Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 419 Master can't be better!

Chapter 419 Master can't be better! (4)
This guy is actually acting like a baby!It's coquettish, right!

"Is it funny?" There were some suspicious red marks on Ling Rui's face, and he was about to take the small bowl in front of him.

Tang Shishi withdrew her hand, picked up the small spoon in the bowl, scooped up a spoonful of soup, blew on it, and brought it to Ling Rui's mouth.

"Husband, open your mouth, be good!" Tang Shishi said with a light smile in her tone, as if coaxing a kid.

Ling Rui's eyebrows were wrinkled like two curved crawling caterpillars, he glared at Tang Shishi angrily, opened his mouth to swallow the spoonful of soup, tasted it carefully, and exclaimed: "It's delicious! "After speaking, he grabbed the small bowl in Tang Shishi's hand, took a few big gulps, drank the soup in the bowl, and then handed the empty bowl to Tang Shishi and said, "Honey, I want more!"

Tang Shishi took the bowl with a smile, and said coquettishly, "You can't drink slowly, and no one will snatch it from you!" After finishing speaking, she scooped up another bowl of soup and handed it to Ling Rui.He also carefully reminded: "Drink slowly, be careful of burning!"

Ling Rui blew it, drank it in a few more gulps, then handed the bowl to Tang Shishi, and said eagerly, "I want more!"

Tang Shishi looked at the empty bowl, took another bowl, and handed it to Ling Rui.She knew that Ling Rui hadn't eaten since last night, and after drawing so much blood, his body must be short of calories. When she leaned into his arms just now, she could feel that the temperature on his body was not the same as before, but Still couldn't help joking with him and said: "Like a hungry wolf!"

When Ling Rui drank three bowls of soup, he finally felt some heat in his stomach, which was warm and comfortable. He handed the small bowl in his hand to Tang Shishi and said, "It's like a hungry wolf. I haven't touched any meat for many days, how can I not be hungry and thirsty!"

Tang Shishi is speechless!This old hooligan simply revealed his true nature in less than three sentences!Even drinking a soup can make meaty jokes!
"Didn't you say you can't get hard?" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a white look and said.There were only the two of them in the ward, so she didn't have any scruples about speaking.

"It's alive and well again, if you don't believe me, sit up and try again!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and issued an ambiguous invitation.

Tang Shishi shot Ling Rui angrily, and her cheeks felt a little hot when she thought of the crazy things that happened between the two of them in the carriage.

"Honey, can you sit up?" Ling Rui begged softly.

"No! Old rascal! Be serious, this is a hospital! And you just had your blood drawn! Don't mess around! You're not ashamed!" Tang Shishi sternly refused.There are so many people guarding outside, she doesn't want to convulse with this guy!
"Normal needs between husband and wife, what's there to be shy about! Besides, my body is hot again now!" Ling Rui said, couldn't help but put Tang Shishi's hand on his chest, and said: "I don't believe it you try!"

Tang Shishi's tentacles were burning hot, she was startled, and then quickly tried Ling Rui's forehead, and said worriedly, "Did you have a fever?"

Ling Rui's forehead was also a little hot, and his face turned red, but it didn't look like he had a fever, how could it be so fast!

"Husband, what's the matter with you? I'll call my second aunt!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, terrified, and immediately wanted to call for someone.

"No need!" Ling Rui pulled Tang Shishi into his arms, turned over and pressed her down, and said in a hoarse voice, "I know what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Tang Shishi asked anxiously. She felt that Ling Rui was hot all over, and there was some anger in his eyes. This, this looks very much like the situation where he was injected with medicine last night.

"Maybe it's the soup that has an effect on the drugs in my body!

Tang Shishi thought of the big tonic soup she made. This guy just drank three bowls full in one go, and couldn't help crying. She really deserved the name of self-indulgence, right?
"Well——" Ling Rui was very dissatisfied with Tang Shishi's lack of concentration at this time, and her teeth were grinding on Tang Shishi's sensitive earballs, which made Tang Shishi couldn't help but groan softly.

"Take it easy, there are people outside!" Tang Shishi reminded embarrassingly, there were a lot of his soldiers standing outside!In fact, this floor was requisitioned by them, and the guards were strict.Fortunately, this is only a small hospital with few patients and ample beds, otherwise it would definitely cause public outrage.

She knew that there was not even a ten thousandth chance of getting Ling Rui to stop at this time, so she had to cooperate with him obediently, hoping that he would put down that evil fire as soon as possible.

"It's okay to call out, they dare not come in!"

Tang poetry tears!old rascal!Really shameless!Just because they dare not come in doesn't mean they don't know what's going on in the ward!Besides, the second uncle and the second brother don't know if they are still outside, if they hear it - Tang Shishi would feel ashamed and angry just thinking about it!
Does she want to go out to meet people?

Ling Rui doesn't care!
Zhou Hu and the others came back to change shifts after eating, only to find Leng Maolin standing at the door of the ward like a doorman, with obvious red on his dark face, and his complexion was tense.

"What are you doing? So nervous? Is the situation bad?" Zhou Hu looked at Leng Maolin and asked suspiciously.

Leng Maolin saw that Zhou Hu and the others had come, and said to Zhou Hu as if he had received an amnesty: "Master, I can't be better! You stay on guard, I'm going to eat!" After speaking, he took the couple at the door Individuals ran away as if they were running away, as if someone was chasing them!
"Look at how hungry you are!" Zhou Hu couldn't help but joked with Leng Maolin.

When Tang Shishi heard Zhou Hu's words, she couldn't help but froze, pinched Ling Rui's waist with her small hand, and cursed softly, "Look at how hungry you are!"

Ling Rui couldn't help but let out a hoarse growl, his face darkened immediately, he rolled over Tang Shishi's small body, patted her little PP, pushed her up from behind, and said, "When you're doing business, please focus on me! "

So all Tang Shishi's resistance turned into soft moans.

At this moment, Zhou Hu, who was standing outside the door of the ward, had turned red into a big tomato!I scolded Leng Maolin, that dishonest bastard thousands of times in my heart!This guy!Remind him that he will die?
The wards of this small hospital are cut corners, and the sound insulation is very poor. He now knows very well what Leng Maolin's phrase "My master can't be better!" These people on the Internet all know that "the master can't be better"!
After Yun Mo and Jun Shaoyang came back from dinner, they saw Zhou Hu standing outside the door with a tomato face on his face. At this moment, Ling Rui in the ward had just disarmed once, and was coming out reluctantly, hugging him. Tang poetry is gentle.

"Well, Mrs. Jun, you can't go in!" Zhou Hu stopped Yun Mo and blocked the doorway.

"What's wrong?" Yunmo looked at Zhou Hu in confusion.

"When our master is doing business, he doesn't like to be disturbed!" Zhou Hu said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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