Chapter 425 Secret rivalry! (4)
"Old rascal, you—um! Take it easy!"

Ling Rui doesn't care!The hurt Tang Shishi couldn't bear it anymore, screaming again and again.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin at the door were very calm at this moment, they exchanged a wink, and Zhou Hu left.

The Lord has paid a lot of public food in the past two days, so he has to pay attention to nutrition, so Zhou Hu went to the market where he bought vegetables that day, had someone kill a big rooster, and bought some Tang poetry that he told him to buy that day. The seasonings and medicinal materials will be brought in after a while, put in the hospital kitchen, and stewed by others.

Ling Rui tossed Tang Shishi hard enough, then got up refreshed, looked at Tang Shishi's body as soft as a puddle of water, covered her with a quilt in satisfaction, and got out of bed.

"Are you going to work again?" Tang Shishi asked feebly, without opening her eyes.

"I'll take a look next door." Ling Rui said with a springy smile on his face.

"Oh, go, I'll sleep for a while! I'm so tired!" Tang Shishi muttered, hugging the quilt and fell asleep.

Of course, Shen He paid close attention to the matter between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi. At the beginning, when he heard Tang Shishi's rejection a few times, he was still secretly happy, thinking that it was the few words he and Tang Shishi sent. Complaining, it worked, thinking of Ling Rui's deflated appearance, desire and dissatisfaction, immediately felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

In the end, not long after he was happy, he heard the two people next door started to fuck again. Shen He's face was livid with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and his pinched fingers were crackling.

But after Ling Rui was done, he came over to demonstrate with him!

"Senior Shen He, I'm sorry, Shishi and I are newly married, and we're out of control. Didn't it disturb your rest?" As soon as Ling Rui came in, he saw Shen He's dark face. Missing the disappointment that flashed across his face, he said with a smile.

mock up!When he pushed the door just now, this guy must have thought that the little wild cat was coming!
"Ling Rui! You bastard! Is it interesting to torment her like this?" Shen He couldn't help cursing.

"Senior Shen He, you have countless beauties and many women, don't you know that the more you toss about this matter, the more pleasant you will be physically and mentally?" Ling Rui laughed, looking at Shen He's livid face, he finally felt complete !

"I—you go out! I'm going to rest!" Shen He said while looking at Ling Rui coldly.Ling Rui's words made it impossible for him to refute.

Ling Rui didn't like to fight, he achieved his goal and left happily.

During dinner, Ling Rui looked at the chicken soup that Zhou Hu brought over, and smelled the medicinal herbs in it, his expression darkened.Are these guys doubting their abilities?

Zhou Hu was also quick to react. After putting down the chicken soup, he said, "Master, this is specially made for my sister-in-law."

When Ling Rui heard it, his complexion brightened immediately. After taking the purple casserole chicken soup, he even praised Zhou Hu: "Good job! You have a heart!"

Zhou Hu immediately looked serious, saluted without arrogance or rashness, stepped aside, and then began to guard the gate dutifully.

After dinner, Ling Rui told Tang Shishi that she planned to leave early the next morning to go back to City B. Only then did Tang Shishi remember that she forgot to ask senior Shen He whether she was going to City B or back to City A, and hurried out like a gust of wind , Ling Rui didn't care, took a document and read it carefully.

After a while, Tang Shishi came back and told Ling Rui that Senior Shen He was going back to City B with them, saying that Shi Qian would take care of him after returning to City B, and that he also wanted to go to City B after he recovered his health The army directly reported that the firearm design drawing still needs to be improved by him and those people.

This answer was already expected by Ling Rui, so he didn't express anything in particular.

Early the next morning, Ling Rui took Tang Shishi and Shen He back to City B. After leaving Zhou Hu and a soldier named Fang Jiang to help Tang Shishi handle the transfer, Ling Rui rushed to the army to return.

As soon as Shen He was pushed out of the elevator, Shi Qian, who had been waiting in the hospital for a long time, rushed over. Fortunately, Fang Jiang, who was beside Zhou Hu, quickly blocked him, otherwise Shi Qian's happy meeting would have caused tragedy.

"Hey! How are you?" Shi Qian looked at Shen He's haggard, bloodless face with tears in her eyes and asked.

"Xiaoqian, I'm fine!" Shen He's eyes showed a little affection, and one sentence made Tang Shishi, who had just stepped out of the elevator, tremble all over, and the two began to stick together again.

Shi Qian didn't expect Tang Shishi to follow Shen He, she looked at Tang Shishi with some hostility, which made Tang Shishi feel baffled, she didn't provoke this one!
"Hey! Why is she here?" Shi Qian pointed at Tang Shishi and asked jealously.

"The school girl is helping me with the transfer procedures." Shen He explained softly.

Shi Qian stepped forward and snatched the things from Tang Shishi's hands, and then said to Tang Shishi, "Thank you Madam Ling! I'll take care of these!"

Tang Shishi felt baffled, but she didn't care. Someone took over just in time, and she was thinking of going home quickly!
Let Zhou Hu and Fang Jiang push Shen He into the ward. Tang Shishi said goodbye to Shen He.Just a few steps out of the VIP ward, Tang Shishi was called to stop her.

"Shishi!" Tang Shishi stopped in her tracks with a familiar and strange voice.

"Lu Tao, why are you here?" Tang Shishi asked with a polite smile at Lu Tao.

"It's my mother, she's in the hospital, she's in this room!" Lu Tao pointed to the VIP ward next to Shen He, and said.

It's just that as soon as Lu Tao finished speaking, he heard a bang from the ward, as if someone had thrown something forcefully to the ground.

"Get out! Get out! Don't be an eyesore to me! Call Lu Tao, if he doesn't divorce that little bitch, I'll go on a hunger strike!" Wang Fengzhen's loud voice was extremely loud, as no patient should have Weak.

There was bitterness on Lu Tao's face. He looked at Tang Shishi with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes. That gaze made Tang Shishi feel blocked.

It's not difficult to guess that Wang Fengzhen used the matter of illness to force Lu Tao to compromise again, just like before, she also used the matter of Lu Tao to force her and squeeze her.

"She and Ling Susu quarreled, and Ling Susu took a vase in the living room and hit her on the head." Lu Tao explained quietly.

Tang Shishi knew in her heart how Ling Susu could be easily controlled by Wang Fengzhen. After all, she was also a noble mayor's daughter. The set of rules that Wang Fengzhen used on her before was naturally difficult to work on her.

"Are you—are you okay?" Tang Shishi asked softly, but she could tell that Lu Tao was very bad.The first time she saw Lu Tao, she saw that the suit Lu Tao was wearing must have not been changed yesterday. The shirt and tie matched the suit quite well, but this way of dressing was not bad last year. Fashion, this year, is out of date.In addition, his complexion is very bad at the moment, he has not shaved his beard when he went out, his dark circles are serious, and his eyes are full of red bloodshot eyes from exhaustion. Enough was accumulated over time, she looked at such haggard Lu Tao, and began to wonder how he got here these days.

(End of this chapter)

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