Chapter 422 Wife, Welcome (4)
"She works for the Shen family, never for me, because I don't need it!" Shen He said indifferently, looking at Yu Manqing with distant eyes.

"For the Shen family is for you! You are the young master of the Shen family!" Yu Manqing poured a glass of warm water and handed it to Shen He.

"Don't provoke Tang Shishi again." Shen He was noncommittal to Yu Manqing's words, for the Shen family is for him?How innocent her mother was!In the end, how long will she continue to deceive herself?
"She hurt you like this, yet you still speak for her!" Yu Manqing looked at Shen He and frowned.In my heart, I want to make Tang poetry come out and then make it faster.

"I did it voluntarily! Since the Jun family wants to remain neutral, it is better to let the Jun family owe me a favor than to be an enemy of the Jun family." Shen He looked at the jealousy in Yu Shiman's eyes and said lightly, maybe It's because he talked too much, and when he finished speaking, Shen He felt a throbbing pain in his chest.

"It turns out that you have such a plan!" Yu Manqing's face softened a lot after hearing Shen He's words, but seeing Shen He's appearance, he disapproved and said, "It's already enough for a woman like Tang Shishi to marry into Jun's family." It's a blessing that has been cultivated for eight lifetimes, without any roots, and you did this to save such a woman, it's too risky! It's not worth it at all!"

"Ling Rui transfused 1000cc of blood to save me yesterday." Shen He suddenly said something that seemed irrelevant.

"Him?!" Yu Manqing was taken aback by Shen He's words, and asked incredulously, "Why would he do this?" A slight, almost invisible panic flashed in his eyes.

Shen He saw Yu Manqing's expression in his eyes, and there was a faint mockery in his heart, but his face was calm, as if he didn't see anything wrong at all.

"In order not to make Tang Shishi feel guilty about me!" Shen He remembered what Ling Rui said in his ear when he was unconscious: Shen He, if you really care about her, don't let her live with guilt for the rest of her life .In a pair of phoenix eyes, the originally shining brilliance has all dimmed.

Ling Rui, you already know it all!
Too!How could such a shrewd person like him not investigate or guard against a person who risked his life to save his wife!

But, so what if you know?Tang Shishi is also his weakness!

"He thinks he can pay off his debts like this? What a joke!" Yu Manqing's voice was a little raised because of excitement. His son's status is much more noble than Tang Shishi's!
"Tang Shishi's status in Jun's family cannot be shaken by you, so don't meddle in my affairs! Also, you are less likely to be provoked by Chen Li. This time, it was the Chen family's fault! "Shen He knows that Yu Manqing is the kind of woman who is unforgiving, so she has repeatedly expressed her attitude towards Tang Shishi.

"I see! But you really think that Tang Shishi will value your life-saving grace. I heard from the nurse in the hospital that since you were pushed out of the intensive care unit, Tang Shishi didn't even leave half a footprint in your ward When Yu Manqing said this, he already agreed with Shen He's approach, but he was skeptical about whether Tang Shishi and the Jun family would repay their kindness.

"I told you not to ask me any more!" When Shen He thought of hearing the panting of the men and women next door in the ward yesterday, he felt irritable and his temper became bad.Because of the excessive emotion, which touched the wound, Shen He weakly raised his hand and put it on his chest, his face was pale.

He can be sure that Ling Rui did it on purpose!Deliberately pestering Tang Shishi to keep her from getting out of bed for a day, deliberately making everyone on the upper floor know about it, to show him ownership, otherwise, according to Tang Shishi's temperament, why didn't she come to see him yesterday?
"Okay, okay, don't get excited, I just don't want to interfere!" Yu Manqing saw that Shen He was angry, and quickly calmed his emotions, for fear that he would drag the wound again and affect the recovery. The Shen family is in a critical period, and there are a lot of things to do. Let him do it!Now that his son is grown up, it is no longer possible to control him with forceful means, so Yu Manqing fully agreed.

"You have nothing to do here, go back." Shen He panted for a while, his face was covered with cold sweat, and said to Yu Manqing.

"But, your current situation..." Yu Manqing looked at Shen He worriedly. She pinned all her hopes on Shen He, and she couldn't see anything wrong with him.

"If you are here, they will leave." After Shen He said this, he closed his eyes tiredly. For some reason, Ling Rui's pale and blood-faded side face suddenly flashed in his mind. Shaking his head, suppressing the irritability in his heart.

Although Yu Manqing was unhappy, he still left.She can't let Shen He's plan to get close to Jun's house go to waste.

After Tang Shishi heard the news of Yu Manqing's departure, she was stunned for a long time without recovering.Senior Shen He suffered such a serious injury and was lying on the hospital bed, yet his mother took a look and left?How could she have the heart to leave senior Shen He here like this?

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's worried and angry little face, hugged her tightly angrily, and said sourly, "Do you feel sorry for him?"

Tang poetry is dumb.

Distressed, there is some, I didn't expect senior Shen He to have such a mother. When Yu Manqing came to find her in the morning, Tang Shishi thought she loved senior Shen He!It turned out that it was just like this!
"I won't allow it!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi silently, and angrily bit Tang Shishi's little nose.

"Ah! What are you doing! You bite here every time! It will leave a mark! How can I go out to meet people!" Tang Shishi was in pain, and angrily thumped Ling Rui's chest, complaining.

"Then don't go out to meet people! Just see me!" Ling Rui put his hand on Tang Shishi's heart domineeringly and said: "Don't feel sorry for him! This place is all mine! Only me!"

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes helplessly, this old rascal, this little thing can make him jealous!She really convinced him! A 30-year-old man is still so childish!Although she felt sorry for Shen He senior, it was completely different from when she felt sorry for Ling Rui!The two of them, one is a friend and the other is a close lover, how can they be confused?
"Crow bully!" Tang Shishi scolded Ling Rui with a grin.

Tang Shishi gasped, her breathing a little short, she pushed Ling Rui's chest and said, "Let go! I won't be here today!"

"Little wild cat, let you know what a real crow bully is!" Ling Rui said, picked up Tang Shishi's body, and threw it on the bed.

The not-so-firm single bed creaked.

"You still dare to run? Huh?" Ling Rui looked down at Tang Shishi, raised his brows, and spoke in a dark tone.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Tang Shishi hurriedly begged for mercy, kissed and nibbled on Ling Rui's mouth in a fawning manner, hoping that Ling Yaba would be punished lightly!

(End of this chapter)

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