Chapter 424 Secret rivalry! (3)
Looking at Tang Shishi who resisted with silence like this, Ling Rui couldn't help laughing lowly.

Is the little wild cat planning to use cold violence against him?

"Honey, let me satisfy you!" Ling Rui said seriously.

Tang poetry tears!What kind of material is this guy's skin made of? Why is it so thick!
"I don't want to do it! Get up!" Tang Shishi refused.

"Wife——" Ling Rui yelled "wife" for a long time, coupled with his pair of dark eyes full of expressions, Tang Shishi got goosebumps all over her body!
"It's useless to call me a wife!" Tang Shishi made up her mind and did not let go.And she had already thought about it, from the time she came out of Shen He's ward until she returned to City B, she would never do this with Ling Rui again!
"Little wild cat! You're quite stubborn!" Seeing that Tang Shishi was too weak, Ling Rui said helplessly that he also made up his mind today, and he was determined to get Tang Shishi to do it!This idea existed before he came out of Shen He's ward!
Tang Shishi snorted coldly!I thought, I'm just not as thick-skinned as you!Knowing that outsiders can hear it, you still do such a thing!Not ashamed!
Tang Shishi thought that Ling Rui would implement the first rule of a good man to the end, but the facts proved that it was obviously not the case!
"Old hooligan, what are you doing! Didn't everyone tell you not to do it!" Tang Shishi twisted her body, and fiercely resisted Ling Rui who was trying to touch her!
"Honey, cooperate, we'll finish the job in a low voice. If you move around like this and make such a big noise, they will definitely misunderstand that we are fighting fiercely!" Ling Rui persuaded Tang Shishi while tugging at her clothes with.

"If you don't mess around, I won't make such a big commotion? Get down!" Tang Shishi was very angry, this guy is really a hungry wolf who can't get enough to eat!They have already done it twice today, and they still want it!
"My wife, I think so. Anyway, we have already made such a big commotion, and they have already misunderstood what they should have misunderstood, so we can't let them misunderstand us for nothing, right?" Ling Rui seemed to be discussing with Tang Shishi in a serious manner. said.

"Don't quibble! I don't care if they misunderstand, I just have a clear conscience!" Tang Shishi raised her leg and wanted to kick Ling Rui off, but she was caught by him. Tang Shishi thought of Ling Rui's slow look when he put on socks for him in the morning, and couldn't help but roll her eyes bitterly!

"We have lived a normal married life, why do we have a guilty conscience?" Ling Rui's tone became serious, and he began to dig up old accounts: "Besides, I have only done it a few times, you have held me back for so many days , I kept my account, and now I haven't even caught up with the normal progress, so don't hold back!"

She lags behind? !Why did this matter get hooked on the word dragging the legs again?Tang Shishi really admires Ling Rui's ability to talk nonsense!
"Anyway, I said I won't do it! What you said about 'you must always listen to your wife' is a lie!"She will do Tang Shishi too!

"Wife, you really slandered my sincerity!" Ling Rui was injured, turned over from Tang Shishi sadly, pulled the quilt to cover the two of them, turned his back to Tang Shishi and stopped talking.

Uh!Tang Shishi didn't expect Ling Rui to give up so easily. Every time before, after stripping her so clean, he would go in without hesitation. He had never thrown away the fat sheep that arrived. when.

Without Ling Rui's weight on her body, Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui who was sulking with her back turned to her, and suddenly felt uneasy.

"Hey——" Tang Shishi poked Ling Rui's back with her fingers, trying to communicate with him. She didn't intend to resist him, let alone reject him. It's really not right now. They will do it when they go home It's the same!
Ling Rui's body moved outwards, although it was a very small distance, but he really put on an appearance that he didn't want to talk to Tang Shishi.

"Well, old rascal, don't be like this! It's the same when we go home and make troubles. After returning home, I'll let you do whatever you want, okay?" Tang Shishi said soft words, such Ling Rui It was the first time she saw him. No matter that time before, it was Ling Rui who coaxed her, and she really couldn't coax him.

Ling Rui remained silent.

Tang Shishi is angry!This guy is planning to have sex with him today, right? !She turned Ling Rui's body all at once, but before she could see Ling Rui's expression clearly, Ling Rui turned over again and continued to turn her back on her!
Tang Shishi turned Ling Rui's body again, and then pressed Ling Rui with her upper body to prevent him from turning over again, and finally saw Ling Rui's expression clearly.

The expression on Ling Rui's face at this time can be imagined, the expression is faint, tired, and sleepy, and the eyes are closed, showing a passive resistance.Tang Shishi was extremely depressed, wondering if Ling Rui looked like this after she got tired of her feelings.

Tang Shishi reached out and pinched Ling Rui's face, rolled his eyelids for a while, tugged at the corners of his mouth, and pinched his nose for a while. If there was something handy around her, Tang Shishi would definitely She will also apply makeup to Ling Rui, make up her hair, and so on, because the more she looks at Ling Rui's face, the more charming she feels.

"Old hooligan—don't ignore people!" Tang Shishi shouted coquettishly, pointing her fingers at Ling Rui's tall nose, and pressing down the tip of his nose.

"No, the hooligans won't get up anymore!" Ling Rui said leisurely, his attitude was still very negative, and even his voice was a little decadent.

Tang Shishi was speechless. After hearing Ling Rui's words, she unconsciously glanced at Ling Rui with her small eyes, glared at Ling Rui with resentment, pinched him angrily with her small hands, and said, "Liar!"

Ling Rui opened his eyes suddenly, and his deep eyes were full of light. He turned over and pressed Tang Shishi down, and said, "Look at my body, touch my face and touch my chest. You hinted at me first." ! It’s not that I don’t listen to you!”

After finishing speaking, before Tang Shishi opened her mouth to refuse again, she got in.

Tang Shishi didn't resist, she had actually expected this result early on, because Ling Rui's persistence in this matter was to such an extent that she couldn't achieve her goal and vowed not to give up, what was she resisting?

She has already seen the result of too much resistance, that is, Ling Rui ignores people!It's not good to be left out, so Tang Shishi suddenly felt that she could understand Ling Rui's mood!
Just do it!Anyway, they are husband and wife, as long as she can hold back and keep silent!

Tang Shishi figured it out, and took the initiative to cooperate with Ling Rui's rhythm, just a small mouth, tightly pursed.

(End of this chapter)

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