Chapter 420 Wife, Welcome (2)
At this moment, the woman outside the ward was blocked by Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin at the door, and shouted arrogantly: "Presumptuous! Do you know who I am? Get out of the way!"

Leng Maolin and Zhou Hu blocked the door like two door gods, thinking to himself: Who are you to care about us?Without the order of the master, let alone you, even if the head of state is coming, he can still stop him!
It's just that the one in front of her is used to bossing her around. It's the first time in these years that someone dares to disrespect her like this, ignores her noble status, and even doesn't recognize her at all!

He couldn't get in by force, and now he reported that his family was inferior, so Yu Manqing, Zhou Hu, and Leng Maolin were in a stalemate, and Yu Manqing looked at the expressionless Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin behind him. With that closed door, the anger in my heart became more and more intense.

She yelled so loudly just now, and the people inside couldn't have heard the name-calling, but so far they haven't even responded at all. They really didn't pay attention to her at all!

"You two really don't know Taishan! You even dare to stop Mrs. Shen!" Another sharp and piercing voice sounded, and Chen Li came to Yu Manqing's side, and reprimanded Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin: "Hurry up and let me go!" open!"

That posture, like the pioneer, is full of flattery!

Because of Chen Li's timely appearance, the depression in Yu Manqing's heart finally eased a little.I saw that her face was full of anger, her expression was restrained, she put on a serious and unattainable look, her gaze was upward 45 degrees, she was arrogant, just waiting for Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin to come forward and confess her mistakes , to curry favour.

Who knew that Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin seemed to be deaf, and they didn't pay attention to Chen Li's words at all, and they still went their own way!

This time Yu Manqing was completely suspended in mid-air, unable to get up or down, her old face was changing colors from red to white to blue to black, it was really beautiful!
She never expected that she would be so ignored by two soldiers!It's fine if she didn't know who she was before, she can be blamed for a large number of people who don't know, but now that Chen Li has already reported her name, these two people are still so ignorant, this is not sincerely against her, no Put her in your eyes?
It really makes no sense!

"You—you will regret it!" Chen Li said angrily, pointing at Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin.

Zhou Hu didn't tense up, his eyelids were lowered, and his eyes met Chen Li's.

Chen Li only felt that there was snow and ice on her face. She remembered this person. He was the one who received Ling Rui's order the day before yesterday. He raised his hand and shot Chen Cheng dead without any hesitation!
Thinking of Chen Cheng turning into a cold corpse within a few steps, the bullet passed through the back of the head with precision, and the front of the head broke out, Chen Li's arrogance just now was instantly extinguished.

When Tang Shishi in the ward heard the "Mrs. Shen" mentioned by Chen Li, her body froze and she looked at Ling Rui helplessly.

It turned out that the person outside the door was Senior Shen He's mother.

Tang Shishi wanted to get out of bed in a hurry, but Ling Rui sat on her lap.

"Honey, stop making trouble, Senior Shen He's mother is outside the door!" Tang Shishi twisted her body and was about to get out of bed.

"Don't worry, put on the socks first!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi tightly, and picked up a pair of cotton socks for Tang Shishi to put on her feet. To protect it.

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's movements as if the camera was slowing down, and anxiously took another sock, put it on the still bare foot at once, then put the shoe on quickly, and was about to rush towards the door .

Ling Rui held Tang Shishi back again, Tang Shishi gave him a puzzled look, with a little anxiety in her eyes, she didn't understand what happened to Ling Rui?Senior Shen He's mother is outside, how could she be so negligent?

Regardless of Tang Shishi's mood, Ling Rui took her small hand forcefully, walked to the door, and opened the door slowly.

Yu Manqing was considering whether he should stay here or go back to Shen He's ward first, but the door in front of him opened, and the two door gods, at the moment the door opened, consciously moved to the two sides, and the door appeared A pair of men and women holding hands.

Yu Manqing glanced at Ling Rui with displeasure, then looked at Ling Rui holding hands with Tang Shishi, and finally set her gaze on Tang Shishi, and looked her up and down.

This woman is indeed pretty!Thin leaf curved eyebrows, a pair of smart big eyes, clean, clear, watery as if they can talk, a straight nose, a small mouth, pretty face flushed, fresh and beautiful appearance, tall and slender, should be convex, He should be upturned, dressed in fashion but not frivolous. He was supposed to be a pleasing child, but when he thought that his son was so fascinated by her that he almost lost his life, Yu Manqing had no half for Tang Shishi. Silk has a good impression, not to mention that she is the daughter-in-law of the Jun family!

When Yu Manqing was looking at Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi also quickly looked at Yu Manqing. The woman in front of her was dressed dignifiedly and decently, with a graceful posture and a bit of arrogance on her body. She looked very similar to Senior Shen He, which made it easy It can be seen that it is the mother and the child, especially the pair of phoenix eyes, the mother and the child are almost identical.

"You are Tang Shishi?" Yu Manqing confirmed after examining Tang Shishi, with contempt in his eyes and an arrogant tone.

"Hello Madam Shen, I'm Tang Shishi." Tang Shishi didn't warmly call Yu Manqing "Auntie" or other friendly words, she could see that Yu Manqing was not kind, so she called Madam Shen politely.

"You vixen!" As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell to the ground, Yu Manqing cursed angrily, and raised her hand to slap Tang Shishi's face.

Tang Shishi froze for a while, instead of avoiding it, she closed her eyes.She knew that Yu Manqing blamed her for the fact that senior Shen He blocked her knife and almost died, so she should bear the slap, and there is no reason to hide.

There was no expected pain on her face, Tang Shishi opened her eyes in surprise, but saw Yu Manqing's arm held in mid-air by Ling Rui.

"Bastard! Let me go!" Yu Manqing yelled at Ling Rui in a deep voice.

"Husband, let go of Mrs. Shen!" Tang Shishi put her hand on Ling Rui's arm and pulled it down.

Ling Rui gave Yu Manqing a cold look, shook off Yu Manqing's arm, and warned in a deep voice: "I don't like beating women, but I will make her regret being a woman if she beats my woman!" Ling Rui finished speaking , and gave Chen Li a pointed look.

Chen Li was so frightened by Ling Rui's look that she wanted to stick it on the wall to make a mural setting.The members of the Chen family lost two lives in the hands of this man, and the whole family suddenly collapsed, all thanks to this man!
(End of this chapter)

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