Chapter 429: Well-Intentioned! (3)
"You girl, I really have you!" Yunmo heard that Tang Shishi used food as a weapon, almost killed Chen Cheng, and beat Xie Quan several times, and gave Tang Shishi a thumbs up appreciatively.

"Sister-in-law three, you are amazing! I have decided to continue adoring you!" Jun Nuanxin crossed her hands, her eyes twinkled like stars.

"I didn't expect that cooking can kill people!" Mo Youyou couldn't help but sigh, and became a little more curious about Tang Shishi.

"Who told them to provoke me! You don't know, that Xie Quan, who was screwed by me, squatted on the toilet all night, didn't get up, and took antidiarrheal medicine, but it didn't work. When I saw him the next day , His eyeballs are sunk in!" Tang Shishi couldn't stop laughing complacently when she thought of Xie Quan's miserable image.

"Xie Quan? A member of the Xie family?" When Mr. Jun heard Tang Shishi say Xie Quan's name, the look in his eyes turned cold, the smile faded from his face, and there was a burst of cold air around him.

"When he introduced himself, he said his name was Xie Quan, Grandpa, what's wrong?" Tang Shishi was the closest to Mr. Jun, so she could clearly feel the coldness on Mr. Jun's body when he mentioned Xie Quan, and couldn't help it. I feel a little uneasy.

"Did he do anything to hurt you?" Mr. Jun asked.

"No. He also gave me ointment to smear the wound on the palm of my hand. Grandpa, look!" Tang Shishi stretched out her hands, put them in front of Mr. Jun, and said with a smile, "It's all good!"

Although Tang Shishi always had a premonition in her heart that someone else should have applied the ointment to her, but she only caught Xie Quan that night, so she had to blame him.

"This kid is smart!" Mr. Jun snorted coldly.Hearing what Tang Shishi said, the anger in Mr. Jun's heart when he just heard that Xie Quan was guarding Tang Shishi finally faded away, but when he thought of the Xie family's participation in it, he still felt hard to calm down.

"So, I didn't punish him anymore, but that guy was so frightened by me that he didn't dare to eat what I made anymore!" Thinking of this, Tang Shishi smiled proudly.

"You! You're just a ghost!" Mrs. Ling couldn't help but sighed, the granddaughter-in-law Tang Shishi became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Then how could that senior of yours save you from your injury? You little girl is here to report good news but not bad news!" Ling Yue said distressedly looking at Tang Shishi's bright smiling face.

"That was indeed an accident! I had a gun in my hand at the time, but everyone didn't know it, alas!" Thinking of Shen He being injured and almost dying in order to save herself, the smile on Tang Shishi's face disappeared, and she sighed.

"Is the senior you mentioned the one who took special care of you in college?" Cai Xiaofen asked.

"Yes, that's him!" Tang Shishi looked at Cai Xiaofen and smiled.

When I was in college, besides Lu Tao, among the men Tang Shishi mentioned was Shen He, so Cai Xiaofen still had an impression of Shen He.

"Then we have to find an opportunity to thank him! Find time to visit the hospital." Tang Guoduan said.

"Yeah! I have to go and visit!" Ling Yue agreed with Cai Xiaofen.

Jun Zeyu nodded with a smile, but there was an unidentified gleam in his eyes.

"Actually, on the day of the banquet, the person I admired the most was Yoyo!" Tang Shishi said with a smile when she saw Mo Youyou sitting on the edge of the sofa.

"Ah? I didn't do anything!" Mo Youyou quickly waved her hands and said awkwardly.

"Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Yun Mo immediately responded enthusiastically when she heard Tang Shishi talk about Mo Youyou.

"Yuyou is amazing, the Russian side has already experienced the goods, and seeing that their deal has been concluded, but Yoyo didn't even take a look at the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, and decisively said that Nine Dragons Jade Cup is fake , and after she held that Nine Dragons jade cup and looked at the light for a while, guess what?" Tang Shishi asked at the key point to tantalize people's appetite.

"What's wrong? Tell me!" Yunmo asked impatiently.

"Yes, let's continue." Jun Nuanxin also asked eagerly. After getting along with Mo Youyou for the past two days, she and Mo Youyou have become good friends, and she is even more curious about Mo Youyou's affairs.

Tang Shishi saw that everyone was looking at her with concern, so she said, and acted out Mo Youyou's action of smashing the cup that day: "She just - bang, smashed the fake Nine Dragons Jade Cup on the ground. on the table, and then the Nine Dragons Jade Cup shattered!"

"Smashed?! Yoyo just smashed that fake? Didn't you have any evidence to prove it's a fake? Why did you smash it?" Jun Nuan asked puzzled.She has also watched a few episodes of appraising treasures, and has also been to those live TV auctions to buy things. Some auctions will ask experts to verify those antiques on the spot for show. If they are found to be fakes, they will be destroyed on the spot, so she I don't understand why Mo Youyou smashed the Nine Dragons Jade Cup before he showed evidence to prove it was a fake!

"Well done! This little girl has courage!" Yun Mo slapped her thigh and said excitedly.

When Mo Youyou heard Yunmo's words, she felt embarrassed, looked at Tang Shishi and said, "It's not as exaggerated as you describe!"

"Where is it exaggerating? I am seeking truth from facts, and the scene is reappearing!" Tang Shishi said regretfully, "Why do you think you are willing to smash that cup? Although it is a fake, it is so good-looking anyway. It’s not bad, it’s good to take it home as an ordinary decoration, besides, it’s also an antique.”

"Hey, I'm used to it, I couldn't hold it back for a while!" Mo Youyou was actually quite regretful, if she kept that jade cup, got it, and took it out to deceive people, she would definitely get a lot of money!

"Quickly go on, what happened after that? Did they start fighting?" Cai Xiaofen was fascinated as if she was listening to a story.Tang Shishi's experience this time is a wonderful story.

"No! It turns out that the fragment that Yoyo is holding is the evidence, and the word 'imitation' is engraved on it!" Tang Shishi said with a smile: "You don't know, when people from Russia Knowing that Chen Shi actually traded an imitation product with them, his expression was so ugly! Haha!"

"So, Chen Shi's tricks were exposed, and he became angry and made people attack you first?" Mr. Jun asked.

"En." Tang Shishi responded.

"Then what happened to that scarred face? Isn't he from Russia? How could he sneak attack you?" Jun Nuan asked puzzled.

"I don't know about that either." As soon as the scarred face was mentioned, Tang Shishi felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, and said with a haha, "I think he must be jealous of my beautiful appearance. You don't know, the scar on his face , it's scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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