Chapter 428: Well-Intentioned! (2)
"Did Shishi beat those bastards to pieces? Come on, come in and tell us!" Ling Yue said eagerly when she heard Yunmo's words.

"Let's go, go in first, it's cold outside!" Tang Shishi smiled sweetly at Ling Yue, and was about to enter the house holding Mrs. Ling's arm.

"Go into the house, everyone, don't stand around outside!" Ling Yue greeted Tang Shishi immediately when she heard Tang Shishi say it was cold.

As a result, Tang Shishi stepped out with one foot and hadn't landed on the ground, but Grandpa Jun asked angrily from behind: "Girl, you have old man Ling, so you don't want Grandpa Jun?"

When Tang Shishi turned her head and saw the sour expression on Mr. Jun's face, she thought it was funny, and quickly put her other arm around Mr. Jun's, and said, "How could it be! I don't want to part with Mr. Jun!"

There was a smile on Mr. Jun's face. It was obvious that Tang Shishi's words made him feel very good. He said boldly, "Go! Go into the house!"

A group of people entered the house again with a huff.

Tang Shishi first helped Mrs. Ling to sit on the sofa, and then let Mrs. Jun sit on the sofa. As soon as she was free, Jun Nuanxin rushed up to hug Tang Shishi, couldn't help crying and sobbing She said, "Sister-in-law three, you are back! I'm so worried!"

Ever since Tang Shishi was kidnapped, Jun Nuanxin blamed herself a lot. During these days, she couldn't eat or sleep, and was often plagued by nightmares at night. Her condition was very bad. She lost a lot of weight and was haggard.

"Don't cry, I'm really fine! It's you, why have you lost so much weight?" Tang Shishi couldn't help complaining that she was panicked by Jun Nuanxin's bones.

"This girl, she has been out of her mind all day long, so she has never settled down." Mr. Jun sighed with emotion.

"It's all my fault. I encouraged my third sister-in-law to participate in that Go game, otherwise such a thing wouldn't have happened!" Jun Nuanxin blamed herself very much when she thought of this incident.

"Fool, it's none of your business!" Tang Shishi said, and said to Jun Nuanxin: "Look at me, I'm getting fat!"

"It's not that I'm fat, but I'm not thin either!" Cai Xiaofen said pertinently from the side.From the moment Tang Shishi entered the door, her eyes were fixed on Tang Shishi, and she had read Tang Shishi carefully from head to toe.

"It's so fat! Look here—" Tang Shishi pointed at her chin, and said distressedly, "It's a small chin! Oops! I have to lose weight, or Ling Rui might return me!"

"He dares! If he dares to despise you, grandpa will break that brat's legs!" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Old Master Ling slammed his crutch on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Girl, don't be afraid, grandpa will back you up! If he dares to reject you, grandpa will have his hands cut off!" Naturally, old man Jun was unwilling to be left behind, and quickly expressed his opinion.

"Well! With the support of two grandpas, I suddenly felt my back slip!" Tang Shishi laughed a few times and said.Then thinking of Ling Rui whose hands and legs had been crippled, I couldn't help but shudder in my heart!
"You girl! Stop wronging my boy Rui!" Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi and said pretending to be angry.She is definitely on the united front with her son-in-law and supports Ling Rui.

"That's right! Third sister-in-law, don't wrong the third brother. In the eyes of the third brother, even if you become an old witch, you are also the most beautiful old witch!" Jun Nuanxin hurriedly defended Ling Rui!
"I don't want to become an old witch! Nuanxin, what kind of metaphor is this, take it back, take it back quickly!" Tang Shishi immediately refused to follow Jun Nuanxin's words.

"Hehe! Third sister-in-law, I think you must have cast some kind of enchantment, otherwise, how could you fascinate my third brother?" Jun Nuanxin's face dissipated, a smile climbed onto his cheeks, and he stepped back a few steps to look Looking at Tang Shishi, she said warily: "Perhaps the current appearance is due to the old witch's demonic methods!"

"Jun Nuanxin! You want to be beaten!" Tang Shishi angrily rolled up her sleeves and shook her fist at Jun Nuanxin.

"Oh! The old witch is going to show her power! It's scary!" Jun Nuanxin said and ran away!
"It's too much! If I don't fix you up today, I won't be Tang Shishi!" Tang Shishi said, running towards Jun Nuanxin!

"Of course you're not Tang Shishi, you're an old witch!" Jun Nuanxin said with a smile as she ran, "Admit it! Haha! Show your true form!"

"Also! Let's see if I catch up with you in a while, you're still so stubborn!" Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin started chasing each other around the room as she said that!

The quarrel between the two drove away the previous worries of the people in the room. Everyone had a smile on their faces, watching the two people playing.

"Jun Nuanxin, run to the left! Right! Right! Run quickly!" Mo Youyou also followed suit: "Tang Shishi, right! Left! Left!"

Everyone looked at Mo Youyou and shook his head amusedly. They really don't know who this guy is helping!

Grandpa Jun looked at Jun Nuanxin who smiled so easily for the first time in these days, and looked at Tang Shishi with an approving smile on his face.

This kid is really well-intentioned!
Jun Nuanxin was caught by Tang Shishi, and she was tossed hard for a while. She couldn't stop giggling and begging for mercy after being tickled.

"Girl Shishi, stop making trouble, come here and tell grandpa how you've been doing these days!" Guessing that Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin were almost making a fuss, Old Master Ling called out to Tang Shishi.

So Tang Shishi let Jun Nuanxin go, and she still didn't forget to threaten her: "I'll let you off this time for Grandpa Ling's sake, don't dare to mess with me next time, hehe!" Scratch the heart-warming waist!

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Jun Nuan said fearfully.

Only then did Tang Shishi let Jun Nuanxin go, walked towards everyone, and sat in an empty seat next to Mr. Jun.

"Grandpa Ling is still good to me! Since Grandpa Jun has a granddaughter-in-law, he doesn't take his granddaughter seriously!" Jun Nuanxin looked at Tang Shishi sitting next to Grandpa Jun, pretending to complain.

"You stinky girl! When will you be half as smart and sensible as Shishi girl!" Mr. Jun couldn't help but scolded Jun Nuanxin with a smile.

"Anyway, it's just that you're biased!" Jun Nuanxin said, pulled a chair and sat down next to Mrs. Ling, then hugged Mrs. Ling's arm and said, "Grandpa Ling is better! Third sister-in-law, can you Don't rob Grandpa Ling from me again!"

"I'm so cute, and when the flowers bloom, do I still need to grab them? It's too degrading of my style!" Tang Shishi said with a stinky chin.

"You child, it's not over yet! Hurry up and get down to business!" Tang Guoduan couldn't help urging, and said with a smile.

So Tang Shishi took herself to a villa in T city after being kidnapped, and then "fighted wits and courage" with the people inside, and changed Ling Rui into Jun Mubei to rescue her, and they had a big banquet She told the story vividly. Of course, she spontaneously omitted the incident of being raped while she was in a semi-consciousness, which is a typical example of reporting good news but not bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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