Chapter 427: Well-Intentioned! (1)
Thinking about Mo Youyou's words, Mr. Jun also felt that it made sense. Just then, the sound of a car came from outside again. Mr. Jun was overjoyed, and said, "This must be the girl Shishi who is back!"

After a while, Mr. Jun came back with a disappointed expression on his face.

Grandpa Ling looked at Mr. Jun's disheveled face, and couldn't help but start complaining again: "It's a pity that I have been a scout all day long, and I can't even distinguish the sound of Boy Rui's off-road vehicle from the sound of a car!"

As soon as Mr. Jun heard Mrs. Ling's words, he became angry. This old man started to provoke him again!
"Old man Ling, when I was a scout, I didn't even have these high-end gadgets. If you can't tell them apart, you won't be able to tell them apart. It's like you've played Go all your life, and you're still a stinky chess basket! Arty!" Mr. Jun With his hands on his hips, he looked down at Mrs. Ling and said.

"What's wrong with me being a stinky chess player? I regard chess as a hobby. Do you understand your hobby? It's better than you rolling your trouser legs into the vegetable field in cold weather. It's much better!" The old lady Ling thought of it. The old man Jun went to tidy up the large shed of vegetables every day, and he had to show off to him, so he couldn't help holding his breath.

"I'm called back to the basics, without losing the true nature of the working people. Shishi girl praises the truth of my life. Whoever is like you knows how to play those fake things all day long! Play Go and recruit some for Shishi It's a disaster!" What Mr. Jun dislikes the most is that Mrs. Ling dislikes the mud on his trouser legs. They were all peasants who walked out of the fields like this back then. How pretentious are they!It's as if he never eats what grows in the ground!

"You——I think about people when I see things, you are a slow-moving creature, you know nothing!" Although Mrs. Ling felt guilty about Tang Shishi's kidnapping, she was determined not to allow Mr. Jun to like him. The Go criticism is useless, and can't help but speak rudely.

The people in the room heard that the two old men started to reach the horns again, but this time they seemed to lose control of their emotions, and couldn't help but feel worried. Just as they were about to come out to persuade them, they heard a shout full of joy from outside the courtyard: " Grandpa, I'm back!"

When Tang Shishi got out of the car, she heard the noise of Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Jun coming from the yard. She was overjoyed and felt very cordial. She couldn't help shouting before entering the door.

The old man Ling who was preparing to have a big fight in the yard stood up excitedly when he heard Tang Shishi's voice. Because he got up too fast, he felt dizzy before his eyes. Ling Yue, who was so frightened that he rushed out of the door, hurriedly supported him, He said worriedly: "Dad, are you okay? What are you doing so fast!"

Tang Guoduan, who was walking to the door, paused for a moment, glanced at Mrs. Ling, said nothing, then stepped past Mrs. Ling and Ling Yue, and walked out.

Old Master Ling looked at Tang Guoduan with hope in his eyes, but after Tang Guoduan passed them, the brilliance in Old Master Ling's eyes dimmed again, with an extremely disappointed expression.

"Dad—" Ling Yue tugged at Old Master Ling's sleeve and called out in a low voice.

Tang Guoduan's attitude towards Mrs. Ling has improved during these days. Although he doesn't like to talk to him, at least he didn't explicitly reject him when they met. This is already an improvement for the relationship between the two, after all It is impossible to dissolve the misunderstanding and estrangement of so many years in a few words, we must give each other some time, right?
Old Master Ling patted Ling Yue's hand, nodded, looked at Tang Guoduan's back, and sighed. He understood the reason, but logically, he always hoped that Tang Guoduan would accept him quickly, after all, he is an old man now. He felt powerless in many things, and he was really afraid that he would not be able to wait for that day!
Mr. Jun was standing at the door, so of course he took the lead and went out first. Before reaching the gate, Tang Shishi rushed in like a gust of wind, and almost bumped into Mr. Jun.

"Grandpa, I'm back!" Tang Shishi stepped forward and hugged Mr. Jun's arm, saying excitedly.

"Girl, welcome home!" Old Master Jun laughed heartily, but his voice was slightly trembling with excitement.

"Hmm! It feels so good to be home!" Tang Shishi smiled, and then looked at Tang Guoduan, Mrs. Ling and Ling Yue who had come out, Jun Nuanxin, Cai Xiaofen and Yunmo, and Jun Shaoyang and Jun who were at the door. Zeyu and Mo Youyou, with friendly faces, said cheerfully: "Grandpa Ling, uncle, aunt, father, mother, second uncle, second aunt, warm heart, Yoyo, I'm home!" Unexpectedly, uncle Aunt and Grandpa Ling are also here, and she met them as soon as she got home, which is great!
Grandpa Ling and the others looked at Tang Shishi, as if they had made an appointment beforehand, and said, "Welcome home!" After speaking, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Everyone, don't stand outside blowing the cold wind, go inside!" Ling Yue said with a smile, and then secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes while turning her head.

"Let's go, everyone go in!" Mr. Jun also spoke, and then looked at Mrs. Ling and said bluntly, "Mr. Ling, go in quickly! I have been waiting outside the door all morning, don't freeze your old cold legs !"

Old Master Ling glared at Old Master Jun angrily when he heard this, you old man!He will not appreciate him!

"Grandpa Ling, how can you blow the cold wind outside for such a long time!" Tang Shishi immediately let go of Mr. Jun's arm when she heard Mr. Jun's words, stepped forward to hug Mr. Ling's arm, and complained distressedly: "I will not allow you to do so in the future!" It’s like this, it’s so cold!”

"Grandpa just wants to see you sooner!" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi carefully, and said apologetically, "Girl, it's Grandpa who made you suffer!"

He didn't expect Tang Shishi to be kidnapped because of his unintentional mistake, and he regretted it when he thought about it.

"I didn't suffer. These days I eat well, drink well, and live a nourishing life!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"Really?" Old Master Ling asked in disbelief.

"Really!" Tang Shishi nodded as if promising.

"Come on, go into the house quickly, and tell grandpa how you've been living these days!" Grandpa Ling wanted to know everything impatiently.

"Yes, tell me what's going on!" Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi with red eyes and said.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi readily agreed.

"I also want to know, I heard that you girl showed your face that day!" Yun Mo smiled and winked at Tang Shishi ambiguously.

Tang Shishi heard the subtext in Yunmo's words, and knew that she was talking about the scene where she and Ling Rui, who had changed into Jun Mubei, were locked in a cage. Her face became hot, and she cursed in her heart: No wonder The second brother's love of tricks was originally inherited from the second aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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