he touched his nose resentfully!

"Master! What about these people?" Zhou Hu looked at Ling Rui and asked for instructions.

"He - Fa-rectification on the spot!" Ling Rui raised his hand and pointed at Chen Cheng!
Chen Cheng reacted quickly, and ran away in fright.

Zhou Hu raised his hand and fired a shot. Chen Cheng's body fell down and he got up without a sound.

Mo Youyou snapped her fingers in circles, thinking embarrassingly, she just said, this person's behavior tonight is a sign of death!

This should not be tested, right?

The people at the banquet were all intimidated by Ling Rui's iron-blooded tactics. They only heard that the major general of the Huaxia Kingdom acted swiftly and resolutely, but they didn't expect him to kill people with such decisiveness, without hesitation at all!

For a moment, Chen Shi's entourage was in danger, wishing to shrink themselves into the cracks in the ground, not daring to breathe, for fear that they would be noticed at this moment!

"Rui! Let someone send the senior to the doctor first!" Seeing that helpers came, Tang Shishi hastily asked for help and the situation was completely controlled by them.

"En!" Ling Rui nodded, and ordered Zhou Hu to bring a few people to carry out the dining table where Shen He was lying.

"I'll go too!" Tang Shishi immediately followed Zhou Hu and the others.

Ling Rui didn't stop him, but said to Jun Mubei: "Second brother, you also follow to take care of it."

"Not good!" Jun Mubei took a step back, glanced at Tang Shishi's back and said, "I don't want to be misunderstood as having an affair with my younger siblings! You know, what I hate the most is A man who touches his brother's woman!"

Although Jun Mubei's expression was a little foolish, but the words he said were like wind blades, cutting people's faces with pain!
These people touched his reverse scale!

"Here, I will take care of it. You take Miss Mo to get a set of clothes for Shishi!" Ling Rui directly named Jun Mubei's role.

Jun Mubei glanced at Ling Rui with displeasure, then lifted Mo Youyou's small body up, and followed Zhou Hu and the others in big strides.

"Ah! Bastard! Let go of me! Barbarian!" Mo Youyou shouted as she struggled with her body suspended in the air.

"Shut up!" Jun Mubei snorted angrily, Mo Youyou covered his mouth tightly with his hands in fright, then let go, and said pitifully, "I have feet myself!"

Jun Mubei put down Mo Youyou, and strode out!Mo Youyou stood there stupidly!

Jun Mubei walked out for several meters, and found that Mo Youyou hadn't followed, and turned back angrily, grabbed Mo Youyou's hand, and said, "Hurry up!"

Mo Youyou was staggered by Jun Mubei's ruthless movements, and then trotted along with Jun Mubei for several steps before finally keeping up with Jun Mubei's pace.

She pouted angrily, looked up at Jun Mubei's side face, glared at him pretending to be fierce, and then looked at Jun Mubei's big hand holding her little hand, her ears turned red quietly.

Ling Rui led people to deal with the aftermath. The entourage who followed Chen Shi to the banquet had been frightened by Ling Rui's iron-blooded wrists. Naturally, Ling Rui did what he said and dared not make any rebuttals. .

Ling Rui felt that the performance of these people was not satisfactory, so he didn't pursue it any further. He killed two members of the Chen family, and the people above would definitely blame the Chen family. People only have benefits and no harm, so he is not afraid of these people's rebuttals at all!

Ling Rui glanced at the people from the Xie family.

Xie Qian felt a cold wind passing over his face, and couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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