Chapter 430: Well-Intentioned! (4)
"You!" Ling Yue glanced at Tang Shishi angrily, what kind of reason is that!However, he was moved by Tang Shishi's little thought.

"That scarred face should be a grave robber. If I'm not mistaken, it should be Sun Lao San who has disappeared for several years!" Mo Youyou said.

Sun Laosan's ancestors have been tomb robbers for three generations. Grandpa is Sun Laoda, father Sun Laoer, and he is called Sun Laosan when he comes here. This family is all masters of tomb robbers, but their reputation is notorious in the antique world. Years ago, I heard that the second child Sun was killed and the third child Sun was missing. Mo Youyou once glanced at the photos of the three generations of the grandparents of the Sun family, so he had a somewhat vague impression.

"It's him! This incident is still the root of the trouble left by that kid Mu Bei. People escaped back then. Who knew that he followed Russia and appeared at the transaction scene. Back then, Mu Bei killed Sun Laosan. Father and his concubine, that's why he took advantage of the chaos to attack Shishi that day, trying to make Mu Bei lose his love, but he didn't expect that Mu Bei and Rui boy changed their appearances and switched identities!" Yun Mo took Mo Youyou's words and explained.

"It turned out to be the Bei boy who caused the trouble! I can't spare this brat!" Old Man Jun said angrily.

Jun Mubei was enjoying the life of fine wine in the gold powder at the moment, and suddenly sneezed, the wine glass in his hand trembled, and a few drops of scarlet liquid spilled out, soaking his sleeves.He touched his nose and felt something was wrong!
That guy Tang Shishi came home today, did he arrange something for him again?He still doesn't want to go home for lunch!So as not to be counted!
"Mu Bei, I heard that my apprentice is coming back today, when will he come here?" Chris ran in excitedly at this time and asked.

"What are you doing here? That woman will come again in the future and show me all the things here, so that she can take care of everything here!" Jun Mubei looked at Chris with an excited expression, and his face turned pale. sank.

"Mu Bei, when did you become so stingy? It's just a broken gun! Besides, isn't it still in great use?" Chris looked at Jun Mubei in disapproval and said.

"In short, we can't let her take things out casually!" Jun Mubei's face became even more ugly when he was questioned by Chris, and he completely forgot that he was still complaining about how Tang Shishi just let out a bullet.

"Okay, okay, I got it! That Shishi can't come, take me to your house!" When Chris thought of Tang Shishi's return, he would definitely show his hands in the kitchen, and his saliva couldn't help but flooded.

"What are you going to do at my house? Chris, with your appearance, you should avoid going out, especially the box starting with the word '1'. You should stop wandering around, and be careful that you will be sold as a duck!" As soon as Jun Mubei came back, he Hearing Wu Hao say that in recent days, Chris often hangs around the box beginning with the word '1', and he couldn't help but remind him.

"I just wanted to meet my future partner!" Chris retorted.He heard that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi developed an adulterous relationship in the box beginning with the word '1', so they often wandered around when there was nothing to do, thinking that he would be lucky and get a Tang Shishi who could cook like that The daughter-in-law went back.

But these days, Chris has met a few women who can cook over there, but without exception, they all want to "make cooked rice with raw rice" with him!
Jun Mubei looked at Chris like a monster, did this guy hit the tofu with his brain?So deliberate, can it be called a chance encounter?

At noon, Tang Shishi did exactly what Chris had said. She showed off her skills and cooked a lot of dishes. Cai Xiaofen and Ling Yue were cooking with her. The three of them worked hard in the kitchen for more than an hour. A table full of dishes.

During the meal, Tang Shishi saw that Chang Guiru hadn't come back yet, so she couldn't help asking Ling Yue curiously: "Mom, why isn't Auntie home yet, do you want to call her?"

"No, your aunt is busy these days, and she often has to go out with your uncle. This time, she went to City A, and she won't be back for several days." Ling Yue explained.

"Oh." Tang Shishi understood that the eldest aunt followed the uncle to the "Madam Diplomacy".

During the meal, Tang Shishi inadvertently asked about Sun Xiaofen. She remembered that the day she was kidnapped, Sun Xiaofen was also on the stage, anxious to come and pull her, but was beaten unconscious, and she didn't know what happened!

"You said that Baimo's mother, she asked Sun Xiaotong to come to our house to ask about your situation several times, but your grandfather didn't give them any good looks." Yunmo asked when Tang Shishi asked about Sun Xiaofen : "Shishi, did something else happen that day?"

"Could it be that the Bai family is also involved in this matter?" Ling Yue asked, frowning.

"The Bai family probably didn't have one. The group of people set off smoke bombs that day, and then knocked me out with an anesthesia gun. Before I was unconscious, I saw Sun Xiaofen anxiously coming forward to pull me. Maybe she saw someone behind me talking to me. I shot coldly, but she was knocked out first." Tang Shishi explained.Then he remembered Bai Mo's ferocious and vicious face at that time, and said, "But Bai Mo must have known about it."

"That scum!" Jun Nuanxin couldn't help cursing bitterly when she heard Tang Shishi's words!Since Tang Shishi was kidnapped, Bai Mo has been admitted to the hospital. She also suspects that Bai Mo must know something. After all, what happened in the Bai family's Go club is obviously premeditated by the other party. Sufficient, how could the Bai family be unaware?
So, she couldn't help but find the hospital again, lowering her profile and begging Bai Mo to tell her who exactly Tang Shishi was kidnapped and where she went, but Bai Mo deliberately made things difficult for her and humiliated her in every possible way. , and almost knelt down for Bai Mo, if Quan Shaobai hadn't happened to show up and dragged her away, she would have been humiliated by Bai Mo without any dignity at all!
Now listening to Tang Shishi talking about Bai Mo, Jun Nuan is so angry that she wants to slap Bai Mo to death!

The Jun family didn't know that Jun Nuanxin had done these things, and thought that Jun Nuanxin was too excited because of her relationship with Tang Shishi, so they didn't investigate further.

"I don't know what's wrong with this branch of the Bai family. The kid next door is a good guy, but he doesn't like to socialize and is obsessed with studying. This Baimo is simply a poisonous snake with a core. Bite anyone!" Ling Yue couldn't help being angry when she thought of Bai Mo's repeated embarrassment with Tang Shishi.

When Mo Youyou heard Ling Yue comparing a bad woman to a poisonous snake, she frowned slightly in disapproval. Her big hair is not that indiscriminate, and she is very obedient. Aunt Ling's comparison is too insulting to snakes up!
"Well, I heard it's not bad. Those of the old man's brothers and sisters are speechless! I heard that there have been many jokes in city A. Old man Bai is considered smart, and he came to B early. I heard that I went to City A a few days ago, but I was called by those brothers and sisters to end the lawsuit!" Old Master Ling said.

(End of this chapter)

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