Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 417 Master can't be better!

Chapter 417 Master can't be better! (1)
As for the representatives of the Russian side, Ling Rui simply turned a blind eye. He would not be so stupid as to offend a gangster with government backing like Ivan. After Rui Rui's intention, he quickly and quietly retreated with his people!
In this transaction, they suffered a dumb loss, only to get it back in the future!

When Ling Rui finished handling everything and rushed to the nearest hospital, Shen He was still in the rescue.

As soon as Ling Rui appeared, Tang Shishi threw herself into his arms. At this moment, she had already changed into a suit of clothes. Although it wasn't a famous brand, but fortunately, she wrapped her body completely, which made Ling Rui feel much more comfortable.

"I don't know what happened to senior Shen He? It's all because of me!" Tang Shishi blamed herself.

"He'll be fine!" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi, feeling at ease at last.

Jun Mubei looked at the two people who were like glue, and remembered the scene where the two were locked in an iron cage before, curling his lips.

At this moment, the door of the emergency room was pushed open, and a doctor came in and said, "Which one of you has RH-negative blood? The patient lost a lot of blood, and the blood bank here doesn't have this blood type!"

A small hospital like theirs can't collect such panda blood at all!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them were RH negative.

"I am!" Ling Rui said.

"How much do you need to lose?" Tang Shishi asked nervously.Even Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei next to Ling Rui looked serious, looking at the doctor, waiting for his answer.

Ling Rui's blood is too precious!

"At least 600cc." The doctor glanced at Tang Shishi, then looked at Ling Rui and said, "The patient almost hurt his heart. Although it is not fatal, if he can't get blood transfusion in time, it may be difficult to survive!"

"I lose!" Ling Rui said without hesitation after hearing what the doctor said.

"Husband—" Tang Shishi wanted to say something to stop her, but found that she couldn't say it. 600cc of blood is already more than the amount of blood donated by an ordinary person. When she thought of taking so much blood from Ling Rui's body, her heart ached terribly, but senior Shen He was injured to save her, and she couldn't be selfish Just let him die like this!

The more Tang Shishi thinks about it, the more depressed she becomes. Why is she not RH negative?She would rather be drawn so much blood herself, even if she can share it with Ling Rui!
"Don't worry! 600CC, it's okay, your husband and I are in good health!" Ling Rui saw Tang Shishi's worry and anxiety, kissed her on the forehead, and said briskly.

Not only did Ling Rui feel that it didn't matter, but he felt a little rejoiced in his heart. Shen He was injured in order to protect his woman from a knife. What's the point of losing this little blood?Being able to do something for Shen He will at least make him feel better, so that Little Wild Cat doesn't have to feel so guilty!

Tang Shishi nodded with difficulty, watching Ling Rui enter the operating room with the doctor.

Jun Mubei stared at the door of the operating room, then turned around and went out to make a phone call.

"Well, please go and buy some ingredients and come back. I'll borrow the hospital's kitchen and cook some blood-enriching meals for them." Tang Shishi lingered at the door of the operating room for a while, and said to a strong man beside Ling Rui.

"I obey! Sister-in-law, my name is Zhou Hu!" Zhou Hu stood straight and saluted Tang Shishi.

"Thank you, Zhou Hu!" Tang Shishi was a little cramped by Zhou Hu's salute, but she couldn't care less about it. She told Zhou Hu a lot of ingredients, and then asked, "Do you remember?"

"I remember it all!" Zhou Hu scratched his head foolishly, then gave Leng Maolin a wink, and walked out with the two of them.

At this time, the sky is already bright.

Zhou Hu's work efficiency was very fast, and he came back after more than half an hour, and bought back everything Tang Shishi wanted, but at this time Ling Rui hadn't come out of the operating room, which made Tang Shishi very anxious.

"Tang Shishi, don't turn around, I'm dizzy!" Jun Mubei said when he saw Tang Shishi's restless look, still in that carefree tone.

"Second brother, why hasn't Ling Rui come out yet, is there any danger?" Tang Shishi couldn't help asking worriedly after hearing Jun Mubei's words.

"What could be the matter? Don't think about it! I've already called someone to send the blood source here, you hurry up to make soup, and make more food by the way, so many people are hungry!" Jun Mubei couldn't help it He raised his face and scolded.

"Oh!" After listening to Jun Mubei's words, Tang Shishi felt more at ease, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"I'll help you!" Mo Youyou, who had been silent all this time, immediately volunteered when she heard that Tang Shishi was going to cook.

Jun Mubei glanced at Mo Youyou lightly, with suspicion in his eyes.

Mo Youyou smiled coyly, and said, "At least I can wash the dishes and wash the dishes!" The old man's eyes were so sharp that she couldn't hide her little thoughts!

Jun Mubei didn't say a word, Mo Youyou took him as acquiesced, and then followed Tang Shishi and Zhou Hu to the hospital kitchen.While walking on the road, Mo Youyou suddenly felt annoyed!When did she need the old man's consent to do things?How old is he!
Tang Shishi's thoughts were all on Ling Rui and Shen He's injuries, and she didn't notice Mo Youyou's little emotions at all. She was going to prepare the food now, so that Ling Rui could have hot drinks when she came out Soup for a hearty meal.

After dismissing Tang Shishi, Jun Mubei looked at the door of the emergency room with a solemn look on his face. He hadn't come out after entering for so long. It seemed that the situation inside was not as easy as the doctor said!

Just as Jun Mubei was worried, the situation in the emergency room is very bad!Originally, as the doctor said, as long as the blood is transfused, everything will be fine, but unexpectedly, Shen He suddenly bleeds heavily in the chest cavity. Ling Rui has already injected 600cc of blood into Shen He, but this is not enough at all. His vital signs dropped sharply, and his life was at stake!
"What's going on?" Ling Rui asked coldly when he heard the alarm sounds from those instruments.Because of the 600cc of blood that had just been drawn, his face was a little pale, but his majesty remained undiminished. The doctor who drew his blood was so frightened that his fingers trembled.

"The patient is bleeding heavily in the chest cavity! There is not enough blood!" The doctor who performed the surgery, Liu Qingfeng, glanced at Ling Rui and said.And the little nurse beside Liu Qingfeng kept wiping the beads of sweat from Liu Qingfeng's forehead, for fear that the beads of sweat would drip down.

The nerves of the people in the operating room tensed up.From the moment these people came in, they knew that these were not ordinary people, so the importance and rigor of this operation were unprecedented, and they strived to make the operation perfect and minimize the risk. Who knows, what will happen? Such a situation, and the patient has such a rare blood type!
(End of this chapter)

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