Chapter 423 Secret rivalry! (1)
"Madam Shen is too worried about you. I can understand, but I didn't take it to heart! I just didn't know that you are the eldest son of the Shen family." Famous, and there are so many women flocking to Shen He, it turns out that they have taken a fancy to his identity and background.

"She is very worried about me!" Shen He smiled bitterly, this is undeniable, but mother's worry is based on her own value.

"What? When did you learn to be so vulgar like them?" Shen He watched Tang Shishi put away the disappointment on her face, and smiled flirtatiously.

"No, I just felt a little surprised." Tang Shishi looked at Shen He who finally felt familiar, and smiled relaxedly.

"What's so surprising, I can't choose to be born. If I could, I'd rather not be born in the Shen family!" Shen He sighed, but quickly said in a light tone: "Actually, being born in the Shen family is not bad." , at least as soon as I wave, there will be a lot of beauties rushing towards me!"

There was a flirtatious smile on Shen He's face, as if he was reminiscing about those beauties who followed each other, making Tang Shishi's eyelids twitch fiercely!
"Senior, in fact, you don't think that way at all in your heart. I know that the young master of the Shen family is not so easy to be." Tang Shishi saw Shen He's pretending to be chic and unconcerned, and said comprehendingly.

Just like Lu Tao, he is in charge of the Lu family by himself. He seems to have a lot of power and glory, but he can't even make decisions about his own marriage. It is obvious that Ling Susu has become so notorious, and she has to marry her back. Home!
"Well, it's very difficult." Shen He said frankly: "The water in the Shen family is very muddy. Do you know why there is no male in the Shen family in this generation besides me?"

Tang Shishi shook her head puzzled, but it wasn't completely puzzled, she just didn't dare to think deeply.

"Yes, but they are all dead, and I am the only one left." Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, and snorted lightly at himself: "Actually, I am the one who shouldn't live the last, but in the end only Me. Do you know, I didn't kill them, but they couldn't survive because of me!" Shen He didn't know why, looking at Tang Shishi, he suddenly had the desire to confide, he wanted to get rid of the dirty things behind the Shen family's back. I said it, but I was afraid that such filthy things would pollute the purity of Tang Shishi, so I said it lightly.

"Senior, don't say that, in fact, you are a very good person! Really!" Tang Shishi felt the heaviness in Shen He's words, and said seriously.In fact, among those rich and powerful families, the appearance is beautiful, but the inside is filthy. Few of them are like Jun's family.To survive in such a family, to be valued, nurtured, and stand out by the family members is not an easy thing!

Even if senior Shen He did something, he must have his own reasons, so Tang Shishi didn't think there was anything wrong. Everything was forced by the situation and had no choice. , other aspects are excellent!

"Hearing you say that, I feel very comforted! Shishi, thank you!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi and said with deep eyes.

"Thank you for what I did! I should thank you very much!" Tang Shishi said with some embarrassment.

"Do you really want to thank me well?" Shen He suddenly became serious.

"Of course! Senior, I'll treat you to a big meal!" Tang Shishi said sincerely.

"Tang Shishi, you plan to send me away after a meal?!" Shen He rolled his eyes angrily!This woman's gratitude is nothing but treats to dinner!Every time is a big meal!

"Then what do you want?" Tang Shishi's small eyes were somewhat resentful.With his status and background, he is not short of money or power. She is a little shrimp, what else can she do besides treat her to dinner?
"Forget it! Please eat, just eat!" Shen He couldn't stand Tang Shishi's accusing eyes, and compromised spinelessly: "Who made me older than you! This time I will let you!"

Tang Shishi nodded and started laughing haha!Shen He looked at Tang Shishi with a hazy smile on his face.

"Senior Shen He, no matter what, you are my best senior Shen He!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He and suddenly said such a sentence.

Under Tang Shishi's expectant eyes, Shen He nodded unnaturally, but his heart was bloody, he was just a senior.The best - seniors.

Tang Shishi stayed in Shen He's ward for less than half an hour when Ling Rui came to find her.

"Are you done so soon?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and couldn't help asking.She thought Ling Rui would be busy until dinner time at least.

"It's already very slow!" Ling Rui frowned, you've been here for almost half an hour!Ling Rui cursed in his heart, he glanced at Shen He from the corner of his eye, and then said affectionately to Tang Shishi, "Honey, I miss you!"

Tang poetry is embarrassing!
"It's only been an hour since we met." When did this guy become so clingy!
"It's a torment for me not to see you every minute and every second!" Ling Rui said affectionately and solemnly, holding Tang Shishi in his arms while talking, and bowed his head to peck her on the mouth .

"What are you doing! This is in the senior's ward!" Tang Shishi complained!This old hooligan, really, how embarrassing it is for the seniors to see his random estrus regardless of place!
"What are you afraid of, the senior came back from studying abroad, you forget that last time we accidentally ruined the good deed of the senior! It was just a kiss, so there is no fuss!" Ling Rui said indifferently, and then looked at Shen He with a smile, Asked: "Senior, do you think so?"

Shen He looked at Ling Rui with ice blades in his eyes!
Ling Rui's playful smile has no right deeds, but his eyes are shining, and there is a silent contest that only he and Shen He understand.

Don't tell me you didn't mean to!
Of course it was on purpose!

is this necessary?Shishi is already your wife!

Isn't this necessary?
After all, you don't believe her at all!
No!you are wrong!I believe her!But I don't believe you!The best Mr. Shen Hyuk senior!

You—Shen He's face is as dark as the sky before a thunderstorm.

The atmosphere in the ward froze for a moment. Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's face a little ugly, thinking that Ling Rui exposed Shen He's shortcomings in public, which made Shen He unhappy, and said awkwardly: "Senior, you should rest well, Let's go out first!" After speaking, he pulled Ling Rui and walked out.

"That's fine, let's go back and continue having sex!" Ling Rui smiled brightly and let Tang Shishi pull him out.

"Sister Shishi, you two are really cruel. You don't understand me as a wounded person at all. You make such loud noises every day, which makes me blush for you! I never thought you'd be so bold!" Shen He suddenly shook his head. Opening the dark clouds on his face, he winked at Tang Shishi and began to tease.

(End of this chapter)

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