Chapter 426 Secret rivalry! (5)
Lu Tao felt hot in his eye sockets because of Tang Shishi's soft greeting. He tried his best to suppress his inner emotions, trying not to let the expression on his face reveal his current mood, and said in a flat voice: "It's okay, anyway. Just live a day like that, count it as a day." After speaking, he smiled indifferently, his eyes fell on Tang Shishi's face, carefully avoiding her eyes.

After all, they have been together for so many years, Tang Shishi could feel the decadence in Lu Tao's heart, she moved her lips, but said nothing.

What do you say?With their current relationship, they can't say anything. It is already very good to meet and say hello and say a word or two.

Tang Shishi wanted to say goodbye, but before she could speak, Lu Tao asked, "Is that senior Shen He in there? I heard that you were kidnapped a while ago, and it was Senior Shen He who rescued you?"

The news of Tang Shishi's kidnapping can't be blocked. Lu Tao remembers that when he came home that day, Ling Susu told him the news with a face full of sarcasm, but he couldn't care less at that time, and hurried back to the company , asked someone to find a relationship to clarify the matter, although he can't help much, but he has been paying attention to this matter, so today when he heard that Tang Shishi returned to City B and entered the city hospital, he hurried He rushed over so that he could meet her, and he was relieved to see that she was well.

"Yeah. Senior Shen He, he blocked the knife for me." Tang Shishi nodded, and at this time there was another sharp howl from Wang Fengzhen's ward: "Call for Lu Tao! Call me quickly!"

Seeing the embarrassment on Lu Tao's face, Tang Shishi quickly said, "I won't bother you to take care of the patient. Goodbye!" After speaking, she took Zhou Hu and Fang Jiang into the elevator.

Lu Tao looked at Tang Shishi's back infatuatedly. She was wearing a lavender coat today. The soft color made her fair skin more bright, and her face was rosy and full of energy. There was nothing wrong, Xiangbi didn't suffer much from the days when he was kidnapped, and he finally let go of his heart.

There was another sound of smashing things in Wang Fengzhen's ward at this moment, but this time with a muffled groan, it was obvious that something hit someone. After a while, the nurse covered her head and pushed the door out. Seeing Lu Tao standing Outside the door, I was stunned for a moment, and when I was about to speak, I was stopped by Lu Tao's gesture.

"I'll double your salary again, don't tell me I've been here!" Lu Tao looked at the nurse and said.

The nurse hesitated for a while, nodded, and agreed!
For money's sake!She will bear it any longer!

Seeing the nurse nodding, Lu Tao didn't stay any longer, and walked down the stairs without even looking at Wang Fengzhen's ward.When he reached the next floor, he stood by the window and watched Tang Shishi leave the gate of the hospital. There was already a car waiting there. The person beside her opened the car door for her, she got in, and then the car drove away. .

In fact, Lu Tao couldn't see Tang Shishi's face clearly, after all, it was so far away, but he recognized Tang Shishi's light purple coat at a glance. In the crowd, the faint purple was so beautiful. Bright eyes, let his eyes follow, unable to move away all the way.

It wasn't until Tang Shishi got in the car and left for a long time that Lu Tao looked away and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He kept Tang Shishi on guard against Shen He, but Shen He could at least stand beside Tang Shishi to block her at the critical moment. He claimed to love Tang Shishi, but recalling the past six years, he hadn't done anything for Tang Shishi. What he said, his self-righteous love, apart from causing irreparable damage to Tang Shishi, left nothing worth remembering!Over the years, he has been squandering the love Tang Shishi gave him as a matter of course, until now it is irreversible, and he is drifting away from her. Now it seems that his so-called love is far worse than Shen He's. Far!

No wonder, Tang Shishi gave up so resolutely and without hesitation!
Everything is his own fault!

Tang Shishi took the car from the hospital all the way back to Jun's compound. After leaving home for so long, she felt a sense of urgency for a tired bird to return to its nest. Whenever she thought of her family, Tang Shishi had the urge to cry.

Mr. Jun looked at the gate of the courtyard countless times early in the morning. Mrs. Ling moved a Maza, and sat outside the main house early in the morning, euphemistically called basking in the sun.

In fact, today's weather is not sunny, but no one in the family can tell him off. Ling Yue just told him to wear more clothes, and took a scarf for Mrs. Ling to wrap around his neck. The old man has a bad windpipe, so don't be cold. caught.

"I said, old man Jun, can you stop wandering around, it makes me dizzy!" Old Mrs. Ling looked at Mr. Jun who was coming in and out, and couldn't help complaining: "If there is something troublesome, go out and have a look, run outside the door When the car passes by, you can't sit still, just this concentration?"

Mr. Jun looked sideways at Mrs. Ling, and said, "I don't know who, sitting at the door basking in the sun on a cloudy day, you are jealous of my good physique! Your two old cold legs can't walk even if you want to! "Master Jun replied bluntly.

Old Mrs. Ling was generous and didn't care about Mr. Jun. He patted Ah Hua's head, thinking that he couldn't let the girl see that he and Mr. Jun were at odds as soon as he came back, wouldn't he be troubled?I bypassed him today, don't you think?Ah Hua?

These days, Ah Hua has developed a relationship with Mrs. Ling, as if she had a telepathy. She looked up at Mrs. Ling, groaned, and then looked outside the door.

Mr. Jun naturally wasn't in the mood to quarrel today, he went around the door again, didn't even see a car, and came back with a disappointed face.Why hasn't this girl come back yet?Could it be that she went to her uncle and aunt first?

"Little Li, hurry up and call Shishi and tell her that his uncle and aunt are all in the compound, and tell her not to go wrong." Mr. Jun ordered.

"Yes!" Xiao Li was about to make a call immediately after receiving the order, but Ling Yue stopped him and said, "Dad, have you forgotten again? Shishi's mobile phone is upstairs in the bedroom. Call She can't get it either."

During the Go tournament that day, Tang Shishi left her cell phone and everything in the Go club, and it was Mr. Jun who brought it back.

"Hey! You're really serious about this boy Rui. It's been so many days and we don't know how to buy a new mobile phone for Shishi. Our family still lacks the money? Isn't it popular for people to wear what kind of clothes to match with what kind of clothes?" Mobile phone? Tomorrow I'll go and buy some more for Shishi, so I won't be able to find anyone!" Mr. Jun complained.

Yun Mo was happy when she heard Mr. Jun's words, she imagined Tang Shishi's whole body covered with mobile phones!

"Grandpa Jun, it's not a good thing to have too many mobile phones. Next time you will be irritable, thinking about which mobile phone Shishi took out today and what number it is!" Mo Youyou slipped into Jun Nuanxin's room, Out of a head said.She has gotten along well with Jun Nuanxin in the past two days, especially Jun Nuanxin even owns a bar of her own, and runs around wearing such high heels every day, moving freely, which makes Mo Youyou feel very cool!
(End of this chapter)

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