Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 418 Master can't be better!

Chapter 418 Master can't be better! (2)
"Let him lose again!" Ling Rui glanced at Shen He lying on the hospital bed, and said to the doctor beside him who was drawing blood for him.

"You have already pumped 600CC!" The doctor reminded.

"Pump another 400CC!" Ling Rui said decisively.

"But..." The doctor was taken aback by Ling Rui's words, and hesitated, 1000cc of blood was drawn from the human body, it's no joke!He has to consider the patient's health, don't save one, and take another life!

"It's a fart! It's an order!" Ling Rui couldn't help but swear when he heard the ringing alarm bells in the operating room and at the chirping doctor!
The doctor shivered in fright, and quickly plunged the needle into Ling Rui's arm again.

"You, go ask the people outside when the blood source will be delivered, tell them to hurry up!" Seeing the doctor draw the blood, Ling Rui said with a pale face, his voice was tired and weak.

The doctor went out, came in again after a while, and said, "The helicopter will arrive in half an hour."

"Yeah." Ling Rui nodded, then looked at Shen He who was lying silently next to him and said, "Shen He, if you really care about her, don't let her live with guilt for the rest of her life!"

Shen He, who had been in a coma for a long time, seemed to hear Ling Rui's words, his eyelids moved slightly, and then fell into a coma again.

Ling Rui saw Shen He's subtle expression in his eyes, and then said to the doctor who performed the surgery: "Persist for another half an hour! You must save him no matter what! If you can't persist, you can draw another 200CC from me for him." !"

The doctor who performed the surgery looked up at Ling Rui, and didn't know whether to agree or refuse, but Ling Rui didn't have the energy to think about it anymore. The fatigue of these days made him feel that his eyelids were heavy at the moment, and he closed his eyes tiredly.

"The relationship between these two brothers is really good!" The little nurse next to Liu Qingfeng was moved, her eyes were red.

The alarm bell in the operating room rang again, and Ling Rui was awakened by the rapid sound. He opened his eyes and looked at the bloodless Shen He, and ordered to the helpless doctor: "Pump me! Hurry up!"

Liu Qingfeng looked at Ling Rui in embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while.

The helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital at this time.When Jun Mubei heard the spiraling sound of the helicopter, he ordered someone to open the window. Sure enough, within 2 minutes, he saw his mother jumping in through the window, and Suzaku holding the blood source was with her.He had expected that this woman would never take the usual route.

Time was running short, and Yunmo didn't even bother to say hello, Yunmo quickly put on the sterile gown while walking, took the blood bag and went straight into the operating room.

When Ling Rui saw Yunmo, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yunmo looked at Ling Rui and knew that he had lost too much blood. He took out a bag of blood and threw it to the doctor, asking him to infuse Ling Rui, and then Looking at Shen He lying on the hospital bed, he quickly opened the wound that was about to be stitched up.

Ling Rui refused the blood transfusion: "I can hold on, let's keep it for now, just in case!"

Yun Mo didn't speak, she was focusing on Shen He's wound now.

Liu Qingfeng saw that Yun Mo opened the wound he had finally stitched up as soon as he came in, and stepped forward to stop him impatiently. The patient's condition was already in critical condition, how could he be so nonsense!
"Listen to her command! There is no one she can't save!" Although Ling Rui's face was as white as paper, the words he said were still very imposing, invisible and oppressive, making people unconsciously want to obey !
Liu Qingfeng stood aside, took over the job of the little nurse, and handed Yunmo the scalpel.Just from Yunmo's technique just now, Liu Qingfeng already knew that the medical skills of the person in front of him were far beyond his expectations.

Because the problem of the blood source was solved, Shen He's condition improved, and Yun Mo was the chief surgeon, who found a small unconnected blood vessel in his chest cavity. His life was safe and secure. I was pulled back from the gate of hell!
After finishing the stitching, Yun Mo took off her gloves and said to Ling Rui, "This kid is also a good fortune teller, he can stick to me!"

"Thank you, Second Aunt!" Ling Rui was a little weak but still kept awake, smiling at Yun Mo.

"Silly boy! If I can't make it, are you going to beat yourself to death!" Yun Mo looked at Ling Rui with a pale face, and scolded in disapproval!

"I know that the second aunt will definitely come. You are always in my heart!" Ling Rui said sincerely.

"It's rare for you to be so sweet!" Yun Mo put a smile on her face, inserted a needle into Ling Rui, and after the blood was transfused, she stretched her waist, moved her stiff neck, and said, "I just came in. At that time, I smelled the fragrance of the dishes made by that girl Shishi, and I don’t know if that girl left me a meal? I really miss her cooking!" After finishing speaking, she hurried out.

A gentle smile appeared on Ling Rui's face, watching Yun Mo leave.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Shen He woke up from the chaos for a while. He turned his head and looked at Ling Rui's pale side face with complicated eyes.

Ling Rui was keenly aware of Shen He's gaze, and turned his face to meet Shen He's gaze. The two people's eyes met in mid-air, and neither of them spoke. After a while, they both looked away and closed their eyes.

When Tang Shishi heard the sound of the helicopter landing, she had no intention of cooking. When she ran to the door of the operating room, she saw her second uncle, Shaoyang, also coming, and her heart sank.

"Shishi girl!" How could Jun Shaoyang fail to see the worry on Tang Shishi's face, walked up to Tang Shishi with a smile, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, your second aunt went in with blood Yuan Lai, make sure that both of you are safe and sound!"

"Second Uncle! Is there really nothing wrong?" Tang Shishi asked suspiciously.The agreement was just to go in for a blood transfusion. It has been so long and I haven't come out yet. How could it be okay!
"Your second aunt is here, and you will be fine if you have something to do!" Jun Shaoyang finished speaking confidently, looked at Tang Shishi and said, "Hurry up and cook two delicious dishes, and I will reward your second aunt later. She has been thinking about you every day these days!"

"But..." It's not that Tang Shishi doesn't believe in Yunmo, but there are two people in it, one is her savior, and the other is the man she wants to spend her life with. These two people are very important to her Man, how could she not worry at all.

"Second Uncle promises you'll be fine! Go!" Jun Shaoyang's rare patience made Jun Mubei on the side very uneasy. His father had never said so many words to him in such a pleasant manner!

"Yeah." Tang Shishi walked away again, looking back at the door of the emergency room three times worriedly while walking.

By the time Tang Shishi finished cooking, Yunmo had already come out of the emergency room. She smelled the aroma of the food and went straight to the kitchen. Before Tang Shishi greeted her, she grabbed her chopsticks and started eating. She hadn't eaten breakfast yet!
(End of this chapter)

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